Thursday, September 3, 2020

Next up - the monuments of WDC

"Right now, this nation is like a couple with a bad marriage living in the same house. The relationship is acrimonious and hate filled."

I will say this for this fun bunch of America haters - they don't ever stop. Nope - it is one thing after another. They are out to destroy or change or "cancel" anything, and everything. When they were toppling statues, they did not care if they also toppled abolitionist statues from the Civil War period. Nope. They were racists also. In Portland, they damaged the every expensive condo of "woke" sympathizer, Mayor Ted Wheeler. Whoops - now poor Teddy needs to move. But who cares? It is all for the movement. All the destruction and mayhem we have seen so far, has only set the table for their next act. 

This group of misfits are just chomping at the bit to get the lifeless Joe Biden elected as President. After all, that darn old "Orange Man" has done nothing, but get in their way. Once Biden is elected, he will not have the balls to stop what they want to do next. Target = Washington DC. That hotbed of racists and white supremacist monuments. Get rid of them all - including the 555 foot high Washington Monument. 

No - wait. This is a joke, right? Nope. This is once again the tail wagging the dog. The vast majority of Americans think this group of America haters are just a bunch of nut balls. But in the urban core, they are looked upon as "woke reformers". They are almost worshiped. They are the ones who will finally set things right in this "broken" country. This land of invaders and conquerors. In other words, those damn white guys!

And this slave thing we had in our beginning - wow! Are they ever teaching the new version of that issue in our schools today! Those "whities" from yesteryear, brought in people of color from all over, just so this young nation could oppress them. But here is the truth about slavery (once again). In the early slave trading days, over ten million people of color were taken from Africa to be enslaved in other countries. Some slave traders were white, some were black. The percentage of slaves which came to the colonies was between 3% and 5% of the total trade. True, one slave is one too many. But we were small potatoes compared to other countries back then. But it was still wrong. And this nation fought its most costly war (with itself), to right this wrong. Why re-litigate this issue today? As Biden always says, "Come on man!"

So this nation, this beacon of light for the world to see, this great American Experiment - will come to an end if Joseph Biden becomes POTUS 46. His Vice President, an AOC wannabe, will roll Biden on every "woke" issue which comes up. But here is the very bad news. The citizens and patriots will not take this dismantling of their country lying down. Under Biden, this great country will be torn apart at the seams by the next civil war. Only this war will not be about slavery. It will be about freedom and liberty. 

Right now, this nation is like a couple with a bad marriage living in the same house. The relationship is acrimonious and hate filled. One side wants to preserve the wedding vows, which were taken almost 250 years ago. The other side wants a marriage which looks nothing like a marriage. The other side no longer wants vows, nor fidelity - just pleasure for pleasure's sake. In other words - hedonism.

You may not like Donald Trump. You may not like his language or methods. But his results are immutable. He is the only one, the only thing, which is keeping this shaky marriage together right now. If we lose Trump and get Biden, we will lose everything. God help us all.     


  1. Congrats on 3000. As a recent but loyal reader, I follow you religiously. Most blogs are partisan, but excellent reading. Thanks

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