Sunday, January 30, 2022

O Canada!

"Part of me, would like to see the US truckers do the same. Drive into Washington, and sit right outside our Capitol building. What a message that would send!" 

It is not very often, I can look to the north and praise our Canadian friends. Don't get me wrong - I love Canada. It is just that sometimes their politics in Ottawa, can make them kind of goofy. And the fact they have Fidel's son running the joint, does not help. That being said, what is going on right now with the Canadian truckers, is a ray of hope. If only the United States could follow their lead.

What is the deal up in the northland anyhow? What has gotten these hard working truckers so riled up? The jab. That mandated jab. Of all the dumb things governments can do, this is one of the dumbest. In what started out a loosely organized effort, the Freedom Convoy was formed. It is comprised of truckers and sympathizers, who have had it with silly mandates. Like, if you cross the border from the United States into Canada, Canadian truckers will either need to show proof of vaccination, or be forced to quarantine at home. What a bunch of nonsense!

The truckers are resolute in their protest. They will drive into Ottawa (and there are a bunch of them now!), and park around their seat of government. Once there, the protest will be peaceful, but forceful. In other words, they will be heard. And the interesting thing is this -  the protest is garnering support from all over the world. Even Elon Musk has tweeted out his support for the truckers. 

Fauci always says, "Follow the science, follow the science". Okay - let's do that. Current stats from the CDC states that 43% of all new Covid cases (and Omicron is now the dominate strain), are breakthrough. That means the vax did will against Delta, but not so well against Omicron. If we really wanted to follow the science, we would now be focusing in on therapeutics. Like, Biden's foolish decision to halt monoclonal antibody treatments. Or the pills, that both Pfizer and Moderna have developed. Nope - only the vax will do with the authoritarian rulers of the US and Canada. Give me a break! 

What clueless leaders like Trudeau and Biden don't realize is simply this - our supply chain is hanging on by a tread right now. And that tread is made up of the truckers. If they strike, it will be devastating. But guess what? The truckers DON'T want to strike. They want to work. But they don't want the heavy hand of government forcing them into taking a vax which is no longer necessary for this variant. Hello? What ever happened to freedom? 

Part of me, would like to see the US truckers do the same. Drive into Washington, and sit right outside our Capitol building. What a message that would send! It would be a temporary hardship with more and more shelves going bare. But for freedom, for real science, it would be worth it. It would also take Biden's poll numbers, and really tip them upside down.

O Canada - we are so with you on this protest. Thank you, for showing the way. That you, for loving freedom. Me? I am loving that flag with the Maple Leaf on it, more and more all the time. 

Saturday, January 29, 2022

Another softy from Soros

"I am sorry you are stuck with this guy, NYC. Good luck going forward. Minneapolis has its own kettle of fish to deal with. How so? Once you cross over the border into Minneapolis, you are entering into a Twilight Zone."

Congratulations NYC! Because so many of you nitwits vote strictly party line, 100% blue down ticket, you got a real winner for a DA for Manhattan. Alvin Bragg is your new DA. You got hoodwinked by George Soros, once again. This George Soros funded DA, who was put in to this position only to continue to wreck things (like only Soros can do), is really earning his paycheck. Paycheck? But he does done nothing to curb crime in New York City! Exactly. That is why Soros wanted him in this position.

Why in the world, would people in one of the largest cities in the world, vote for such a moron? Because, many are "yellow dog" Democrats. For those who can't remember what a "yellow dog" is, it is a Democrat who will vote for anyone on a blue ticket, even a "yellow dog". I mean, look at Minnesota. We elected Keith Ellison to be our Attorney General. 

The funeral yesterday for Jason Rivera was sad and amazing at the same time. It was very sad to see this very young man die in the line of duty. But the turnout of blue uniforms as well as ordinary citizens, was simply amazing. One of the saddest parts of the funeral, was when Officer Rivera's young widow addressed the crowd. In her tears, she called out the DA. His policies were partially (or more than partially) responsible. The ocean of blue uniforms cheered  - some even gave her a standing "O". The feeling I got from seeing that, is this new Soros funded DA is about as popular (with the blue uniforms), as case of Herpes. 

By the way, this new Governor who replaced Cuomo, is about as useless as ice to an Eskimo. She announced after Cuomo's resignation, she was going to be a "new type of leader". Ah, no she is not. Same stuff, different day. She was asked to renounce this "no bail" policy which has put NYC into the lawless zone. A policy which DA Bragg loves. Given the chance to put a muzzle on this rogue DA, she deferred. "I need more proof that the "no bail" policy is adding to the crime problem". WHAT??? You are the flipping Governor lady - how can you be that dense? Simple answer. She is a Democrat. They are all loyal to each other, no matter how corrupt and incompetent they are.

I am sorry you are stuck with this guy, NYC. Good luck going forward. Minneapolis has its own kettle of fish to deal with. How so? Once you cross over the border into Minneapolis, you are entering into a Twilight Zone. Where " you are traveling through another dimension...", and this dimension is socialism and crime.

Bottom line? We all have to fix our own cities. That is - if you can find enough "normal people" to do it. Will the "yellow dogs" help fix these cities? Not a chance. No wonder Soros has such an easy job.  

Friday, January 28, 2022

Smart, he is not!

"This morning, I am going to fill my truck up with gas. It will be the most I have paid for gas in many, many months. Appropriately, the station I go to has the Biden 'I did that!' stickers all over the pumps. Yes, Slo Joe, you did. Along with many other things which have made our country weaker and more vulnerable." 

Master Yoda has it right on. That is, when talking about our accidental President. Not too bright, he is. Smart, he is not! In fact, as they say in Pig Latin, he is kind of upid -st. Now before some of my lefty friends think the old Bird is piling on good old Uncle Joe again, let's consider this.

Of all the boneheaded things Biden did his first week after taking office, taking us from an energy exporter to an energy importer, was probably the dumbest. Why? Just wait until Russia cuts us off from getting it's oil. Or, when war breaks out, and the price of a barrel of crude is north of $100. All because of this slobbering love affair Biden has with the Squad, and all of their nonsense.

Not only has Biden hurt our economy by his ill timed energy blunder, he is also hurting most of the world. Well, except maybe for Gretta. If Joe had finished college, he would have learned that economies run on energy. We need energy. Our economy may be headed for more EVs in the future, but right now, we need gasoline. And lots of it, at an affordable price. Could Joe figure that one out? Nope. Why not, you might ask. Again Master Yoda - take it away. Smart, he is not!

As Bob Gates, our the former SecDef under Obama said this about Biden - he got just about everything wrong. And that was before his dementia set it. Now, he is a rudderless ship. And tools like Ron Klaine, his Chief of Staff, just let him do stupid things. Which brings me to this question - whose side is Klaine on? Is he also an enemy of the state? Seems there might be quite a few in the West Wing right now. Biden may not be too bright, but his puppet masters are cunning and evil.

This morning, I am going to fill my truck up with gas. It will be the most I have paid for gas in many, many months. Appropriately, the station I go to has the Biden "I did that!" stickers all over the pumps. Yes, Slo Joe, you did. Along with many other things which have made our country weaker and more vulnerable. 

