Wednesday, March 10, 2021

The hate is strong in these people...

"Most conservatives don't hate Joe Biden. We know he is being used as nothing more than a prop. We do however, hate what the committee is doing to our country. Do we hate the people doing it? No. As wrong as we know they are, we don't hate them - only the product of their vile work."

It has been many years since I have purged all the hatred out of my heart for other people. It is part of that coming to faith thing. Once you dive deep(er) into your faith, you realize just how evil and counter productive hate is. I will say this however - in my adult life, I have never seen hate so palpable, so vile, as I have seen the left's hatred towards Donald Trump. A hatred so deep and evil, they elected a man with severe dementia who can't tell a dit from a "duh".

Ladies and gentlemen, our country is now being run by a committee. A committee of seasoned leftists. Of socialists.  A committee of evil people, who not only hate Donald Trump, but also hate the way our country works. The way our country was founded. They prop up Biden, to sign anything they compose, and brick by brick, they are taking our country apart. And they are doing it with smiles on their faces.

The socialists hate Donald Trump and what he stood for. Stood for? Donald Trump stood for America. For how exceptional America is. For our belief of equal opportunity. For our belief that America is a good country, made up of mostly good people. That America saved the world (twice) in world wars. That our country made the Soviet Union buckle, without firing a shot.

But - we are not a country of equity. That is antithetical to the underpinnings our country is constructed of. As much as the socialists hate our system of equal opportunity, and try to change it to equity (equal outcomes), that ain't gonna happen. 

But - with the committee in charge right now, much damage can still be done to our great republic. Because the committee hates fossil fuels so deeply, and our country is so rich in resources with them, they had Slo Joe sign an order which basically turns off much or our oil spigot. Not realizing of course, the ones who will suffer the most from this foolish act will be the poor.

Why? Just about EVERYTHING we use in our daily lives, comes manufactured and/or shipped from someplace. That manufacturing or shipment used fossil fuel. When the price of oil goes up, so does everything we use. But their hatred of Donald Trump, and the country he led, is so deep, so blind, they simply don't care. These poor people are part of the consequential and collateral damage needed to accomplish the committee's vile mission.

During the next two years, America could not only surrender its sovereignty, and its energy independence, but also its standing as a super power. We will be in effect, be ceding the world's landscape to the baddies we have kept in check for years. China, Russia, and Iran could end up with all the chips, without firing a shot. The committee will have no problem with this outcome, as in their eyes, our country was founded on conquest and nationalism. It is about time we were taken down a few notches, so everything globally, can be equal. Equal like in equity. 

Most conservatives don't hate Joe Biden. We know he is being used as nothing more than a prop. We do however, hate what the committee is doing to our country. Do we hate the people doing it? No. As wrong as we know they are, we don't hate them - only the product of their vile work.

Will the left, the socialists, the committee, ever get over hating Donald Trump? I hope so, yet I doubt it. To purge their hearts from hate for others, first they need to rediscover their faith. That is faith in only God the Father - not Gaia, and certainly not self. And they need to do so, before their blind hatred ruins this great country.     

1 comment:

  1. "They prop up Biden, to sign anything they compose, and brick by brick, they are taking our country apart. And they are doing it with smiles on their faces."

    So let's finish the project for them, & smile right back, by pulling Flyoverland out from under the fools! If they're going to run the USA illegally, we don't want them in charge. Let 'em eat Federal Reserve paper--or buy our food products!
