Sunday, December 27, 2015

Happy Talk!

"I really would like to write about more happy things. More upbeat. But things are so messed up right now, I just can't ignore the truth..."

Someone asked me not too long ago, why I don't write more uplifting articles. Why many of the things I write about are somewhat dark and dour. Why I can be "Dr. Raincloud" for days on end. My response was simple - I would love to write about happier things. Or like the song in the movie South Pacific - I would like to engage in more "Happy Talk"!

I would love to be penning articles about new energy sources that will propel this country (and the world) into the next golden age of man. About how we are able to capture or manufacture fresh and/or potable water which would forever end our water woes in dry states. How our economy would be running on a balanced budget instead of a credit card. And how space travel is once again the adventure our young people dream about.

And why don't I do that? Because (to use an old phrase), you can't fix stupid. We are doing things either stupidly (to use our President's term), or nothing at all - which is sometimes just as bad. We have done little or nothing to fix our nation's water supply. We are pumping the life out of our aquifers with no "Plan B" in our back pocket. Soon the aquifers will not be able to regenerate enough water to satisfy the nation's midsection - or more commonly known as the "nation's breadbasket". And without our breadbasket, we cannot feed the world.

Our nation's electric grid continues to be a joke. It is held together with spit and gum. All we need is one crude EMP device going off, or one well placed "burp" from the sun, and then we will be in deep weeds. We have had the technology for years on how to make our grid not only robust, but also smart. Where it can not only withstand an EMP, but also run more efficiently. So just like with our nation's water supply, we continue to do nothing. We stumble down life's path, fat, dumb and happy.

We have a military capable of taking care of the Islamic State terror threat for once and for all. Not just in the Middle East, but also northern Africa. And we could do it quickly. All it takes is guts and commitment. But no - we are going to tinker around the edges until this cancer gets so big, it invades the homeland. Once that happens, any venue we now enjoy will be a potential soft target for the bad guys. Shopping, sports events, church, you name it.

I won't even go into the economy. The debt, the job situation, our trade deficit. That is for another day.

The Very Angry Bird would really like to take some anger management classes and start learning once again how to speak "Happy Talk". But until we as a nation start facing up to, and solving some of our real problems, I just can't. 

The other day I wrote about the longing many have for true leadership. True leadership would get us on the right track in solving some of these big problems. The choice will be ours in less than a year. We can vote for more of the same, or something much, much different. Again, the choice will be ours.


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