In my life, I have never seen this before. Enemies of the state, controlling the levers of power in America. And we let them do it. Time for a change. We need November to come like tomorrow.

Thursday, January 27, 2022

Slo Joe's long game...

"I don't ever again want to hear about how Trump was not obeying federal laws while President. He was a choir boy compared to Biden and his gang. They are corrupt to the core. All because of this stupid and immoral 'long game'. November cannot come fast enough. Get the cuffs ready. We will need hundreds." 

There is an old saying, "If you want to get away with something, just do it in plain sight." However - this article, is not about that. This is about law breaking, a travesty of justice, maybe even sedition and treason, going on where we all can see it. I am once again addressing our immigration system, or lack there of. I am talking about Biden and Mayorkas doing unspeakable things to our country, for reasons which are as plain as day. How so? They are playing their "long game". 

On day one of his Presidency, when Joe Biden put and end to the "wall" on our southern border, when he ordered "catch and release" once again, he knew exactly what he was doing. Once he found a puppet like Mayorkas to do his evil bidding, the plot started to thicken. Biden was launching a saturation attack on his own country. Flood the zone with so many illegals, the border patrol could not possibly control it. That was a year ago. Now we have over 2,000,000 new illegals in this country. Why? The "long game". 

Each one of these illegals is like a "sleeper cell". Just biding their time, waiting. Waiting for what? Waiting for a friendly Congress to declare amnesty. Let them all become instant citizens. Or should I say, let them all become instant Democrat voters. It may not happen today. It may not happen tomorrow. But it will happen. That is - unless we can keep this from happening until we have a normal President and a Constitutional Congress. Of course, over the next three years, if Biden is allowed to continue unabated, we will have another six million illegals in country, as well as tons of deadly drugs. 

This morning on the news, a cable show had submitted a FOIA request to get the body cam footage from a cop stationed at a smaller airport outside of NYC. Why? To show an unmarked, secret flight, unloading dozens of illegals. Why at night? Why so secret? For the same reason young children will sneak cookies out of the cookie jar at night, when everyone is asleep. They know they are doing something wrong, and don't want to be caught. This entire operation, run by Biden and Mayorkas is dirty and wrong. It is treasonous. People not only need to be fired, they need to do the perp walk. Go to a federal pen for decades. 

I don't ever again want to hear about how Trump was not obeying federal laws while President. He was a choir boy compared to Biden and his gang. They are corrupt to the core. All because of this stupid and immoral "long game". November cannot come fast enough. Get the cuffs ready. We will need hundreds. 

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

The new blue target

"This war on cops has to end. Looking upon cops as the new blue target has to end. We the citizens and patriots are SICK OF IT! Up where I live, we respect cops. We have their backs. Most cops are heroes. They are the good guys. They protect us, and serve us. Case closed." 

This is the perfect storm. Anyone who does not think there is a new war on cops, a war on blue, must be living under a rock. What are the ingredients which make up this perfect storm? A dog whistle of permission by country and city leaders. What kind of a whistle? That cops are bad. They are made up of "white supremacists" who do nothing but hunt down young men of color. Consequently, their ranks have been thinned by socialist budget cutters. Those cops who remain on the force, are made to feel unloved, unappreciated, and sometimes, unwanted.

Last year, over 300 cops were shot in the line of duty. About 60 of them died. Many were ambushed. People who are hired to protect and serve us, are hunted down at times, and killed. For what purpose? George Floyd? Give me a break. In 2020, there were almost 10,000 black people killed. Most by other black people. Of that number, less than 200 were killed by cops. Most of those deaths by cops were justified and legit - a few were not. Most of those who were not justified, were held accountable by the judicial system.

Here is the real story. In the past few days, we had two more cops gunned down in NYC. Why? They were responding to a call for domestic violence. When they got there, some thug ambushed them. Shot them both in the head. One died at the scene, the other died yesterday. Both in their early twenties, with their entire lives in front of them. Died because thug thought he had the right, the permission to do so. This entire story made me sick to my stomach.

The question is raised over and over again. Who would want to be a cop these days? The pay is not good, the hours are tough, and the danger increases every year. When a cop does make a collar, a "woke" DA will not charge him. You know, Soros funded socialists, as DAs. If folks of color steal stuff, that is okay. They are due. Reparations of sorts. Meanwhile, citizens and businesses are avoiding urban areas like the plague. 

I have said this before, I will say it again. We need "broken windows" policing. We need stop and frisk. We need stronger laws for the law breakers. Longer prison time. Bad apples have got to be put away for a long, long time. If you kill a cop, wound a cop, pull a weapon on a cop - you are done. One strike and you are out. If the ACLU does not like that, they can go stuff themselves.

This war on cops has to end. Looking upon cops as the new blue target has to end. We the citizens and patriots are SICK OF IT! Up where I live, we respect cops. We have their backs. Most cops are heroes. They are the good guys. They protect us, and serve us. Case closed. 

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Get the **** off my lawn!!!

"I don't want to scare anyone, but this is the guy who might be dragging us into war with Russia. Our Commander-in-Chief."

Ouch! Uncle Joe! Such language from a kindly old gent! Or not. Joe Biden, the "most religious man ever to occupy the White House" (his words, not mine), seems to have animus towards certain types of people. Calling Peter Doocy from Fox News a "SOB". This was not long after calling Jacqui Heinrich from Fox News, "stupid". That tipped his hand (again). Joe, our deep man of faith President, hates Fox News about as much as he hates Republicans. But not as much as he hates Donald J. Trump.

Those who know about dementia, have lived with it with an older relative, know this. Many times dementia caused someone to lose their filter. Let's get this straight. Besides looking dazed and confused quite often, Biden also becomes an angry old man, yelling at kids to get off his lawn. What? Wait! That is not very Presidential! No it is not. Remember that Democrats, who always accused Trump of not being very Presidential. 

I don't want to scare anyone, but this is the guy who might be dragging us into war with Russia. Our Commander-in-Chief. Rumor has it Biden is under pressure to change things up in his cabinet. Get rid of the lemmings who have taken him down the road to socialism. Like Ron Klaine. Send him packing. Get a Chief of Staff who will work for the American people by keeping the President aligned with the people's wishes. Not just the Squad's wishes. Who knows - the West Wing shake up might happen during the time period that Putin walks into Kiev. 

I don't want to sound like Eeyore, but this is turning into a winter of discontent. Even worse than last winter. The economy is starting to tank, Russia might be re-constituting the Soviet Union (by force), and Omicron is still the turd in the punchbowl. Like tomorrow is suppose to be the peak of Omicron in this neck of the woods. Of course, N95 masks, testing kits, and therapeutics are still in short supply, but that is because of Old Joe. I guess in his dementia, he forget what "warp speed" means.

In any event, the message for the day is, DON'T P*** OLD JOE OFF! Stay off his lawn! Or as Obama is quoted as saying, "Never underestimate Biden's ability to f**k things up". I guess Obama was yet another POTUS with a potty mouth.  


Monday, January 24, 2022

How did we get here???

