Sunday, December 20, 2015

The Three Amigos

"It has been said that too much consensus can lead to a dull argument. Last night was a perfect example of that old axiom..."

I tried. I really tried. Oh, there were other things I could have watched on TV that were more riveting. More entertaining. Even more educational. But I thought to be "fair and balanced", I should watch the DNC sponsored "debate". Truthfully - it looked more like a remake of the Three Amigos. I made for about thirty minutes before my brain shut down and I feel asleep.

What were the differences between the three of them? Not much. Except they all hate Donald Trump. As well as the obstructionist Republicans. The one thing which I thought could have been a bone of contention last night was the data breach of the Clinton camp. The Socialist said he was sorry, and that was it. Case closed. It was like a smaller version of Watergate. And Hillary was a staffer on the Watergate hearings many decades ago. She should have been pissed like she was back then. But that is not in the script for the Three Amigos.

Before I drifted off into the arms of Morpheus, I watched the discussion on guns. On this matter, they were joined at the hip. Gun grabbers all. Martin is proud of what he had done for Baltimore as well as the rest of Maryland. Great gun control. Well let's look at Baltimore for a minute. 300 murders as of the middle of November. Up 60% from last year. Many neighborhoods have become nothing more than shooting galleries. Baltimore has become more dangerous than Detroit. The solution? Put the cops on trial. Then, take guns away from the law abiding citizens. Right on script for the Three Amigos.

It will be hard to imagine any one of these lefties as our next president. How any one of them can right our ship of state after the current guy has put us on the rocks. We all know what Bernie wants to do - tax the #@%t out of everyone, especially the infamous 1%. The only problem is this - to properly fund every program Bernie wants to run, we will need to tax everyone a heck of a lot more. And even with that, our debt will continue to go up. But so what? Nobody said boo about fixing the debt.

And how about those pesky terrorists? First off, the Three Amigos will probably continue the Obama apology tour. It is our fault for our past sins. That is why the terrorists are mad at us. Just play nice, open our borders, disarm, and stay home. No more war - ever. The terrorists will throw down their weapons, stop beheading everyone, and then adorn their trucks with COEXIST bumper stickers. Peace will cover the land. We will all live happily ever after. Or not.

So thank you Debbie "Blabbermouth", for putting on this exciting event last night. Instead of an iron sharpening iron event, it was goo on top of goo. All three of the amigos better hope and pray that Ted Cruz is not the guy they will have to debate. Instead of the Three Amigos, that debate will look more like the Shootout at the OK Corral... 

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