Sunday, March 28, 2021

Transparent, opaque, or lead shielding?

"For those who voted for Biden, you need to be pitied. Voting for Biden was like trading in a perfectly good car, and then buying an oil burner with bald tires, and 300,000 miles on it. All because you did not like the orange color on the good car you traded in."

Most have probably heard this by now. Recently, we had eighteen Republican Senators venture down to the border to see what was really happening. After all, we just heard from our fearless leader that everything was hunky dory down there, and if there was a problem, it was the fault of the "Orange Man". But (and this is a big but) - we could not verify that fact on the news, as there is a "news blackout" in the detention camps. And why pray tell, is that? You know - that old Covid - 19 excuse.

Liar, liar, pants on fire. That is the only thing I have to say to Slo Joe and his up talking redhead assistant. The reason there is a news blackout on the detention camps, is because (I will use Lindsey Graham's words) - it is now Biden's "shit show". One Senator said, "this is no longer a crisis - it is a disaster". Another Senator said, "This is not only a crisis for those kids who are stuck in these facilities, it is a crisis for our national security." In other words, what is happening on the southern border is not transparent, not even opaque. It is covered with lead shielding.

For a guy who wants to be our "Covid President", Biden does not seem to give a rat's ass about creating the biggest supper spreader event in the country so far this year. It makes what is going on in Miami Beach look like child's play. We have up to 4,000 kids stuck in cages (I mean tents), which are only set up to house 250. We have a positivity rate of 10% on these kids, and yet, many are being released into the general public. How does that work for contact tracing?

I think once again, since it is the Lenten Season, we need to address the destructive power of hate. The hatred for all things Trump, is so deep, so vile within Biden and his inner circle, they are willing to sacrifice part of our national security to undo the good that Trump had done. The real victims here are not the kids in the camps - it is the American citizenry. For without our permission, Slo Joe and his ideologue idiots, have laid bare our southern border. Laid it bare for human and drug trafficking, terrorists, and everything else bad which could come out of Biden's Pandora's Box of revenge on the Orange Man.

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the new socialist Democrat party. How do you like it so far? For those of you who became fed up with Donald Trump's mannerisms (not his results), how do you like living in this gulag instead?

For those who voted for Biden, you need to be pitied. Voting for Biden was like trading in a perfectly good car, and then buying an oil burner with bald tires, and 300,000 miles on it. All because you did not like the orange color on the good car you traded in. That kind of logic leaves me just SMH, over, and over, and over again.    

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