"Did Putin look at our exit from Afghanistan as an impetus for moving on the Ukraine? Maybe. However, we will probably never know. All I know is this - Reagan kept us out of war for eight years. Trump kept us out of any new wars for four years."

See the news lately? What is going on in Eastern Europe? This is like a bad dream coming to life. For reasons which go back to the end of the Cold War, it seems we are doing this posturing thing all over again. At first I thought this was just Vlad trolling Biden. Testing him. Now I am not so sure. Part of the problem is Russia has a "leader for life", who was an equally long memory. Like back to his days in the KGB. Back to his days in the Cold War. Back to his days living in the Soviet Union. And now after 30 years, Putin wants his beloved Soviet Empire back again.

Other than history, why would Russia want the Ukraine back? First off, in all the decades the Ukraine was part of the Soviet Union, lots of co-mingling went on between the Russians and folks of the Ukraine. Some joke that because of the cross breeding, these two countries are more like cousins than neighbors. If that is the case, why then would the Ukraine not want to be a part of Russia? You will have to ask people in the Ukraine. Maybe they did not like living like subjects under the Russian boot. 

Also, Russia wants the Ukraine for more food independence. Ukraine is known as the "Breadbasket" of Europe. This would be a huge "plus up" for a country whose memory of World War II is very vivid. How they froze. How they starved. How they almost lost their country to the Nazi war machine. Today, they have energy independence with us as a customer (thanks in part to Slo Joe), so also having more food independence would be very important.

This morning, it was reported that the families of our embassy staff were ordered out of the Ukraine. We are now sending tons of "lethal" weapons to Ukraine. Our NATO allies are sending ships and troops to the area. Russia is positioning fighter jets to the area, and even more troops. It is beginning to look like the "dogs of war" are about to be released. And then what? Biden is ready to send somewhere between 3 and 5 thousand troops into the area. This game of chicken is about to get very real, very fast.

Some are saying nothing will happen until the Olympics are over. Putin would not want to take anything away from this event, that his BFF Xi has worked so long and hard on. Or - Putin could blow off his relationship with Xi, and invade next week. To say the least, the next few weeks could be nail biters. 

Did Putin look at our exit from Afghanistan as an impetus for moving on the Ukraine? Maybe. However, we will probably never know. All I know is this - Reagan kept us out of war for eight years. Trump kept us out of any new wars for four years. In only one year, Biden might have us knee deep into the weed bed. And this is a weed bed we don't want to be in.  

Saturday, January 22, 2022

Did old Joe stub his toe (again)?

"Putin has seen the acumen of our armed forces. Or should I say, the leadership of our armed forces. Our generals are much more concerned about having a 'woke' force, than training a force who can break things and kill people - when needed."

Some say when you act clumsy or do something which is clumsy and wrong, you have stubbed your toe. Those of us (I dare say all of us), who have stubbed a toe, know what it feels like. It hurts like crazy. Most of the time, when you stub a toe, you are not being careful in where you are going. For the leader of a super power (like ours), to do something clumsy and wrong (like the way we retreated from Afghanistan), that was like stubbing our national toe. It hurt for a long time. It still hurts. Many say that of all the dumb and backward things Joe Biden has done in the past year, that was the worst. That is - up until now.

It did not take Putin long to test Biden's mettle. Xi is in the on deck circle. ICYMI, there are a boat load of Russian tanks and infantry vehicles, parked on the border of the Ukraine right now. Many military experts and historians think this might be the real deal. One said yesterday, this could be the biggest incursion in Europe since WW II. And out President, during the worst presser ever, gave Putin the green light to take "just a little bit" of the Ukraine. Huh?

Well, if Russia does invade, we might write them an angry letter! Like Obama would threaten to do when he was Commander in Chief. Or (and this is a good one), we will sanction the socks off of Russia. Take that, Vlad! But here is the raw truth. Since Biden has declared a war on oil in our country, our oil imports from Russia have now doubled. Even if we give Russia only a very small sanction, Putin could cut us off cold from any petrol products. Our $100/barrel oil could go to $150, and the Jimmy Carter gas lines could make a come back.

Here is more of the raw truth. If Russia invades, it would be a naked example of one nation violating the sovereignty of another. Plain and simple. The UN, is supposed to handle such matters. But they won't. Why? They too, have become 'woke'. Then what will the United States do, militarily? Nothing - which is good. We have zero national interest in the Ukraine. That is, except for Hunter Biden. He has made quite a bit of money working for this corrupt country. But I digress.

Putin has seen the acumen of our armed forces. Or should I say, the leadership of our armed forces. Our generals are much more concerned about having a "woke" force, than training a force who can break things and kill people - when needed. No, we will do nothing when Russia invades.

Seeing the door is now wide open, will Xi act next? On Taiwan? Or will the Norks invade the south? And how about Iran? Will this now be open season on Israel? No, Slo Joe is in the deep end of the pool, and does not even know how to dog paddle.

This will be one to keep an eye on. If something happens, it might happen at the same time the Olympics are going on. Most people who are smart on this kind of stuff, are saying trouble could start sometime between now and the end of February.

What can we do? Go fill up your gas tanks. Since we are no longer energy independent (thanks to Biden), we might be in for a bumpy ride. 


Friday, January 21, 2022

Does the Star Clipper have legs?

"Musk broke the old paradigm that each launch had to cost an arm and a leg. Now the race will be to see who can build the most cost efficient reusable launching craft."

If anyone has any interest in seeing how space travel is really starting to evolve, this is a great time to be alive. Last night, as I was visiting some different tech sites on YouTube, I came across the Lockheed Star Clipper. How it looks when it launches. Some might say, "Come on Bird! Get with the program! The Star Clipper has been around since the 1960's!" True - it has. It never went anywhere, but hung around, nevertheless. Now with a disposable wrap around fuel tank, Lockheed is again thinking this bird might fly for NASA some day.

Watching this thing take off was strange to say the least. It looked more like some kind of a UFO than a NASA space vehicle. I guess my take on this type of craft, is it might an "in-between" solution. It is not quite as far down the road as Musk's Starship, or maybe even Bezo's Blue Origin. But that is okay. Seeing NASA stuck in neutral for years after the last shuttle flight, it is time to move on. Time for new ideas.  

I have addressed this before. This current decade, the 2020's, will be the time that space starts to get very crowded. Not just from the growing number of satellites in low Earth orbit, I mean what will be happening on or by the Moon. Our Lunar orbit space station, Lunar Gateway, will be in play this decade. Russia and China have signed an agreement for a joint base on the Moon. Maybe establishing the base by 2030. NASA also wants to put humans back on the Moon this decade, as do the South Koreans. And Elon Musk? Yes, yes - he wants to be on the Moon. But only as a pit stop before putting people on Mars this decade.

Back to the Star Clipper. Does it have a future? Maybe. Soon, it will all come down to cost. Musk broke the old paradigm, that each launch had to cost an arm and a leg. Now the race will be to see who can build the most cost efficient and reusable launching craft. What was Lockheed's message by showing off its most current version of the Star Clipper with external fuel tank? They are still in the game.

