Saturday, January 29, 2022

Another softy from Soros

"I am sorry you are stuck with this guy, NYC. Good luck going forward. Minneapolis has its own kettle of fish to deal with. How so? Once you cross over the border into Minneapolis, you are entering into a Twilight Zone."

Congratulations NYC! Because so many of you nitwits vote strictly party line, 100% blue down ticket, you got a real winner for a DA for Manhattan. Alvin Bragg is your new DA. You got hoodwinked by George Soros, once again. This George Soros funded DA, who was put in to this position only to continue to wreck things (like only Soros can do), is really earning his paycheck. Paycheck? But he does done nothing to curb crime in New York City! Exactly. That is why Soros wanted him in this position.

Why in the world, would people in one of the largest cities in the world, vote for such a moron? Because, many are "yellow dog" Democrats. For those who can't remember what a "yellow dog" is, it is a Democrat who will vote for anyone on a blue ticket, even a "yellow dog". I mean, look at Minnesota. We elected Keith Ellison to be our Attorney General. 

The funeral yesterday for Jason Rivera was sad and amazing at the same time. It was very sad to see this very young man die in the line of duty. But the turnout of blue uniforms as well as ordinary citizens, was simply amazing. One of the saddest parts of the funeral, was when Officer Rivera's young widow addressed the crowd. In her tears, she called out the DA. His policies were partially (or more than partially) responsible. The ocean of blue uniforms cheered  - some even gave her a standing "O". The feeling I got from seeing that, is this new Soros funded DA is about as popular (with the blue uniforms), as case of Herpes. 

By the way, this new Governor who replaced Cuomo, is about as useless as ice to an Eskimo. She announced after Cuomo's resignation, she was going to be a "new type of leader". Ah, no she is not. Same stuff, different day. She was asked to renounce this "no bail" policy which has put NYC into the lawless zone. A policy which DA Bragg loves. Given the chance to put a muzzle on this rogue DA, she deferred. "I need more proof that the "no bail" policy is adding to the crime problem". WHAT??? You are the flipping Governor lady - how can you be that dense? Simple answer. She is a Democrat. They are all loyal to each other, no matter how corrupt and incompetent they are.

I am sorry you are stuck with this guy, NYC. Good luck going forward. Minneapolis has its own kettle of fish to deal with. How so? Once you cross over the border into Minneapolis, you are entering into a Twilight Zone. Where " you are traveling through another dimension...", and this dimension is socialism and crime.

Bottom line? We all have to fix our own cities. That is - if you can find enough "normal people" to do it. Will the "yellow dogs" help fix these cities? Not a chance. No wonder Soros has such an easy job.  

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