Saturday, January 22, 2022

Did old Joe stub his toe (again)?

"Putin has seen the acumen of our armed forces. Or should I say, the leadership of our armed forces. Our generals are much more concerned about having a 'woke' force, than training a force who can break things and kill people - when needed."

Some say when you act clumsy or do something which is clumsy and wrong, you have stubbed your toe. Those of us (I dare say all of us), who have stubbed a toe, know what it feels like. It hurts like crazy. Most of the time, when you stub a toe, you are not being careful in where you are going. For the leader of a super power (like ours), to do something clumsy and wrong (like the way we retreated from Afghanistan), that was like stubbing our national toe. It hurt for a long time. It still hurts. Many say that of all the dumb and backward things Joe Biden has done in the past year, that was the worst. That is - up until now.

It did not take Putin long to test Biden's mettle. Xi is in the on deck circle. ICYMI, there are a boat load of Russian tanks and infantry vehicles, parked on the border of the Ukraine right now. Many military experts and historians think this might be the real deal. One said yesterday, this could be the biggest incursion in Europe since WW II. And out President, during the worst presser ever, gave Putin the green light to take "just a little bit" of the Ukraine. Huh?

Well, if Russia does invade, we might write them an angry letter! Like Obama would threaten to do when he was Commander in Chief. Or (and this is a good one), we will sanction the socks off of Russia. Take that, Vlad! But here is the raw truth. Since Biden has declared a war on oil in our country, our oil imports from Russia have now doubled. Even if we give Russia only a very small sanction, Putin could cut us off cold from any petrol products. Our $100/barrel oil could go to $150, and the Jimmy Carter gas lines could make a come back.

Here is more of the raw truth. If Russia invades, it would be a naked example of one nation violating the sovereignty of another. Plain and simple. The UN, is supposed to handle such matters. But they won't. Why? They too, have become 'woke'. Then what will the United States do, militarily? Nothing - which is good. We have zero national interest in the Ukraine. That is, except for Hunter Biden. He has made quite a bit of money working for this corrupt country. But I digress.

Putin has seen the acumen of our armed forces. Or should I say, the leadership of our armed forces. Our generals are much more concerned about having a "woke" force, than training a force who can break things and kill people - when needed. No, we will do nothing when Russia invades.

Seeing the door is now wide open, will Xi act next? On Taiwan? Or will the Norks invade the south? And how about Iran? Will this now be open season on Israel? No, Slo Joe is in the deep end of the pool, and does not even know how to dog paddle.

This will be one to keep an eye on. If something happens, it might happen at the same time the Olympics are going on. Most people who are smart on this kind of stuff, are saying trouble could start sometime between now and the end of February.

What can we do? Go fill up your gas tanks. Since we are no longer energy independent (thanks to Biden), we might be in for a bumpy ride. 


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