In the 2030's, going to the Moon should be "old hat". Japan, Europe, India, and (hold on for this one) - North Korea also would like to but people on the Moon. How the Moon would be split up for exploration and mining rights should be hot topics before 2030 arrives. That being said, once landing on the Moon becomes almost as common as flying to Europe or Asia, the next shiny object(s) will be Mars, and/or mining the asteroid belt.

Not to get lost in the shuffle, but the James Webb Space Telescope is doing some amazing things as it gets closer to L2, its final destination. However, that is the topic for another article. 

Now if we can just keep Russia from starting World War III, we have a great future in space this decade . 


Thursday, January 20, 2022

Joe's Prezzzzer...

"On the plus side, after the presser, the Senate Democrats decided to have a vote to stop the filibuster on the bills to screw up our voting system. The Democrats failed, and our election system survived."

Yesterday was the big day. The first presser that Joe Biden has had for months. And it was a whopper! Well, not really. It was really a snoozer. But - I will give the Prez kudos for one thing. He went for two hours. He did not fall asleep for those two hours, but many of us who watched might have. And what did we learn from Slo Joe? He has done more in his first year, than any other President. Yes, he really did say that. 

The main issue asked about by the MSM was Russia. Russia, Russia, Russia. Is Russia going to invade the Ukraine? What are we going to do? Not sanction the Russian Nord Stream 2 pipeline! We have already had that opportunity. In fact, the Republicans in the Senate wanted to recently do that, but the Democrats (ready for this?) - filibustered the issue. So that effort died. Biden did not want to sanction that pipeline, as it might "offend" Putin. So Biden "red lights" much of our fossil fuel energy development, but "green lights" Russia's pipeline to Germany. And the Democrats had the guts to call Trump a Russian stooge and toady. SMH.

Biden, with sinking poll numbers, promised us more of the same. Whatever he had done, will continue. His problems? Republicans. Pure and simple. Biden the unifier, did his darndest to prove that nickname wrong. He has sliced us and diced up more that Obama did. And Biden's biggest disappointment? Voting rights. How the Republicans are suppressing the vote. Especially with voters of color. Huh? Just once, I wish Slo Joe would showcase a REAL person who had trouble voting last time around, due to voter suppression. Hint: He can't, because no such person exists. Biden just needs another bogeyman. Like Republicans who favor voter ID. 

Gosh, I was shocked that nobody from the MSM asked about crime. Is there anyone in this country who has a beating heart, that does not know about our crime problem? Or inflation? Is there anyone who has not felt inflation? The price of gasoline? Heating oil? Natural gas? And the southern border - where were the questions on that issue? The trafficking. The fentanyl. The gangs. The terrorists. Hello? Do we even have a press anymore?

By the way, back to Russia before I close. The "mic drop" moment of the presser, was when Biden gave a "dog whistle" to Putin, that if Russia wanted only a small incursion into the Ukraine, it would be fine with Biden. Word has it, the President of the Ukraine just about fell out of his chair when he heard that. What Putin also knows is this - even if Russia did a big incursion into the Ukraine, NATO would just stand by and look flummoxed. Especially the United States. 

On the plus side, after the presser, the Senate Democrats decided to have a vote to stop the filibuster. Only on the bills that would screw up our voting system. The Democrats failed, and our election system survived.

Too bad the vote was not before the presser, so Joe could have been asked about something other than Russia. Russia, Russia, Russia.  


Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Our Master of Disaster(s)


"Can we have some brief moments of truth telling, please? This past year has been a disaster. Across the board. And the master of this disaster is Joseph Biden. Period. He has no one, I mean nobody to blame, except himself." 

Get ready folks. We are about to hear from our President today. It will be one of his very rare pressers. Will he be "Old Yeller" again? Yelling at us, for whatever? Or will he fess up that he has been a "Master of Disaster" for the past year. Or, will his handlers have him do "better messaging". That according to bright thinkers like Ron Klaine (Chief of Staff), is the reason for Bidens lousy poll numbers. Because I am a good American, I will give Biden a hint for today. It is not the messaging Joe - it is your message. The way you have handled things. Now we can continue. 

Not only is Biden in way over his head, he has company. His Secretary of Education is nothing more than a tool for education unions. He was recently outed for being the puppet master in getting the feds to go after parents who were concerned about their kids schooling. Urban terrorists. His Secretary of Defense has been so concerned with getting our troops "woke", and trying to flush out "white supremacists", he did not notice we have slid back into a cold war with Russia. Like, Russia might be invading Ukraine any day now, and this sudden cold war might get hot. PS - don't for get about our Afghanistan retreat. That is also on the SecDef's plate. 

Our southern border, the responsibility of the Secretary of Homeland Security, is nothing less than treasonous. This misfit for the job he has been given, should have been fired yesterday. The number of illegals who have poured over our border (unfettered), now numbers in the millions since Biden and Mayorkas took over. And the Attorney General? Wow! To think this guy could have been on the Supreme Court! Instead of fighting crime, the AG is more concerned with searching for white skinned bogey men. Like the January 6th protesters.

I will watch the presser today, to see if any of the MSM have the courage to ask the tough questions. Or if it will once again be up to Fox News to ask the right questions. In any event, even MSNBC had some bad news for the President. There are two indicators right now, which point to the donkeys getting a "shellacking" in November. This is MSNBC reporting that fact. 

Can we have some brief moments of truth telling, please? This past year has been a disaster. Across the board. And the master of this disaster is Joseph Biden. Period. He has no one, I mean nobody to blame, except himself. 

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Will this ever end????

"Historians will write many, many books on this virus. How it came to be. How we dealt with it. The fear mongering it caused. And the best part - how it ended." 

Over the weekend, I listened to a respected medical professional talk about today's landscape - as it pertains to the China virus. He said something (which he thought), was very profound. "In six months, this pandemic will have either run its course, and we can return to what we believe to be normal. Or, there will be an new variant which cause this disease to last longer." Hmm. That is like a weather guesser who predicts it will either rain or we will have sunshine tomorrow.

Big whoop. I will believe this thing is over, when I don't hear EVERYONE on the news talk about it. The Israelis however, have a different spin. They are already giving out the SECOND booster, and are now saying that is not enough. Say what?? They are studying samples from people who have had both boosters, and the antibodies produced were not enough to protect against the Omicron variant. Thus - that is the reason why so many "break through" cases are happening right now. 

Here is the question which now begs to be asked. And I dare say, this might be following the science. We have recently heard from the CDC that most masks are worthless in protecting someone for a long period of time. Some cloth masks are little better than wearing nothing. Now we are hearing the same thing we heard at the beginning of this China virus. Only then, we were asked not to buy a N95 mask - even though that was the one which really worked. Why? Shortages. We needed those masks for the medical professionals. So we were stuck being mandated to wear masks which did little or no good. Today? The guidance should be this - wear an N95 if you have one. If not, you don't need to wear any mask - that is, unless you want to.

With today's variant making the vaccine we took almost obsolete, the "vaccine passport" cards should be a thing of the past. Again, the guidance should be to get vaccinated and boosted, only if you want to. If not, your choice. No mandates, just suggestions. 

