Wednesday, March 24, 2021

The wheels are coming off the bus

"The wheels on the bus are coming off the Biden express. He may not see it, but the rest of us do. And that hyena who is his Veep? He is putting her in charge of fixing the southern border 'situation'. I guess the bald headed Cuban gave up. BTW - does someone have a spare bus we can use?"

Normally I am a "one and done" in writing my blog articles. However, since Slo Joe has decided to be a one man wrecking ball (with the help of Nancy and her DNC robots) to this great nation, there is just way too much going on - and too little time to respond to it. Between the last mega bucks "Covid rescue plan", HR 1, the unprecedented mess on the southern border, the upcoming confiscatory tax increase legislation, the DC statehood proposal, and the "green new deal" (which is cloaked in the infrastructure bill), we have a mess of biblical proportions. And to think Slo Joe has only been the President for two months. SMH. 

To be a true change agent, to initiate the kinds of Earth shaking changes that Biden promised to do, you need to have a team made up of supermen and superwomen. Not boobs and hacks, like Biden has now. In fact, Biden being the biggest boob of all, is heading up this circus.

So here is a foundational question: What happens when you break everything that works, in the hope that you can come up with a better fix? And you continue to break things, because (despite your strong Catholic faith), you have a visceral hatred for the Orange Man? The wheels start to come off the bus. You end up going nowhere - stuck with a broken bus.


Teachers Unions - Biden is bought and paid for by national and state teacher unions. #FACT. Right now, parents all over the nation are demanding to have schools open again. Resume normal teaching again. Real school, not Zoom school. To help matters out, the CDC said the social distance needed in schools is now 3 feet - not six. Tough toenails said some of the larger teacher unions. "We ain't going back until we get what we want! Screw the kids!" So here stands Slo Joe, holding his whatyamadiggie in his hand, looking foolish, as well as bought and paid for. And our kids keep falling further behind (especially kids of color).

Voter ID - To those twenty some states who passed Voter ID in past elections, well played. That is good legislation. However, put the party hats away. HR 1, the bastard child of the House Democrats, will change voting in this nation - forever. And change it not in a good way. One of the things HR 1 does, is strike all the state's Voter ID laws. Strikes them and replaces them with fraud infested mail in voting. It will allow illegals, felons, aliens from Mars, or whomever - to vote (blue). One party rule, here we come. 

The Golden Ticket - How bad is the mess on the southern border right now? Over a dozen prior high ranking Border Control managers, have written a letter to Congress PLEADING with them to stop this insanity! Of all the things that Biden has screwed the pooch on, this is by far and away the worse. Biden, and the open border crowd, want to overwhelm our immigration system, so every illegal, especially the younger ones, come here and get instant citizenship. Better known as the Golden Ticket. Never mind there is drug and human trafficking galore going on down on the southern border. And Covid? Who gives a rip if we further infect the country? This is all about POWER, man!

There is so much more, I could go on until dark. But that would violate my self imposed word limit on articles. The wheels on the bus are coming off the Biden express. He may not see it, but the rest of us do. And that hyena who is his Veep? He is putting her in charge of fixing the southern border "situation". I guess the bald headed Cuban gave up. Does someone have a spare bus we can use?

1 comment:

  1. As I like to say of the Dems, parodying those German National Socialists: "Eine Nation! Eine Partei! Eine Ideologie!""
