Saturday, September 19, 2020

Full court press

"In any event, the timing of RBG's demise could not have been worse for the country. We have been on the razor's edge of national chaos ever since Floyd died on Memorial Day. From there, things have just gotten worse."

Just when you think that this year of 2020 could not get stranger, that our politics could not get more caustic, and that our people could not get more divided, Ruth Bader Ginsburg dies. I know that some loved her on the bench, and others did not. That is not the purpose of this article. Historians way, way brighter than I, will argue her merits or lack their of, for her time on the bench in SCOTUS. I want to discuss how her untimely death will muck up an already mucked up year.

When I look to the west, I can see smoke on the horizon coming out of the numerous fires in California, Oregon and Washington. When I look to the east, I can smoke on the horizon coming out of Chuckie Schumer's ears. Yes, Schumer is going to be that hot. Why? Mitch has already made it known that he will endeavor to fill this very recent vacancy before the election. "But, but, but - Merrick Garland!" Chucky will sputter and scream. "Not confirming him under Obama, and then filling one under the last year of Trump's term is not fair!"  And Mitch will look back at him and say, "Ya - so? Sucks not being in power, Chuckie."

How back can it get? The philosophical and political leaning of the SCOTUS is almost on the same par as who sits in the White House. Losing Justice Ginsburg (RBG) was a punch to the solar plexus for the Democrats. She was a stalwart. A reliable "no" vote on many issues which the conservatives held dear. What their hope is now, to draw to an inside flush. First, get Sleepy Joe elected. Then, have the Republicans lose control of the Senate. When that happens, the new Senate Leader (Schumer) would help the new President (Biden) get a RBG "clone" confirmed, and into this now vacant SCOTUS chair. 

McConnell on the other hand, sees the world differently. Don't gamble on the election. Do it now. Trump is in the White House, and the Republicans have the Senate. Candidates have already been vetted (Ted Cruz being one of them). Pick one, and start the Senate confirmation. "Git er done" before November 3rd.

A couple of problems however. If Mitch thinks Schumer and the Democrats will just roll over and let this happen, then Mitch has had too much of that Kentucky bourbon. Schumer will try ever Senate trick in the book (and some which have not yet been invented) to obstruct or slow this process. The House, the Senate, will both come to a screeching halt until both sides are happy. And that ain't gonna happen, so hello, gridlock. Plus - if you think you have seen mayhem in the streets so far this year, that might have just been the warm up as to what will happen now. "Annie get your gun", might go from an old slogan or saying, to a creedo or battle cry.

In any event, the timing of RBG's demise could not have been worse for the country. We have been on the razor's edge of national chaos ever since Floyd died on Memorial Day. From there, things have just gotten worse. The election for the ages, the one coming up in November, has been heralded (by some) as the most critical ever. Losing RBG now has made this election (now thought by all), to be one for all the marbles. Losing, might be losing power for generations. So, how bad does each side want all those marbles? I shudder to think. And I shudder to think how far the Democrats will go to get those marbles.   


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