One word of caution however. Even with the Omicron variant, this virus can make you sicker than a dog for over a week. Or - it can barely touch you. More and more medical professionals are now thinking this virus is soon to be endemic. That means, annual protection will end up being the flu shot. And like the flu shot, the depth of your protection will be hit or miss. We will just be living with it. 

When will this end? When we allow it to end. When we tell it to end. When we just learn to live with it. Some might ask, has any good come out of this virus? My answer would be yes. We have learned better self protection by taking vitamins C, D3 and zinc. To stay home more when you are sick. To cover your mouth better, when sneezing or coughing. To shake hands less. To wash hands more. 

Historians will write many, many books on this virus. How it came to be. How we dealt with it. The fear mongering it caused. And the best part - how it ended. 

Monday, January 17, 2022

Chicago, upside down (again)

"2022 is picking up just where 2021 left off. Murder and mayhem in many of our large cities. Does anybody care? Can anybody stop it? Meanwhile, Joe Biden will keep searching for the bogymen, called 'white supremists'."

As most of us have heard by now, last year in Chicago was their bloodiest year in 25 years. That news was met with women wailing in the streets, people gnashing their teeth, a firm resolve to get this fixed. Okay - not really. It was met with a large, collective yawn. Why? Unless a young black man is shot by a white cop, this sky high death toll in Chicago is just a cost of "doing business". Some even say, this benign shock of having so many young black people killed by shooting each other, is nothing more than eugenics.

Already this young year, a real travesty happened in Chicago this past weekend. Two young boys, both 14 years old, were killed. Murdered in Chicago. One would think the outrage would be loud and non-ending, from sea to shining sea. That the Justice Brothers would be in town, organizing SOMETHING. But no. Hardly a word. Just the cost of "doing business" in Chicago over another weekend.

Fifty years ago, if you could have told someone that in 2021, the murder rate in Chicago, would be many times greater the murder rate in all areas of conflict the United States is involved in - they would laugh in your face. Then if you could have told someone, that in 2021 the number of people killed in Chicago would be 797 - they would laugh in your face even louder. Why? They would not believe you. Not a bit. But today? When people hear those statistics, they are met with a collective yawn.

Here is a news flash. When a young person is gunned down in Chicago (or any other large blue city for that matter), that person is a son or daughter, brother or sister, grandchild, or friend to some people. Their lives mattered to somebody. Their lives sure mattered to God. But many times, in the twinkling of an eye, that life is snuffed out. And for what? Usually, nothing. Drugs, territory, respect - you name it. A cheap excuse to take out a life which is also considered cheap - but it is not.

This country needs someone with courage and vision to stand in the gap. To stop this madness. Nationwide, we had over 20,000 people murdered last year. Many of them, young people of color. That number of people killed in 2021, is 16% more than in 2020. We are going in the wrong direction. We have out of touch mayors in many of these cities, along with "woke" DAs, who refuse to prosecute many egregious crimes. Cops are vilified, and stripped of much of their authority and honor. What we are left with, are hollowed out cities, that many residents are fearful to enter.

2022 is picking up just where 2021 left off. Murder and mayhem in many of our large cities. Does anybody care? Can anybody stop it? Meanwhile, Joe Biden will keep searching for the bogymen called "white supremists". Scotty - beam me up!

Postscript: Since today is MLK day, I just wonder how Dr. King would accept or not accept the mass killings of young black boys. I tend to think, unlike the two faux "reverends" who always get the press, Dr. King would have been greatly bothered, and his voice would have been heard above all others.


Sunday, January 16, 2022

Terror still lives here...

"We can be grateful and thankful this incident ended with no hostages harmed. I would have preferred if the terrorist had not died (for many reasons). One reason of course, would be to find out more information. Lone wolf, or something more sinister? We will have to leave it up to the FBI now, to find that information."

Yesterday was like a peek into the past. We had a terror incident in Texas. Not by "white supremists" (whoever they are), but real terrorists - Radical Islam. Who were the victims? A Jewish synagogue, with some worshipers inside. Who was the perp? Some man from Britain, who recently came here. How he got here and how he managed to get a gun, is still being investigated. We do know however, what he wanted. He was demanding the release of Aafia Siddiiqui (also known as Lady Al-Qaeda), who is serving a 86 year sentence in a federal pen. For what? The attempted murder of an American serviceman.

A former CIA agent was on the news this am. He talked about our war on terror. Guess what? It ain't over. Not by a long shot. Someone needs to brief POTUS on that issue. This war on our own citizens? The "white supremists"? It is a red herring. A nothing burger. A distraction. Meanwhile, our southern border is wide open, where any terrorist, from any country, can waltz right in. There is a big difference between our citizens who want fair elections and honest government, and Muslin terrorists who just want us dead. Biden needs to understand that, and soon.

The hostage situation in the synagogue ended well for the hostages, as all four were rescued, unharmed. Not so well for the terrorist. He either shot himself, or the FBI swat team got him. And for what? It was however, a wakeup call for places of worship. The terrorists have long looked at our worship venues as potential "soft targets". So much so, some larger churches and synagogues have plain clothed, armed personnel, blending in to the services - just in case.

Here is an interesting side note to the aftermath of the hostage situation. This morning, Joe Biden had an impromptu presser with a few reporters. His biggest concern? How this terrorist got his gun. Biden started to talk about how we have way too many guns sold in this country, and he is trying to do something about it. Huh? How about how this terrorist got into this country? And did he steal the weapon? Buy it from a felon? Was it from an existing terror group? I guess we will find out more about the President's concern when he has his presser on Wednesday.

We can be grateful and thankful this incident ended with no hostages harmed. I would have preferred if the terrorist had not died (for many reasons). One reason of course, would be to find out more information. Lone wolf, or something more sinister? We will have to leave it up to the FBI now, to find that information.

Saturday, January 15, 2022

Our mess in LA

"Just like carjacking has spread across the country, just like smash and grab has spread across the country, now look for train looting to do the same. Any city with a Soros backed DA will be considered to be fertile ground by the thugs."

There was a time, in the not too distant past, that many folks in the frigid northland would covet living in the golden state of California. California seemed to have everything - the glamor of Hollywood, Disneyland, Knotts Berry Farm, warm weather, the Pacific Ocean (and beaches thereto), year round suntanned people. But then you must flash forward to today. What the progressive nut balls have done to that state. It as gone from being a mecca for the frozen, to a lawless jungle.

Here is the latest bit on nonsense coming out of LA. Every night, freight trains which are parked in the rail yards - are looted. Lawless thugs will break into locked rail cars, rifle through packages, take what they want, and throw the rest on the tracks before they leave. Pictures of this mayhem, are just another example of Biden's America. Not only Biden's America, but also the power of Soros funded DAs in large blue cities. And this guy George Gascon, LA's DA, is the worst of the worst. He prosecutes practically nothing. Thieves can steal at random, and expect not even a slap on the wrist.

