Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Old Yeller....

"Why is it so important for Biden and his cronies to put this voting bill right now? Simple. It will take the spotlight off what a mess his handling of the pandemic is. Tests, therapeutics, you name it."

People close to my age, remember going to the movie theaters to see a "tear jerker" movie about a dog. Old Yeller, was the story of a boy and his dog. The dog did everything right, except for one thing - he got bit by a rabid animal, and then developed rabies. In the end, Old Yeller had to be put down. Not a dry eye in the house. 

Yesterday, "Biden the Divider" took his stick down to Georgia. Once again, an opportunity to yell at us. By the way, if anyone things this fake anger is real, I have some ice in the back yard to sell you. Anyhow, this old man, with the socialist agenda, is now faced with yet another defeat. His "voters rights" bill. The bill which will nationalize our voting practices. I addressed this yesterday. Biden does not have the votes, nor the Constitution on his side. But who cares? Biden called out those of us on the right, who disagree with him on this issue. Biden said we are on the side of George Wallace - who was a Democrat. Huh? But that is old Joe. Or in this case, "Old Yeller".

To quote Shakespeare in Macbeth, yesterday was Biden at his best, full of sound and fury, and signifying nothing. No logic in his speech - just volume. Biden, who like Schumer has defending the filibuster for years, is now death on it. Both of these ancient socialists want to blow up Senate rules. Okay - go ahead. Just remember on this Slo Joe - everything which has been done, can be undone. The red wave hits in November. Once that happens, you will be less than signifying nothing. 

By the way, did you hear the other gem which was disclosed yesterday? Seems the guy who is the Education Secretary (a cabinet position we have not needed for years), is behind this "cluster" of unleashing the Justice Department (and FBI) on parents in school board meetings. Parents, who Slo Joe now wants to be referred to as "terrorists". Seems an email was discovered, with had immutable proof this Secretary of Education was the puppet master. 

Why is it so important for Biden and his cronies to put this voting bill right now? Simple. It will take the spotlight off what a mess his handling of the pandemic is. Tests, therapeutics, you name it. Everything Biden has done during his time in the pandemic, are the same things he accused Trump of. But Trump looks like a saint on how he handled the pandemic, compared to Biden.

In all fairness, I should say something nice about Joe Biden. After all, he can't be that bad! So here it is - I like his necktie yesterday. It went nicely with his suit. There - that should cut down on the hate mail I usually get from the left. 

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