Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Creating outlaws

"I am tired of gun grabbers. Their vapid and insipid arguments have grown old and stale. Legal guns are here to stay. And that - is my closing argument."  

I have mentioned this before. I had a very high level clearance while in the Navy. As such, every five years, I needed an update. With the update, the "checkers" came around, to see if you have been a good boy or girl during that five year period. One year, shortly after my update was complete, I ran into one of the "checkers" who was working on a different sailor's update. The "checker" recognized my name on my uniform. "Hey Lieutenant - I just finished your update." I froze for a minute, waiting for the other shoe to drop. "No offense sir, but you lead a very boring life. There was nothing to investigate which was the least bit interesting." 

Before you give a collective "so what?", let me continue. Not only was my service record spotless, but so is my criminal record. And (almost) my driving record. One cheap ticket (which was debatable) from 40 years ago. That's it. I am not lily white, but my record is. So what in the world would it take to turn me into a criminal? Hint: The same thing it would take to turn hundreds of thousands legal gun owners in Minnesota, into outlaws.

Here is a fact of life for the gun grabbers at the Star Tribune as well as the Commies in our state legislature. Obedience to more stringent gun laws are going to be a "no go". Absolute non-compliance. Plus, most sheriffs are Constitutional sheriffs. They will not enforce any un-Constitutional laws. 

Legal gun owners, for the most part, fully and completely understand our Second Amendment rights. We understand the history of it. We understand the significance of it. We understand the sentence "shall not be infringed." And we also understand legally owning a gun has NOTHING to do with hunting or target shooting. It has everything to do with freedom. The preservation of freedom. That is why the Founders put it in the Bill of Rights.

I would guess if the number was not 100% of the gun owners, it would be very close to it. Legal gun owners would much prefer to be Constitutional AND legal. But if Commies in St. Paul, tork and tweet with our natural right to gun ownership, then we will fall back on our Constitutional right, and not our legal right. Yes, we will then become outlaws. Not in the eyes of our Founders, but only in the eyes of the Commies and socialists who are now in power.

One more thing. If a legal gun owner, misuses his guns where he harms someone or puts other innocent people in danger, then by all means, take his or her guns away, and put that person on trial. However - if a legal gun owner operates within the law, and obeys all safety protocols, leave that person and his or her guns alone.

Over 300,000 people in Minnesota have gun permits. Many of those people own more than one gun. How big is a group of 300,000 armed civilians? Bigger than many armies in this world. And that is only in Minnesota. Think of how many people in this country are legal gun owners. Think of an army of almost 80 million armed citizens. If nothing else, it would give an invading army pause. An army that big, would give even the Russians or the Chinese pause. 

I am tired of gun grabbers. Their vapid and insipid arguments have grown old and stale. Legal guns are here to stay. And that - is my closing argument.  

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