Saturday, March 27, 2021

Without fear nor favor

"Losing a President, and replacing him with a fool, is like losing the pilot on a super tanker, while trying to navigate a narrow canal. And we know how that works out."   

Miss him yet? I think most of us missed him the day after the election results were in. Even though this election stunk to high heaven, there was that sickening feeling in our guts that it was a fait accompli. Slo Joe, with the help of the deep state and the Washington establishment, was going to be our next President. A deeply flawed man, with suspicious credentials, and a failing memory. A man who is owned by every special interest in Washington, as well as China. And backing him up, is a Vice President who is just as bad - maybe worse. 

Our 45th President, Donald J. Trump, was truly a man who served without fear nor favor. He was wealthy, an outsider, a businessman, and was owned or owed by nobody, nor no organization. He was the polar opposite of the man who we have right now running (ruining) our country.

Some called Trump pugnacious. Some bellicose. Some say he was a disrupter. Others say a bull in a China shop. My favorite term for him was disrupter, with a dash of change agent thrown in for good measure. Donald Trump hated what Washington had become. A city NOT what the Founders had envisioned. So when Trump went to live in the White House, it became a David (Donald) vs. Goliath struggle. And against all odds, David (Donald) was winning the battle(s). He was succeeding, where many have failed before him. And he was fearless in doing so.

Today, the free world has a leader who is bathed in fear. A leader who is owned. A leader who is a shadow of what he was ten years ago - and ten years ago, he was nothing to write home about. The presser Biden had this week was more illustrative than ten novels of substance about his character and abilities. As much as the lap dog media would like to prop him (Biden) up, there might not be enough left of him to prop up. It is a sad tale indeed - this is the best the Democrats could come up with.

Anyone right now who cannot see the differences between a leader like Donald Trump, and a helpless old coward like Joe Biden, is either blind, or a hyper-partisan. Once he became President, the first thing Biden did was to shut off part of our energy pipeline. Then came the big freeze which about put Texas back in the stone ages. Now we have a mammoth ship wedged in the Suez Canal, which is blocking oil shipments from the Middle East. Biden's solution to these problems? Put a "cap on the day", have a glass of warm milk, and then go nighty-night.

I know that Donald Trump was no Mr. Rogers like Jimmy Carter was. But Trump was a doer and a solver. Most of all, he was a leader. Through a maelstrom of hate, and a continual vile gauntlet of Democrat obstacles, Donald Trump produced. Was he out to win the "most liked" contest? No, but he was always the hardest worker with the best results. After all, is that not we want in a leader for this great nation? Just asking...

Losing a President, and replacing him with a fool, is like losing the pilot on a super tanker, while trying to navigate a narrow canal. And we know how that works out.   

After listening to Biden's presser this week, I sat for a while in stunned silence. The terrible realization then started to settle into the depths of my very being. Our country right now, is in grave danger. The saddest part, is half the country does not even see it.

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