Monday, September 21, 2020

Senators with weak knees and round heels...

"Yes, it is those establishment Republicans again. The 'good old boys and girls' club. Already three of the Republicans have threatened to vote 'no' on filling this vacancy before the election."

Well, this is the week. As Europe prepares for the dreaded "second wave" of the virus, this nation is preparing for the coming tsunami. The tsunami in filling the SCOTUS vacancy. I believe the President will be true to his word, and he will nominate a very qualified candidate. I also believe the Senate Leader (McConnell) will be true to his word, and will start the Senate vetting process as soon as he gets the name from the White House. Hey - we got the Senate, as well as the White House - what could possibly go wrong? 

I have said this many times. I am not a Republican. I am a conservative. A constitutionalist. I vote with the Republicans, as they most always come closest with how I feel politically. That being said, here is what drives me the craziest about the Party of Lincoln. Constant purity tests. And when someone does not agree with a nuance, or just does not like that person, he or she will either sit on their hands during a crucial vote, or even worse - vote with the other side. Something we seldom see on the other side. It is one bunch, all bunch - no matter what.

So here we are, on the cusp of one of the most important judicial events - maybe ever. The President has the opportunity to fill a very liberal seat with a true Constitutional scholar. A person who will interpret the law, and not try to make the law. To get this done in a very short time period, we need all hands on deck. All hands on deck? That will be hard to do with a mutiny brewing. Yes, it is those establishment Republicans again. The "good old boys and girls" club. Already three of the Republicans have threatened to vote "no" on filling this vacancy before the election.

When I was a negotiator, we had an expression when things started going your way during a critical negotiation. When the other negotiator knew you had him or her on a critical point, that person would often get "weak knees and round heels". Soon it would be "game over", and the negotiation would conclude with a nice deal. 

Well, that is exactly what Mitt Romney, Susan Collins, and Lisa Murkowski seem to have right now. Weak knees and round heals. They are ready to either cave in, or vote with the other side. With a razor thin majority in the Senate, it would not take too many traitors to kill the deal. Mitch has warned all of his troops - don't do something which you will always regret. Seems like that warning might fall on deaf ears.

What is worse case scenario? Trump loses to Biden, the Senate flips, and President Biden picks a RBG clone. Our gun ownership, the lives of the unborn, free market health insurance - will all be in jeopardy. Democrats will vote to have WDC and Puerto Rico become states, and with the addition of four more Democrat Senators, Republicans will forever be the minority party. Democrats will pack the courts with socialists, and our natural, God given rights will start flying out the window. All because three (or possibly more), Republican Senators got their undies in a bundle.

This week will reveal quite a bit about a great many people. It is reveal quite a bit on what kind of a nation we are right now. We don't need the next election to reveal the truth about us. We will get a sneak peek of it this week. Stay strong folks. This flight might start getting very turbulent, very fast.    


  1. As the news from this weekend unfolds, the Republicans are cynical liars who change the rules to suit their ugly pursuit of power at all costs because they fear a world they don’t control.

    1. We’re not like you leftists (thank God). This isn’t about POWER or CONTROL—it’ IS about love of country and freedom!! Something you socialists on the left wouldn’t understand. You people need to be soundly DEFEATED and removed from the Gov. Yau all are guilty of wanting to see this country fail so you can “fundamentally change it,” like your Messiah Obama said years ago. And THAT in my book, is akin to treason.
