Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Our Master of Disaster(s)


"Can we have some brief moments of truth telling, please? This past year has been a disaster. Across the board. And the master of this disaster is Joseph Biden. Period. He has no one, I mean nobody to blame, except himself." 

Get ready folks. We are about to hear from our President today. It will be one of his very rare pressers. Will he be "Old Yeller" again? Yelling at us, for whatever? Or will he fess up that he has been a "Master of Disaster" for the past year. Or, will his handlers have him do "better messaging". That according to bright thinkers like Ron Klaine (Chief of Staff), is the reason for Bidens lousy poll numbers. Because I am a good American, I will give Biden a hint for today. It is not the messaging Joe - it is your message. The way you have handled things. Now we can continue. 

Not only is Biden in way over his head, he has company. His Secretary of Education is nothing more than a tool for education unions. He was recently outed for being the puppet master in getting the feds to go after parents who were concerned about their kids schooling. Urban terrorists. His Secretary of Defense has been so concerned with getting our troops "woke", and trying to flush out "white supremacists", he did not notice we have slid back into a cold war with Russia. Like, Russia might be invading Ukraine any day now, and this sudden cold war might get hot. PS - don't for get about our Afghanistan retreat. That is also on the SecDef's plate. 

Our southern border, the responsibility of the Secretary of Homeland Security, is nothing less than treasonous. This misfit for the job he has been given, should have been fired yesterday. The number of illegals who have poured over our border (unfettered), now numbers in the millions since Biden and Mayorkas took over. And the Attorney General? Wow! To think this guy could have been on the Supreme Court! Instead of fighting crime, the AG is more concerned with searching for white skinned bogey men. Like the January 6th protesters.

I will watch the presser today, to see if any of the MSM have the courage to ask the tough questions. Or if it will once again be up to Fox News to ask the right questions. In any event, even MSNBC had some bad news for the President. There are two indicators right now, which point to the donkeys getting a "shellacking" in November. This is MSNBC reporting that fact. 

Can we have some brief moments of truth telling, please? This past year has been a disaster. Across the board. And the master of this disaster is Joseph Biden. Period. He has no one, I mean nobody to blame, except himself. 

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