Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Get the **** off my lawn!!!

"I don't want to scare anyone, but this is the guy who might be dragging us into war with Russia. Our Commander-in-Chief."

Ouch! Uncle Joe! Such language from a kindly old gent! Or not. Joe Biden, the "most religious man ever to occupy the White House" (his words, not mine), seems to have animus towards certain types of people. Calling Peter Doocy from Fox News a "SOB". This was not long after calling Jacqui Heinrich from Fox News, "stupid". That tipped his hand (again). Joe, our deep man of faith President, hates Fox News about as much as he hates Republicans. But not as much as he hates Donald J. Trump.

Those who know about dementia, have lived with it with an older relative, know this. Many times dementia caused someone to lose their filter. Let's get this straight. Besides looking dazed and confused quite often, Biden also becomes an angry old man, yelling at kids to get off his lawn. What? Wait! That is not very Presidential! No it is not. Remember that Democrats, who always accused Trump of not being very Presidential. 

I don't want to scare anyone, but this is the guy who might be dragging us into war with Russia. Our Commander-in-Chief. Rumor has it Biden is under pressure to change things up in his cabinet. Get rid of the lemmings who have taken him down the road to socialism. Like Ron Klaine. Send him packing. Get a Chief of Staff who will work for the American people by keeping the President aligned with the people's wishes. Not just the Squad's wishes. Who knows - the West Wing shake up might happen during the time period that Putin walks into Kiev. 

I don't want to sound like Eeyore, but this is turning into a winter of discontent. Even worse than last winter. The economy is starting to tank, Russia might be re-constituting the Soviet Union (by force), and Omicron is still the turd in the punchbowl. Like tomorrow is suppose to be the peak of Omicron in this neck of the woods. Of course, N95 masks, testing kits, and therapeutics are still in short supply, but that is because of Old Joe. I guess in his dementia, he forget what "warp speed" means.

In any event, the message for the day is, DON'T P*** OLD JOE OFF! Stay off his lawn! Or as Obama is quoted as saying, "Never underestimate Biden's ability to f**k things up". I guess Obama was yet another POTUS with a potty mouth.  


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