Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Portland's punishment?

"What they have done to that town is beyond reprehensible. The flag burning has morphed into Holy Bible burning in the middle of streets. God is not only forgotten and neglected - he is ridiculed and besmirched."

I have only one thing to say about the west coast right now. WHAT A MESS! This has been a fire season to top them all. And what is causing them? Man-made climate change? Lousy foresting practices? Arson by Antifa (stay tuned to Glenn Beck on this one)? Or is it something more? A little wake-up call from the Almighty to remember who the Creator is, and as well as who is the creation. You mean God's punishment? Maybe.

Portland Oregon has been ground zero for just about everything evil for the past 100 days or so. There have been sins of omission and sins of commission. Antifa and BLM, have carried out the sins of commission. What they have done to that town is beyond reprehensible. The flag burning has morphed into Holy Bible burning in the middle of streets. God is not only forgotten and neglected - he is ridiculed and besmirched.

What about the sins of omission? That would be the left leaning Mayor of Portland and the Governor of Oregon. These two are a pair to draw to. Total 100% idiots. While Portland burns under the torches of Antifa and BLM, city and state government defends the perps as being "peaceful demonstrators". They both blame the President. Heck, even Slo Joe is blaming President Trump. He calls the President a "environmental arsonist". Typical for Biden.

Today, it was reported on the news that Portland is the most air polluted city - in the world. Let that sink in for just a minute. We are not a third world country - we are first world. And yet, the fires are so numerous in Oregon, and so close to Portland, the air is almost un-breathable. And there is a fine layer of ash on top of just about everything. Plus - to make matters worse - about 10% of the state's population is on a mandatory evacuation.

To date, this fire season in Oregon is the worst on record. It is only the middle of September, and fire season goes until November. The "greenies" can blame the President, they can blame Trump supporters, they can blame us walking away from the Paris Climate Accord all they want to. But here are the facts. Until the libs in the western states get back to proper foresting management, these annual fires will be more normal than abnormal. AND - it would be a very good idea to invite God back into the equation. Just saying - burning the Word of God in the middle of the streets of Portland is not a smart play.  


  1. Patriots should be dancing in the streets to see the blue left coast burn. Wonder what Gods message is to the southern red states as he/she sends storm after storm into the gulf?

    1. I like the "he/she" reference brother Dave. You must be using a different Bible than I. Mine refers to God as "Father".

    2. Most of the problems in the world came from old people, mostly men, holding onto positions of power. God is far superior, ie female.

  2. That’s where you go wrong, Dave. We’re not like the people on The Left. Why would we WANT to see part of our country burn? Why would we rejoice in death and destruction?? 😡😡😡

    1. I’m always wrong, no need for you to point out the obvious.
