Friday, December 18, 2015

Cruz Control

"The person I feel the sorriest for is the one on the other ticket who has to debate Ted Cruz. Unlike the Republican debates, in the general election Senator Cruz will take the gloves off..."

A few folks have asked me who I like from the gaggle of folks running for the Republican nomination. Truthfully, I have not yet decided. That being said, there are some I like better than others. And even the one I like the least, I like 100 times more than whomever is on the other ticket.

I am however, mostly fascinated with Donald Trump and Ted Cruz - for different reasons. Trump is the most teflon coated Republican I have seen in my lifetime. No matter what he says or does, it is okay with his faithful. In fact, his faithful keep growing. And I still say Trump's main draw is he is considered by many to be the anti-Obama. After 7 years of President Bystander, many are ready and would much prefer a bull in the china shop.

Ted Cruz is a completely different story. As braggadocious as Mr. Trump is, Senator Cruz is measured. He is artful and highly skilled with his language. Many times when the Senator is talking, I can only watch in amazement. How can he do that? Stay so closely on message and always use the right words? No hmms, ahs, or sighs. Just facts, laid out in nearly flawless locution. 

Like I said, so far I like some of the candidates better than others. My major yardstick of course is who can win the general. As Chris Christie said a while back, "You can't govern if you don't win". I could not agree more. Ted Cruz is a man who (in my humble opinion) is very principled, deep in his faith, wickedly smart, and winnable. Yes, it is not hard for me to see Ted Cruz on the podium in January of 2017, one hand on the Bible and the other raised.

The true believers and the faithful in this country really need a person of principle once again leading our country. We seem to have a tidal wave of Republicans who promised if elected, the first thing on their agenda was to defund ObamaCare. And then fix our broken borders. Most importantly, to rein the President. And what did we get? A bunch of unprincipled sell-outs, voting for a 2,000 page pork laden, Democratic GFY 2016 funding bill. 

I don't know if I will endorse Ted Cruz or not. Right now he is very high on my list. If he keeps going the way he has been, he might end up on top of my list. And that would be fine with me. 

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