Sunday, September 27, 2020

"And may the odds, ever be in your favour..."

"Let's sum this up. Why the left already hates this woman. She is smart, she is pretty, she is accomplished, she live deep in her faith ('dogma', right DiFi?), she is a wife and mother, and she knows the law."

Who could ever forget that famous line which was mentioned numerous times in the Hunger Games trilogy. Well, we are not playing a version of Hunger Games in our country right now (albeit, we are close). But with the impending hearings and then confirmation vote for Amy Coney Barrett, other games are about to begin. Only these games are not going to be fun. Not a bit. But these games will be for all the marbles. 

Right off the bat, the loons on the left cannot stand this nominee. Why? She stands for everything they do not. They really don't like her Catholic faith. And why is that? Instead of being a fallen Catholic like the left's Presidential nominee, as well as the Speaker of the House, Judge Barrett lives her faith. Even though she has pledged numerous times she can separate her faith from her rulings, that is not good enough for loons like Chuckie Schumer. 

And this family thing. Where in the world does she get off, having five bio kids and two adopted kids from Haiti? And one of the adopted kids has special needs. Some knucklehead has already come out as called her a "colonialist" for adopting two kids from Haiti. Like, should these kids not be adopted by families from Haiti instead? Hello? Has this guy seen Haiti as of late? Judge Barrett, to give these kids a fighting chance, adopted them and then brought them to the states. If that is a "wrong" thing to do, give us some more of that kind of "wrong". 

Let's sum this up. Why the left already hates this woman. She is smart, she is pretty, she is accomplished, she live deep in her faith ("dogma", right DiFi?), she is a wife and mother, and she knows the law. But there is one more thing which is the clinker. After spoiling all their political capital in the hatchet job they did on Brett Kavanaugh, the left knows THEY CAN'T STOP THIS NOMINATION! However, Republicans who stray off the reservation, could.

Do I feel sorry for the Marxists? Not one bit. They have controlled the courts for so long, they think it is a right of passage for them to keep doing so. But - almost four years ago, there was a new sheriff in town. One who pledged he would change the Supreme Court from an instrument of the left, to a Constitutional law interpreting organization. And this will be the third jurist that Donald Trump has gotten on the bench. During his next term, there could easily be two more. No problem - Donald Trump still has plenty of qualified names on his list of candidates.

On Monday, the games begin. We can once again watch and see the Marxists on the other side act like jackasses. If the Republicans stick together, this is a done deal. But it will still be a rough couple weeks for Judge Barrett. To her, I say this - be strong, "and may the odds, ever be in your favor"... 


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