Friday, September 11, 2020

9/11 Responders: From Heroes to Goats

"What your brothers and sisters did on 9/11 will never be forgotten by us. Not now, not ever. We will never forget."  

Today is Patriot's Day. No Obama - it is not "A Day of Service", that you tried to rename this day to. It is a day for many of us, the raw emotion of that day 19 years ago, is revisited. We remember who did this to us, and why. Even though the PC crowd would love us just to sing kumbaya, put "COEXIST" bumper stickers on our cars, and be one big happy family - many of us still look at Muslims with a jaundiced eye. Will it always be that way? Maybe.

Of all the sadness on that tragic day, the part which really sticks in my gut were the loss of the first responders. Young men and women, who ran to the danger, instead of away from it. Heroes all, who knew that long and smoky trip up the stairs of the twin towers might be their last trip. And for many it was.

I remember hearing that when first tower fell, and took so many responders with it, the shear weight of the tower pulverized many who were still in there. Sometimes a piece of someone was found, on which a DNA sample could be run. Other times, people just became part of the dust which covered Manhattan for such a long period of time. No - these responders were a special breed of heroes.

Today, a scant 19 years later, much has changed. A new tower has been built, on the same spot the twin towers once stood. The Pentagon has been repaired, and anyone who flies commercial, knows about the enhanced screening we must now all endure. But the biggest change is the most unsettling. Clueless Mayors like Bill de Blasio, is waging a war on his own cops. Making them out to be flawed people in blue - far from the heroes they really are. He has defunded them - consequently, many have taken early retirement or just quit. The once fine NYPD, are now spit upon, yelled at, and even shot at by protesters. 

It is not just New York. These men and women of blue, the bravest of the brave, are being treated worse than second class citizens. Not by all of us - no way! Once you get outside the cities, cops are treated the same way they always have been. They protect and serve us, and we appreciate that. True citizens and patriots, have their cop's backs. If our cops get in a jam and need help, it is us who will protect them. No, the relationship with law enforcement out here in the hinterland, is for the most part, excellent.

But in the bowels of the cities, the big blue cities, run by socialists Mayors, in states headed up by socialist Governors, they cannot get rid of their cops fast enough. In the la-la land also known as the Twin Cities, many in the local government want to replace cops with social workers. Why? Because these cities are now run by idiots. Net result? Big city cops all over the country - are leaving. Cops ranging all the way from beat cops to the Chief. Meanwhile, crime in most big blue cities is off the charts. One travels into a big city now at their own peril.

For those in law enforcement who might read this post, thank you. That does not just come from me, it comes from most of us. We are sorry some of the mutts in the big cities treat you as poorly as they do. They are the minority, we are the majority. What your brothers and sisters did on 9/11 will never be forgotten by us. Not now, not ever. We will never forget.  

1 comment:

  1. 412 heroic first responders died and now many more are ill from various ailments. My son had died two weeks earlier and for a brief time my grief for his loss was forgotten. My anger for going to war with the wrong foe will never go away.