Unfortunately, LA is not the only big blue city which has the problem of unenforced crime. It has become common across the land. "No bail" law enforcement. Why? It is unfair to thugs to charge them bail. You know - part of the "Great Reset". Part of equity, instead of equality. This remaking of America, using crime as reparations is ruining everything. Who suffers the most? Shop owners. Insurance companies. Common folk, like us. And why in the world, can't the people we elect to serve and protect us, do something about this? You tell me.

Here is the bottom line as most of us already know. This type of thing, the smash and grab robberies, the muggings in broad daylight, the carjacking, the looting of trains - all of these will continue to go on until we decide they must not. The old saying of we get the government we deserve is so very correct. We elect the people who treat us like subjects, and thugs like victims. In other words, we created this - and we can fix it. 

Just like carjacking has spread across the country, just like smash and grab has spread across the country, now look for train looting to do the same. Any city with a Soros backed DA will be considered to be fertile ground by the thugs. What will Biden do to help? Nada. He thinks this is all part of the reparations we owe someone for something. Sad. Very, very sad.  

Mandate this, pal!

"We don't like the fact your city taxes make it unaffordable to attend eateries or entertainment venues. And we sure as heck, don't care for your vax mandate! In fact, we are voting with our feet. We are staying away."

Here we are, in the once great state of Minnesota, freezing our rear-ends off. The Vikings did not make the playoffs (again), Christmas is over, the pandemic continues to be a most unwelcomed guest, and guess what just happened? The socialist elite, who run both Minneapolis and St. Paul, decided that it would be a wonderful idea to mandate being vaxxed if you wanted to go out for dinner and/or drinks. Wait - what? There is no science in that decision! Everybody knows the Omicron variant does not give a dang about how many vaccinations or boosters you have had! So what gives, for crying out loud? Two words - power and authority.

How is this going to work out? There will be two losers and no winners. The first group of losers will be the owners/operators of bars and eateries. After going through hell for the past two years (because of the pandemic), the city leaders are going to turn up the temperature some more. Food is more expensive (if you can get it), and hardly anyone wants to work in the food business anymore. Everyone is critically short on help. What does the city do to give these poor folks a hand up? It throws them an anchor instead of a life preserver.

The other losers are going to be the customers. Or should I say, the former customers. Let me get this straight - if you want to drive into Minneapolis for a nice dinner, what do you have to look forward to? First off, good luck not getting carjacked. According to the MPD, there were 640 attempted or successful carjackings in 2021. Then if you don't get carjacked, you can still get mugged. Last year, there were over 2,000 robberies in Minneapolis. Many in broad daylight. Once you make it to the restaurant, you will be carded to ensure you are vaxxed. If you pass that hurdle, you may then sit down to a very expensive meal - that is, if the restaurant is able to get food.

Here is a news flash for the yahoos who are running (ruining) the cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul. We don't like your lax response to crime. We don't like the fact you have diminished your police force. We don't like the fact your city taxes make it unaffordable to attend eateries or entertainment venues. And we sure as heck, don't care for your vax mandate! In fact, we are voting with our feet. We are staying away. So socialists in charge - MANDATE THIS!

One of the things that Democrats and socialist have never understood is common knowledge on supply and demand. In a free country, if the income tax goes up too high, people of wealth don't have to work. They don't have to supply jobs. If the cost of goods goes up too high, people don't have to buy them. If vax mandates are instituted for eateries or bars, people don't have to go there. For the life of me, I don't know why socialist think this is so hard to understand. Maybe in Venezuela and Cuba, it is not. 

Democrats and socialists may not get this as yet, but they soon will. Come November, the red wave will wash over everything the statists have tried to ruin. The good news? Help is on the way. Just hold on for a few more months until November. 

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Old Yeller....

"Why is it so important for Biden and his cronies to put this voting bill right now? Simple. It will take the spotlight off what a mess his handling of the pandemic is. Tests, therapeutics, you name it."

People close to my age, remember going to the movie theaters to see a "tear jerker" movie about a dog. Old Yeller, was the story of a boy and his dog. The dog did everything right, except for one thing - he got bit by a rabid animal, and then developed rabies. In the end, Old Yeller had to be put down. Not a dry eye in the house. 

Yesterday, "Biden the Divider" took his stick down to Georgia. Once again, an opportunity to yell at us. By the way, if anyone things this fake anger is real, I have some ice in the back yard to sell you. Anyhow, this old man, with the socialist agenda, is now faced with yet another defeat. His "voters rights" bill. The bill which will nationalize our voting practices. I addressed this yesterday. Biden does not have the votes, nor the Constitution on his side. But who cares? Biden called out those of us on the right, who disagree with him on this issue. Biden said we are on the side of George Wallace - who was a Democrat. Huh? But that is old Joe. Or in this case, "Old Yeller".

To quote Shakespeare in Macbeth, yesterday was Biden at his best, full of sound and fury, and signifying nothing. No logic in his speech - just volume. Biden, who like Schumer has defending the filibuster for years, is now death on it. Both of these ancient socialists want to blow up Senate rules. Okay - go ahead. Just remember on this Slo Joe - everything which has been done, can be undone. The red wave hits in November. Once that happens, you will be less than signifying nothing. 

By the way, did you hear the other gem which was disclosed yesterday? Seems the guy who is the Education Secretary (a cabinet position we have not needed for years), is behind this "cluster" of unleashing the Justice Department (and FBI) on parents in school board meetings. Parents, who Slo Joe now wants to be referred to as "terrorists". Seems an email was discovered, with had immutable proof this Secretary of Education was the puppet master. 

Why is it so important for Biden and his cronies to put this voting bill right now? Simple. It will take the spotlight off what a mess his handling of the pandemic is. Tests, therapeutics, you name it. Everything Biden has done during his time in the pandemic, are the same things he accused Trump of. But Trump looks like a saint on how he handled the pandemic, compared to Biden.

In all fairness, I should say something nice about Joe Biden. After all, he can't be that bad! So here it is - I like his necktie yesterday. It went nicely with his suit. There - that should cut down on the hate mail I usually get from the left. 

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Biden's Race

"All I know is this. The last President we had was more orange than white. But that President, knew how to help people of color. How to remove roadblocks to ensure they can be successful. To ensure they can, like everyone else, live the American dream." 

In 1961, there was a book published called "Black Like Me". It was penned by an author named John Howard Griffin. It was the story of a writer in the south in the 1950's, who wanted to find out what black people went through. He took some drugs which tinted his skin a light brown, but dark enough to him to pass as a black man. The book was later made into a movie, and was seen by many (including me). I thought of that movie the other day, when I heard our President speak.

Sometimes I wonder if Joe Biden hates himself because he is white. Or if this is all a big show. A political stunt to garner more black and brown votes. Biden the divider, really works hard to paint the conservatives in this country as racists. How so? Voting. Voter ID. In fact, Joe Biden is headed down to Georgia today, to further divide the country. How so? Telling anyone who will listen, hopefully many folks of color, what happened in Georgia with their new voting law - was nothing more than voter suppression. As such, the only thing which can fix this travesty of justice, is the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act of 2021 (now that is a mouthful!).

