Thursday, January 20, 2022

Joe's Prezzzzer...

"On the plus side, after the presser, the Senate Democrats decided to have a vote to stop the filibuster on the bills to screw up our voting system. The Democrats failed, and our election system survived."

Yesterday was the big day. The first presser that Joe Biden has had for months. And it was a whopper! Well, not really. It was really a snoozer. But - I will give the Prez kudos for one thing. He went for two hours. He did not fall asleep for those two hours, but many of us who watched might have. And what did we learn from Slo Joe? He has done more in his first year, than any other President. Yes, he really did say that. 

The main issue asked about by the MSM was Russia. Russia, Russia, Russia. Is Russia going to invade the Ukraine? What are we going to do? Not sanction the Russian Nord Stream 2 pipeline! We have already had that opportunity. In fact, the Republicans in the Senate wanted to recently do that, but the Democrats (ready for this?) - filibustered the issue. So that effort died. Biden did not want to sanction that pipeline, as it might "offend" Putin. So Biden "red lights" much of our fossil fuel energy development, but "green lights" Russia's pipeline to Germany. And the Democrats had the guts to call Trump a Russian stooge and toady. SMH.

Biden, with sinking poll numbers, promised us more of the same. Whatever he had done, will continue. His problems? Republicans. Pure and simple. Biden the unifier, did his darndest to prove that nickname wrong. He has sliced us and diced up more that Obama did. And Biden's biggest disappointment? Voting rights. How the Republicans are suppressing the vote. Especially with voters of color. Huh? Just once, I wish Slo Joe would showcase a REAL person who had trouble voting last time around, due to voter suppression. Hint: He can't, because no such person exists. Biden just needs another bogeyman. Like Republicans who favor voter ID. 

Gosh, I was shocked that nobody from the MSM asked about crime. Is there anyone in this country who has a beating heart, that does not know about our crime problem? Or inflation? Is there anyone who has not felt inflation? The price of gasoline? Heating oil? Natural gas? And the southern border - where were the questions on that issue? The trafficking. The fentanyl. The gangs. The terrorists. Hello? Do we even have a press anymore?

By the way, back to Russia before I close. The "mic drop" moment of the presser, was when Biden gave a "dog whistle" to Putin, that if Russia wanted only a small incursion into the Ukraine, it would be fine with Biden. Word has it, the President of the Ukraine just about fell out of his chair when he heard that. What Putin also knows is this - even if Russia did a big incursion into the Ukraine, NATO would just stand by and look flummoxed. Especially the United States. 

On the plus side, after the presser, the Senate Democrats decided to have a vote to stop the filibuster. Only on the bills that would screw up our voting system. The Democrats failed, and our election system survived.

Too bad the vote was not before the presser, so Joe could have been asked about something other than Russia. Russia, Russia, Russia.  


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