Saturday, September 12, 2020

The great gun grab of 2020

"That is it for now folks. If you are a new gun owner, please be responsible with it. Take some gun training. Learn how to property store your weapon(s). Go to the range and become skilled." 

Good morning folks. Bit R. Clinger here. The Bird asked me to sub for him today, as he has some family duties. Besides all of which, this article is about firearms, a subject I am well versed on.

Many have already heard this fact. Gun sales in 2020 are through the roof. Like breaking records with abandon. How so? The FBI reported that in June alone, 3.9 million background checks were performed. That is the most since the FBI started keeping records on background checks 22 years ago. In fact, three months in 2020 have seen over 3 million background checks. Gun sales are so brisk, some areas of the country are reporting shortages of firearms as well as ammo. Who do we have to thank for this? Many are saying Biden, Beto, Harris and Sanders.

But there is an odd twist on this story. This week in the Epoch Times, it was reported that in the past three months, one out of nine Democrats have bought a firearm. No - wait. Democrats? They hate guns! They hate the Second Amendment! Well - maybe not all of them. With at least over 10% of the base now owning firearms, and enjoying their Second Amendment rights, this "pet rock" issue of Beto's might be going bye-bye. And if the Democrats keep pushing for gun control, I see a whole new wave of "walk away" Democrats coming our way.

But, wait! What if the Democrats start shooting at us? The citizens and patriots? Hopefully that will never happen. In fact, we don't even want to venture down that road. If they did however, we also have Second Amendment rights. What we really want however, is having gun owning Democrats realize they are in the wrong party. They should be in the party of freedom. The party of liberty. The party of opportunity. The party of natural, God given rights. In other words - the party of us.

Gun grabbers are all over the place. They are in local, state and federal government. Left unchecked, they WILL take our guns. It is up to us to have massive numbers of firearm owners who are willing to take a stand for the Second Amendment. It still is "We the people" in this country, not "us in government". 

That is it for now folks. If you are a new gun owner, please be responsible. Take some gun training. Learn how to property store your weapon(s). Go to the range and become skilled. Most of all, enjoy the freedom of owning a firearm. In this country, we can own firearms legally.

The best bumper sticker I have seen this month states "The Second Amendment - the first homeland security". Can I get an amen to that? Bit R. Clinger here, over and out, for now. 



  1. it's not surprising you are bitter, you cling to guns or religion or antipathy toward people who aren't like you or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain your frustrations.

    1. Oh Dave! You had been doing so much better! Must be the weather...

    2. OH, NO, Dave, you've turned into Obama. That was word-for-word from the socialist/communist America-hating little racist himself. Sure hope that was Jane talking and not you. I don't believe you are that far gone, but maybe she's holding a gun to your head. Listen, Dave, it's God and guns that built this country into the greatest country in the history of the world. Let me count the ways. And we ain't changing for NO ONE. Biden, Bernie, Beto, Harris, AOC, Omar, Talib, Obama, Hillary,........................................and the rest of the commie dem's can all try like crazy, but you dem's got rid of God, so the Force is on our side.

    3. I don't know why that came up as coming from "Nancy." That was me (Mike) who just wrote that.

    4. You caught this “loser” and “sucker” plagiarizing Obama. Good memory Mike!