A couple minor problems however. First off, there are not enough votes in the Senate to make this bill happen. Unless - Senate rules are suspended. Then only a simple majority is needed. Next, even if that did happen, and a simple majority is needed, there probably are not enough Democrat Senators to vote for it. Every Republican Senator will vote against it. Finally, there is this natty thing called the Constitution. The Constitution is very clear that each state has the right to determine how voting will be done in that state. But don't worry - the Constitution has never stopped Biden before.

Here is an interesting tidbit. The once radical leftist, but now is starting to talk a bit like a conservative - is Bill Maher. Maher has been chiding Biden and the Democrats as of late. Not just a little bit, but a lotta bit. He recently said, "Go ahead and hate Trump if you want to, but hating the people in this country who like Trump is foolish. Why? They make up half the country." Bingo! But the Biden the "divider" does not care about that. He even mentioned Trump's supporters in his vile January 6th diatribe. 

Two more points on voter suppression for the poor and minorities. First, if someone does not have a driver's license for proof of identity, most states will give a person a legal ID for free. Since an ID is required for most other things, this is a hot deal for someone with limited income. 

Second, when the new voting law in Georgia was compared to the existing voting law in Delaware (Biden's home roost), there was no comparison. The new law in Georgia is much more voter friendly. If this is fact, why has the MSM not called Biden out on this? I think we all know the answer to that one.

What is Biden's race? Looking at him, I would have to say white. But he seems not to care for white folk. When it comes to getting elected or re-elected, he much prefers people of color. All I know is this. The last President was white with a bit of an orange tint. That President knew how to help people of color. How to remove roadblocks, to ensure they can be successful. He wanted everyone, black, brown, red, yellow or white, to live the American dream. 

All Biden can do is promise and pander. If there is something else, please let me know. 


Monday, January 10, 2022

Land of the afraid, home of the brazen

"Is this Biden's America? Sort of. More like Obama's America. Or Alinsky's America. I just know one thing for sure - this is not our Founder's America. Not even a little bit. Time to change things folks. November will be here before we know it." 

You might have heard by now, the number of Democrats retiring from the House is getting close to 30. That is a bunch! This is not just a coincidence - most, if not all, can see the writing on the wall. And the writing spells out the word DEFEAT. What will be the biggest reason? The Covid mess? Our shameful retreat from Afghanistan? Inflation? The evaporated southern border? All will contribute to the DEFEAT of the Democrats. But the biggest reason might just be our runaway crime today. People being afraid of the growing number of brazen criminals.

Yesterday in NYC, was a case in point. Some young folks were working at a Burger King in the city. About 1 am, some thug, dressed in black and masked up, came in brandishing a handgun. He demanded money from the till. A young lady, who recently started working there, opened it up and gave him the contents. It was about $100. The thug then left, but turned around and came back in. He pointed his gun at the young lady and shot her in the torso. She died at the scene.

This is our new America. People are afraid. Crooks are brazen. Democrat DA's refuse to prosecute "broken windows" crimes. In fact, the new DA in NYC will not even prosecute somebody resisting arrest. What message is that for a cop? Probably do very little. Why put yourself at risk, when patsy DA's and judges will just let these perps skate? Meanwhile, NYC has turned into Gotham City. Gotham City with everything except a Batman.

The George Floyd incident has turning our cities upside down. But it did not start there. It started with the "beer summit", when Obama said cops were acting "stupidly" when they questioned "Skip" Gates, a long time friend of Barry's. That was the first crack in the dam. When cops started to get the feeling the POTUS did not have their backs. That spread into many of the large cities run by nincompoops like de Blasio. The rest is history.

Where do we go from here? To the ballot box in November. What do we do until then? Good question. Until we can turn things, the bad guys will rule the roost. Americans, who are not accustomed to being afraid, will cower. Bad guys, who are not accustomed to being in charge, will rule by terror and a gun. 

Is this Biden's America? Sort of. More like Obama's America. Or Alinsky's America. I just know one thing for sure - this is not our Founder's America. Not even a little bit. Time to change things folks. November will be here before we know it. 


Sunday, January 9, 2022

Winter, south of the Mason Dixon Line

"And the lesson learned once this mess on I-95 was over? The same lesson we should have learned after Hurricane Katrina. Help is not coming. We always need to be prepared to take care of ourselves."

Many years, we have traveled down to Florida in January and February. We did not last year, as Covid was on the scene, and the place we usually stay was not accepting guests. This year are not going either. Our choice, due to the continuing spread of Covid. But the years we have driven down to Florida, we always needed to keep a wary eye on the weather. Why? You name it, it can happen in the winter time. Anything from snow storms, to ice storms, to twisters. 

What happened last week on I-95 in Virginia should be a wakeup call to most of us. People not expecting much of a problem driving through Virginia, all of sudden, had a big problem. So big, it is fortunate nobody died. And the lesson learned once this mess on I-95 was over? The same lesson we should have learned after Hurricane Katrina. Help is not coming. We always need to be prepared to take care of ourselves.

I found it interesting to listen to some of the folks who were stranded for almost a full day on that interstate. No food, no water, no bathroom. Some ran out of gas, and had to shiver for hours in a cold car. Most of us who grew up in Minnesota, have been schooled on what to have in your car "just in case". Many folks south of the Mason Dixon line - have not. Whereas snow in January is about as common as Robins in the springtime in Minnesota, snow is very uncommon in the south. It can happen, but it is not common.

One year, we traveled down to Florida a bit later in the winter season. It was still winter in Minnesota, but we hit tornado season down south. I will never forget the ugly, foreboding skies in Mississippi when the sirens went off. We were literally being chased by twisters, all the way to the Gulf of Mexico. However, once we got to I-10, the skies cleared and the temperature soared. 

In short, we have driven though just about every kind of weather on our travels down to Florida. Everything - except snow. But our trips to and from Florida are all part of the story. And without stories to tell, what do we have to share? Just ask the Bird...


Friday, January 7, 2022

The Ashli Babbitt, Kim Potter conundrum

"I really hope we don't have to go through this charade again next January 6th. The nation will not be able to tolerate it. I will not be able to tolerate it. Very few (if any), of the folks I hang with will be able to tolerate it." 

Now that we have seen the DNC lollapalooza called the January 6th event, I think it is time to put one of the ancillary events of that day into context. Ashli Babbitt. Shot in cold blood. In the face. Ashli Babbitt. Air Force veteran. Unarmed protester. Killed by a cop with a spotty record. A black cop, killing a white woman. A cop whom we all know by name. Who was exonerated for the cold blooded murder of this innocent protester. 

In Minnesota, we just had the trial of Kim Potter. A white cop, who served in the same city for 26 years. A white cop with a spotless record. She accidently used the wrong weapon when a young black man, tried to escape arrest. A young black man who had an outstanding warrant for a weapons charge. She was tried, and convicted of both first and second degree manslaughter. She could spend a decade or decade(s) in prison. For making a mistake. One which she deeply regrets.

