Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Our New Pariah

"All our issues, from the mess on the southern border, to our retreat from Afghanistan, to the price of just about everything - rests on your doorstep, Joe Biden. Or should I just say - 'Big Government's' doorstep also."

Oh, boy. How fast the powerful (or not so powerful), can fall. What in the world has happened to Joseph Biden? The "golden boy" of the left. Okay - not so golden. But he seemed to be the only one who could upset Trump's apple cart. After all, Biden did get (allegedly), 80 million votes. 80 million suckers, who either voted for a senile old man, or against the "mean tweeter". And as Oliver Hardy would say to Stan Laurel, "Now look at the kettle of fish you (80 million suckers) have gotten us into!"

Biden's approval numbers are falling faster than Minnesota snow in January. The only group his approval numbers are not falling with, are conservatives. Why? His numbers have been low with us since the get-go. But with his own party? Especially the socialist wing of his party? They would love to "deep six" Biden, and have him replaced with a fine socialist like Bernie or Liz Warren. As one of the progressives recently said about Biden, "He is just an old guy who can't keep his promises." What was that? It was a brief moment of clarity by the other side.

Biden is so owned, so compromised, his vision, so vapid and insipid, and his character so flawed, he takes no ownership for any of the messes we have right now. The ones of his own creation. For example, the other day he was talking about his recent vacation to his homeland. "My wife, her sister, and friend MaryAnn went to the grocery store the other day. Do you know, a pound of ground beef costs five bucks?" Like, no s**t, Sky King. Then Biden went on to blame - himself? No way, Jose. He blamed "Big Meat". They are stifling completion, and thereby raising their prices. Gouging. Not the cost of fuel (Biden's fault), feed or fertilizer (Biden's fault). This is all on "Big Meat".  

The 60% increase in gas? "Big Oil". That is who is at fault. The increase in the cost of meds. "Big Pharma". The increase in the cost of fruits and veggies? "Big Ag". The list goes on and on and on. But guess what Joe? The American public, conservatives, independents, and yes, even some Democrats, are wise to your stick. All our issues, from the mess on the southern border, to our retreat from Afghanistan, to the price of just about everything - rests on your doorstep, Joe Biden. Or should I just say - "Big Government's" doorstep also.

It is reported that AOC has recently tweeted out she was afraid that you, Joe Biden, because you are so unpopular with just about everyone, was going to set up the party for a HUGE defeat this November. Kind of like what the pollsters are saying. The only question is this - a small bloodbath, or a huge bloodbath. We have every confidence in Joe Biden, he can make it a really, really YUGE ONE!

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