Tuesday, March 23, 2021

In the land of the blind, a one eyed man can be king...

"We have people being released into our country who have a 10% Covid infection rate. We have drugs galore coming over the border. People on the terror watch list. Criminals. Rapists. Every kind of bad actor. Should not the Secretary of Homeland Security be hitting the klaxon?" 

I may be old school, but Homeland Security should be one of the most important posts in government. Like right up there with Defense. I do think the person Biden chose to be the Secretary of Defense sort of passes muster (retired General Lloyd Austin). But the guy Biden picked to run Homeland Security is a loo-loo. He really scares me, due to his incompetence. And he shouldn't be incompetent, as he has worked in Homeland before - under Obama. But this guy is at variance with the truth. Bigly. 

Alejandro Mayorkas is a piece of work. For a guy who escaped from Cuba as a youth, he somehow ended on the wrong side of the street (politically). But Biden wanted a puppet to run DHS. One who could do all of Biden's bidding. And this guy fits the bill. For a position this important, a person of integrity would have thrown his badge on the desk, and walked out the door. Not Mayorkas. Biden will lie, and Mayorkas will swear to it. Definition = he is nothing but a tool.

What is happening on the border right now is historic - and not in a good way. Yet this bald headed Cuban has the balls to look into the camera and repeat two huge lies. First, this is no "crisis", only a situation. And then if it does look chaotic, it is all Trump's fault. Trump after all, is the one who dismantled the fine system that Obama built. Those who are paying attention know that both of those statements are world class whoppers. And yet the media just sits and listens to him, with very little challenge.

Here is the truth right now, and you will NEVER hear this from Mayorkas. We have a surge of illegals of biblical proportion coming across our border right now. So many people, all Border Control can do is fingerprint, and then release. No court date is set. Everyone is on the "honor" system. EVERYTHING that Trump did to fix this mess, has been unfixed by Biden and Mayorkas. 

We have people being released into our country who have a 10% Covid infection rate. We have drugs galore coming over the border. People on the terror watch list. Criminals. Rapists. Every kind of bad actor. Should not the Secretary of Homeland Security be hitting the klaxon? Sounding the alarm? Loudly? Nope. As a tool of Biden, his allegiance is only to the DNC - not to this country. A real patriot would NEVER allow this mess to happen on our border. 

For those who voted for Biden, remember this saying. In the land of the blind, a one eyed man can be king. In our case, we have a one eyed President and a one eyed Secretary of Homeland Security. We are now reaping what we sowed in the last election. I hope those who voted for these idiots are happy right now. 

1 comment:

  1. "We" didn't sow that election's irregularities! And we didn't vote for those idiots!
