Thursday, February 16, 2017

The "Club"

"The two sides may have to work together, but that is where it can end. The only friends any representative should have at any level of government are first the Constitution (federal and/or state), and the voters who sent them." 

We all know it exists. Some call it the "shadow government". Some call it the "establishment". Ike called it the "military-industrial complex". Whatever you want to call it, it exists. It exists now and has existed for decades - maybe longer. In fact, some think this goes back as far as the Illuminati. For the sake of simplicity, I will just call it the "Club". And whatever it is called, it hates an outsider. Especially an iconoclast like Donald Trump.

As if that is not bad enough, the news gets worse. This exists in all forms of government. The coziness. The cronyism. The resulting corruption. And these days, it is the only thing in government which is non-partisan. It is pervasive. It is endemic. And it is destructive.

This government within a government has recently shown its ugly face in what they are trying to do to our new President. First, they tried to embarrass him on a world stage by releasing the "golden shower" lie. Next, they did manage to take down his National Security Chief, by illegally leaking classified information to the press.

It is sad to say, but many on the Left are seduced by the lies of the "Club". They seem to get sucked into the vortex, time and time again. And this club has infested our court system.

When President Trump said the courts have too much power, he was not just whistling Dixie. They do. True Constitutional Scholars will all say the same thing. Our government was set up by the Founders to NOT have three co-equal parts of government. In order of priority our government should be the following: the Legislative, then the Executive, and way back in a distant third place - the Judiciary. Somewhere along the path, this ranking has somehow become mixed up. 

The other day, one of the pundits on the Left said, "The only check and balance the President truly has is the courts - the Judiciary". Ah - not true sir. The only check and balance that ANYONE in government has is the Constitution. It is as simple as that. 

I used the picture above not that it represents the most egregious example of the "Club". It does not. But it does represent something that drives many conservatives crazy. To quote a good friend of mine who when running for the state legislature said something true and profound. "I am not going to St. Paul to make friends, I am going to serve my district and the state." 

True words. The two sides may have to work together, but that is where it can and should end. The only friends any representative should have (at any level of government) are first the Constitution (federal and/or state), and the voters who sent them. Period.

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