Thursday, January 6, 2022

Insurrection day? Or insurrection season?

"Will I ever be able to mourn on January 6th like the left does? Maybe - it any of them ever account for the summer of insurrection. Is one as bad as the other? No. In orders of magnitude, the summer of insurrection was much worse." 

Question - what is the left's favorite word these days? If you guessed insurrection, you win a prize. Many on the left are very put out with conservatives, that we are not embracing this day as a national holiday (like they are). You know, kind of like 9/11, only without the trillion dollar  damage and a high body count. But take heart my socialist friends - we do recognize the fact that this nation did indeed have an insurrection. Only it was not a day - it was a season. 

First off, let me repeat what many on my side of the street have said, time after time. The stunt, which was pulled on January 6, 2021, was wrong. People on the conservative side who were cowed or convinced this was the right way to go - were wrong. Plus, there might have been outside agitators involved.

That being said, it understandable the frustration many of the protesters must have felt. People they elected, were not listening to them. They looked at the Capitol Building, and the White House, as the "people's house". A few wanted to do damage - most just wanted to be heard. They wanted Congress to make sure the election was fair. And overthrow their government? Give me a break.

For any laws which were broken by the protesters, the protesters alone, need to be held accountable. Not the rest of us citizens and patriots. For the cold blooded murder of Ashli Babbitt, the troubled cop who killed her needs to be brought to justice.

As far as our Attorney General with the vendetta and the goofy voice, we owe Mitch McConnell a note of gratitude for keeping Merrick Garland off the Supreme Court. Garland would have made the WORST Supreme Court Justice - ever!

The real insurrection which has NEVER been addressed, is the brazen attack on our cities during the summer of 2020. Antifa, BLM, and out and out trouble makers, were just waiting for an excuse like the George Floyd incident, to riot. Not only riot, but also loot, burn and destroy. What unfolded in most of our big blue cities was carnage, straight out of a dystopian novel. Whereas January 6th was a few hours of very bad judgement by a few, the summer of 2020 was non-stop mayhem by many. 

In Minneapolis, which was ground zero for the summer of insurrection, over 1,000 businesses were destroyed. A MPD precinct was burned to the ground, with cops running for their lives. Over 1/2 billion dollars worth of damage was done, just in Minneapolis alone. Nationwide, the cost of the summer of insurrection was over $2B, with 25 people killed. Cops were shot, some were killed. Unlike January 6th, where the only person killed was Ashli Babbitt. 

Will I ever be able to mourn on January 6th like the left does? Maybe - it any of them ever account for the summer of insurrection. Is one as bad as the other? No. In orders of magnitude, the summer of insurrection was much, much worse. 

One final thing as a point of history. Then President Trump requested that the Speaker of the House activate some National Guard assets to assist the Capitol Police prior to January 6th. Ms. Nancy refused. I have often wondered how January 6th would have turned out if Pelosi had activated the National Guard that day. I dare say not much would have happened, and this day would be remembered as just another cold day in January.

The scars from the summer of insurrection however, remain. Parts of Minneapolis are still wasted - left to be rebuilt. Many of the guilty remain free and unpunished. But that is our America today. Two tiers of justice. November cannot come fast enough. 

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