One cop, who killed an unarmed protester, is now lionized by the federal government. A hero. The other cop, who killed an escaping felon, is demonized by the Minnesota socialist AG, as well as the MSM. I have been trying to square this circle, but it is very hard for me. Actually, impossible. This conundrum (in my mind), can only be solved by doing one or both of two things. 1) Drop all charges against Kim Potter, and reinstate her as a Brooklyn Center cop, and/or 2) Try Lt. Byrd (the Capitol Police cop), for murder. If we don't do either of these, our two tiered system of justice, will continue to show itself.

The headline in the Drudge Report yesterday, as well as some things I heard on the media, had a very true, but stark warning. Thanks to the vile and corrupt speech that Biden and his Veep gave (my words), we are now more divided than ever. We are more divided than ever, there is a cop who is in jail who should not be, and we have a killer cop is on the loose in WDC.

What then, is the state of our state in January 2022? We got rid of the "mean tweeter" last year, in exchange for a "uniter". What did we really get? A weak, confused old man, whose hatred of President Trump (and those who support him), has created a stench which is corroding the lynchpins or our great Republic. Biden is 100 times more the divider than a uniter. For that reason alone, he is toxic to our country. I guess the joke (if you can call it a joke), is on us.

I really hope we don't have to go through this charade again next January 6th. The nation will not be able to tolerate it. I will not be able to tolerate it. Very few (if any), of the folks I hang with will be able to tolerate it. If Biden and Harris really want to help us right now, just zip it. Now that - would really help from our President (and his Veep). 


Thursday, January 6, 2022

Insurrection day? Or insurrection season?

"Will I ever be able to mourn on January 6th like the left does? Maybe - it any of them ever account for the summer of insurrection. Is one as bad as the other? No. In orders of magnitude, the summer of insurrection was much worse." 

Question - what is the left's favorite word these days? If you guessed insurrection, you win a prize. Many on the left are very put out with conservatives, that we are not embracing this day as a national holiday (like they are). You know, kind of like 9/11, only without the trillion dollar  damage and a high body count. But take heart my socialist friends - we do recognize the fact that this nation did indeed have an insurrection. Only it was not a day - it was a season. 

First off, let me repeat what many on my side of the street have said, time after time. The stunt, which was pulled on January 6, 2021, was wrong. People on the conservative side who were cowed or convinced this was the right way to go - were wrong. Plus, there might have been outside agitators involved.

That being said, it understandable the frustration many of the protesters must have felt. People they elected, were not listening to them. They looked at the Capitol Building, and the White House, as the "people's house". A few wanted to do damage - most just wanted to be heard. They wanted Congress to make sure the election was fair. And overthrow their government? Give me a break.

For any laws which were broken by the protesters, the protesters alone, need to be held accountable. Not the rest of us citizens and patriots. For the cold blooded murder of Ashli Babbitt, the troubled cop who killed her needs to be brought to justice.

As far as our Attorney General with the vendetta and the goofy voice, we owe Mitch McConnell a note of gratitude for keeping Merrick Garland off the Supreme Court. Garland would have made the WORST Supreme Court Justice - ever!

The real insurrection which has NEVER been addressed, is the brazen attack on our cities during the summer of 2020. Antifa, BLM, and out and out trouble makers, were just waiting for an excuse like the George Floyd incident, to riot. Not only riot, but also loot, burn and destroy. What unfolded in most of our big blue cities was carnage, straight out of a dystopian novel. Whereas January 6th was a few hours of very bad judgement by a few, the summer of 2020 was non-stop mayhem by many. 

In Minneapolis, which was ground zero for the summer of insurrection, over 1,000 businesses were destroyed. A MPD precinct was burned to the ground, with cops running for their lives. Over 1/2 billion dollars worth of damage was done, just in Minneapolis alone. Nationwide, the cost of the summer of insurrection was over $2B, with 25 people killed. Cops were shot, some were killed. Unlike January 6th, where the only person killed was Ashli Babbitt. 

Will I ever be able to mourn on January 6th like the left does? Maybe - it any of them ever account for the summer of insurrection. Is one as bad as the other? No. In orders of magnitude, the summer of insurrection was much, much worse. 

One final thing as a point of history. Then President Trump requested that the Speaker of the House activate some National Guard assets to assist the Capitol Police prior to January 6th. Ms. Nancy refused. I have often wondered how January 6th would have turned out if Pelosi had activated the National Guard that day. I dare say not much would have happened, and this day would be remembered as just another cold day in January.

The scars from the summer of insurrection however, remain. Parts of Minneapolis are still wasted - left to be rebuilt. Many of the guilty remain free and unpunished. But that is our America today. Two tiers of justice. November cannot come fast enough. 

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Our New Pariah

"All our issues, from the mess on the southern border, to our retreat from Afghanistan, to the price of just about everything - rests on your doorstep, Joe Biden. Or should I just say - 'Big Government's' doorstep also."

Oh, boy. How fast the powerful (or not so powerful), can fall. What in the world has happened to Joseph Biden? The "golden boy" of the left. Okay - not so golden. But he seemed to be the only one who could upset Trump's apple cart. After all, Biden did get (allegedly), 80 million votes. 80 million suckers, who either voted for a senile old man, or against the "mean tweeter". And as Oliver Hardy would say to Stan Laurel, "Now look at the kettle of fish you (80 million suckers) have gotten us into!"

Biden's approval numbers are falling faster than Minnesota snow in January. The only group his approval numbers are not falling with, are conservatives. Why? His numbers have been low with us since the get-go. But with his own party? Especially the socialist wing of his party? They would love to "deep six" Biden, and have him replaced with a fine socialist like Bernie or Liz Warren. As one of the progressives recently said about Biden, "He is just an old guy who can't keep his promises." What was that? It was a brief moment of clarity by the other side.

Biden is so owned, so compromised, his vision, so vapid and insipid, and his character so flawed, he takes no ownership for any of the messes we have right now. The ones of his own creation. For example, the other day he was talking about his recent vacation to his homeland. "My wife, her sister, and friend MaryAnn went to the grocery store the other day. Do you know, a pound of ground beef costs five bucks?" Like, no s**t, Sky King. Then Biden went on to blame - himself? No way, Jose. He blamed "Big Meat". They are stifling completion, and thereby raising their prices. Gouging. Not the cost of fuel (Biden's fault), feed or fertilizer (Biden's fault). This is all on "Big Meat".  

The 60% increase in gas? "Big Oil". That is who is at fault. The increase in the cost of meds. "Big Pharma". The increase in the cost of fruits and veggies? "Big Ag". The list goes on and on and on. But guess what Joe? The American public, conservatives, independents, and yes, even some Democrats, are wise to your stick. All our issues, from the mess on the southern border, to our retreat from Afghanistan, to the price of just about everything - rests on your doorstep, Joe Biden. Or should I just say - "Big Government's" doorstep also.

It is reported that AOC has recently tweeted out she was afraid that you, Joe Biden, because you are so unpopular with just about everyone, was going to set up the party for a HUGE defeat this November. Kind of like what the pollsters are saying. The only question is this - a small bloodbath, or a huge bloodbath. We have every confidence in Joe Biden, he can make it a really, really YUGE ONE!