Thursday, September 17, 2020

The "Present"

"For the Democrats, there is no repairing this damage. Too late. Damage control would be futile."

I am sure many have noticed this by now. Our Congressman sure has. He is involved, and running ads to support it. For any Republican, running for any office, this was an unanticipated gift from the other side. It is a prize for sure. What is it? Social unrest. Anti-cop mania. Lawlessness. And throughout weeks and weeks of this, the Democrats have said nary a word. Na-da. And the Republicans have now taken this issue, and ran with it.

The goof-ball Democrat Senator from Hawaii (Mazie Hirono) has said more than once, the biggest problem Democrats have is communicating with the common folk. Why? Because Democrats are so much smarter than the rest of us. Really? I think the fact most (if not all) Democrats remained silent, while American cities burned, belies that "smartness" issue. In fact, I think most "professional" Democrats are dumber than dog poop. They handed this law and order issue to the Republicans, on a silver platter, all wrapped up like a wonderful present.

With less than 50 days left until the election, the Democrat strategy is starting to fall apart. Biden comes across dazed and confused. Every week, he mutters another "Bidenism", which somehow never makes the corporate media. But they sure make the internet media. Meanwhile, the nitwit Democrat Mayors as well as the Governors of blue states, continue to blame Donald Trump for the over ONE BILLION DOLLARS worth of damage the mutts have caused. But who cares about the facts? The narrative is much more interesting. The only problem is the public is not buying what the Democrats are selling. They KNOW who is lighting the matches, which are burning thing down. And it is not Donald Trump.

For the Democrats, there is no repairing this damage. Too late. Damage control would be futile. If the Republicans were smart, they would take what they have already done in promoting themselves as the law and order party, and then take it up 10 notches. Why?


1) The American people don't want their cities looking like third world hellholes. Period.

2) The American people are for the most part, law abiding. They want lawmakers punished - NOW.

3) The billion dollars worth of damage caused by the mutts might be covered by insurance and taxes, but in the end, we all have to pay for it. Many Americans know that.

4) American people like their police forces. They don't want them defunded or eliminated. Period.

There it is folks. The present from the dark side. And we did not even have to ask for it. I have said this many time, but I need to say it again. There is nothing so vile, so bad, we can do to the other side, that they can't do to themselves. Sometimes, it is good just to sit back and watch them self destruct. Or - sometimes it is even better to throw an anchor to a drowning opponent.   


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