Thursday, January 27, 2022

Slo Joe's long game...

"I don't ever again want to hear about how Trump was not obeying federal laws while President. He was a choir boy compared to Biden and his gang. They are corrupt to the core. All because of this stupid and immoral 'long game'. November cannot come fast enough. Get the cuffs ready. We will need hundreds." 

There is an old saying, "If you want to get away with something, just do it in plain sight." However - this article, is not about that. This is about law breaking, a travesty of justice, maybe even sedition and treason, going on where we all can see it. I am once again addressing our immigration system, or lack there of. I am talking about Biden and Mayorkas doing unspeakable things to our country, for reasons which are as plain as day. How so? They are playing their "long game". 

On day one of his Presidency, when Joe Biden put and end to the "wall" on our southern border, when he ordered "catch and release" once again, he knew exactly what he was doing. Once he found a puppet like Mayorkas to do his evil bidding, the plot started to thicken. Biden was launching a saturation attack on his own country. Flood the zone with so many illegals, the border patrol could not possibly control it. That was a year ago. Now we have over 2,000,000 new illegals in this country. Why? The "long game". 

Each one of these illegals is like a "sleeper cell". Just biding their time, waiting. Waiting for what? Waiting for a friendly Congress to declare amnesty. Let them all become instant citizens. Or should I say, let them all become instant Democrat voters. It may not happen today. It may not happen tomorrow. But it will happen. That is - unless we can keep this from happening until we have a normal President and a Constitutional Congress. Of course, over the next three years, if Biden is allowed to continue unabated, we will have another six million illegals in country, as well as tons of deadly drugs. 

This morning on the news, a cable show had submitted a FOIA request to get the body cam footage from a cop stationed at a smaller airport outside of NYC. Why? To show an unmarked, secret flight, unloading dozens of illegals. Why at night? Why so secret? For the same reason young children will sneak cookies out of the cookie jar at night, when everyone is asleep. They know they are doing something wrong, and don't want to be caught. This entire operation, run by Biden and Mayorkas is dirty and wrong. It is treasonous. People not only need to be fired, they need to do the perp walk. Go to a federal pen for decades. 

I don't ever again want to hear about how Trump was not obeying federal laws while President. He was a choir boy compared to Biden and his gang. They are corrupt to the core. All because of this stupid and immoral "long game". November cannot come fast enough. Get the cuffs ready. We will need hundreds. 

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