Saturday, January 1, 2022

A brand new year, with new beginnings

We need to get our country, our state, back in alignment. That's it. Covid, socialists, crime - none of that will deter us. We always need to remember one thing - and this is critical. We are the good guys. The fixers. The dreamers. The doers.

This morning at breakfast, I was remarking to my wife about this past year. I asked her if she remembered a year ago today. She did. As did I. And I dare say, most others do also. A year ago was the "New Beginning". We had the vaccine ready to go, and we were going to kick this China produced pandemic, right to the curb. It wrecked everyone's 2020, but 2021? A brand new year! Time to forget the "new normal", and just get back to normal!

Shortly after the new year had begun, I remember reading an article by the chairman of Carnival Corporation (the cruise company). Oh, it was so upbeat! "We are done now, with having the pandemic control our destiny. Our cruises this year will be wonderful. Everybody, the crew as well as passengers, will be fully vaccinated. Once we shove off, no masks will be required. We will be in a bubble, protected from Covid." Well, we all know how that turned out. The CDC has just elevated cruising to a Code 4 - which means, don't cruise - even if you are fully vaccinated and boosted. What a disaster!

Yesterday, I wrote about 2020 and 2021 morphing into one 24 month year. I have already heard some folks say 2022 will be just like 2021. To that, I say rubbish. We simply can't let that happen. We need to recalibrate our lives to be like they were in 2019 - or before. We need to get up, dust ourselves off, and set our gaze on the horizon - not the rear view mirror. We now realize that Covid will be with us for a long, long time. Kind of like the Spanish Flu. Or the Swine Flu. They are still here, but nothing like when they first came on the scene.

What I am going to do (not try to do, but do), in 2022 is this - each day, every day, will be a new beginning for me. A gift from God. A day to look forward with a new resolve. A resolve to help get our country back on track.

We have a Constitution - the best ever penned, in any country, at any time in history. We live in a representative democracy. Not a direct democracy, like the Democrats think we do. We elect representatives who are suppose to follow our Constitution. I dare say if we could get to that point, the difference between political parties, might be negligible. 

If we look out into our fruited plains right now, the America we see, the one which has been taken to the breaking point by lawlessness, and political entropy, is a mess. This is our starting point on January 1st. It is like the old saying, "We have to get better, because we can't get worse." Well actually, maybe we could we could get worse. But I believe there are enough of us, who still remember how America is suppose to look, that will help us get back to that great beginning. Where once again, America can be (as Ronald Reagan would put it) "The shining city on a hill, for all to see."

There is nobody who is going to come in from the cold and help us fix things. This is for us to do. Love of God, love of our Constitution, love for family, and yes, love for others - needs to be our credo going forward. Is America really that broken? Not really. It is like a car which is out of alignment. Once the car is fixed, and the alignment is corrected, the car runs fine. 

We need to get our country, our state, back in alignment. That's it. Covid, socialists, crime - none of that will deter us. We always need to remember one thing - and this is critical. We are the good guys. The fixers. The dreamers. The doers.

We can fix this. We will fix this. It is after all, a brand new year, with new beginnings. This time, it is for sure.

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