Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Taxing the poor

"Welcome to Biden's America. Instead of the land of milk and honey, we will now be the land of long lines and high costs." 

What is the biggest lie in Washington which has been repeated every time we have a Democrat Administration? "Our plan is to only tax the rich. Not the middle class, and certainly not the poor." Right. These are the words spoken by those who never worked in the private sector. Those who never had to satisfy investors with a P+L sheet which is printed in black instead of red. Of all the clowns the Democrats have had running the joint from time to time, Joe Biden is perhaps the biggest clown. And the biggest liar. He is about to ruin the country with one giant, bloated, bill, oozing with greenie and social engineering BS. Better known as the "infrastructure" bill.

Some of the specifics of the bill are now being leaked to both houses of Congress. Why? To "soften them up" before they get the real deal. Get some Republican support this time around. But they won't. Why? This bill is not an "infrastructure" bill at all - it is in reality, the Great Reset. The "game changer" we have heard so much about. This is the bill which will change the country. It will change our economy. It will kill the Golden Goose, which has allowed this country to be the economic powerhouse it always has been. All because Slo Joe wants to look in the mirror, and see FDR looking back at him. 

Have no doubt - this bill will punish everyone. It will strip the upper class of much of their wealth. It will strip the middle class of much of their purchasing power. It will make a bad situation even worse for the poor. How so? How about paying between 3 and 4 dollars a gallon for gasoline, when we have recently been paying just over 2 dollars? How about having our heating bills in the winter time go through the roof by forcing us to use the false god of renewable energy? How about our electric bills going up by double digits in the summer, because Slo Joe pulled the plug on coal? The poor are going to take it in the shorts folks. Have no doubt about that one.

This Great Reset bill, will do just the opposite of what Reagan's "a rising tide lifts all boats" philosophy did. Reagan wanted his economics to elevate folks from the lower class to the middle class. Folks in the middle class, to the upper class. Slo Joe's bill will do just the opposite. Everyone will sink down a level or two. Why? Equity. If we are all equally poor, and 100% reliant on the government, it will be game over. Case closed. The United States will have then become Venezuela.

How did we sink so low so quickly? How did we go from MAGA, to Biden's soup line in almost a nanosecond? When we start to over tax the corporations, much of that excess taxation will passed on to you and me as costs. Fact. Once again, even the poor will be the hardest hit, we will all suffer. All become more poor.

Rather than looking out on a bright, shining future, everything over the horizon will suddenly look darker. Darker because of a self inflicted wound, dressed up as this Great Reset bill. It is as if everyone who voted for Slo Joe had taken leave of their senses on that Tuesday in November. They committed mass economic suicide. 

Welcome to Biden's America. Instead of the land of milk and honey, we will now be the land of long lines and high costs. 



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