Saturday, January 7, 2023

The good, the bad, and the very ugly

"The Democrats? They don't have this problem. They are not bifurcated in principal. There are no purists. Heck, most of them don't even know we live in a Republic and not a Democracy."

I will admit it. I got sucked into the drama last night. Never did I think it would keep me up so late. Never have I been so ashamed of how our "sausage factory" works. Decorum? Dignity? Na - those went out the window early in the process. Some say this was helpful, to show how the "process" really works. Others say it is indicative of a broken system. Where one of the easiest things in the world (electing a new Speaker), became as difficult as solving a Rubik's Cube - blindfolded. But when it was all said and done, and all the dust had settled, we had Speaker McCarthy.

The coronation of McCarthy, looked more like a food fight at times. At the end, I thought it might even turn into a brawl. Why? Everyone in the chamber was a "wannabe", as nobody was sworn in as yet. Families were flown out to get a photo op when mom or dad were sworn in. Instead, the families saw mom or dad being sworn at. Nerves were on edge, tempers were short. Heck, at the end, the Republicans even got dressed down by the heir to the world's crappiest booze - our own Dean Phillips, himself.

The dreams that many of us have had, of a tidal wave colored crimson red, followed up by a smooth transition of power by kicking Ms. Nancy out of the Speaker's chair - have dimmed. Our tidal wave, turned into a mere trickle, and to get the job, Kevin McCarthy had agree to tone down much of the power the Speaker's position has had. In fact, with a narrow majority and a weakened Speaker, simple governance might be a problem. Why? As much as we all bellyache about year ending Omnibus type bills, that recipe might be firmly baked into the mix. And when the next one comes rolling down the hill in December of 2023, Katy bar the door.

There are purist involved, who want the House to operate as prescribed in Article One of the Constitution? Are there are also pragmatists (who are now part of the swamp), who have surrendered to the chaos? The madness? The non-stop and feckless spending?

How about the Democrats? They don't have this problem. They are not bifurcated in principal. There are no purists. Heck, most of them don't even know we live in a Republic and not a Democracy. Most of the Democrats have long ago "deep sixed" any semblance of fiscal sanity. Their fiscal hawks have gone the way of the Dodo Bird. Bottom line? No food fights within this crew.

Now that the Congressional "wannabes" are being sworn in to their elected positions, let the show begin. The first order of business (as promised), was to prepare legislation on getting rid of the large tranche of new IRS agents. A bill will be prepared, and (hopefully) passed through the House using this razor thin majority. But here is the rub. It will die in the Senate. Even if by a miracle, Manchin and Sinema agree to it, Slo Joe will veto it. Sometimes a great notion, to quote Ken Kesey. 

How are we doing on this 7th day of January? Are we in order or disorder? Are we e pluribus unum, or are we in the wild, wild west, living tribally? Time will tell. But I will say this much. Two years ago yesterday, a handful of conservatives lost self control, and ended up sullying our entire brand. Yesterday, we might have sullied our brand once again. I sure hope not. 


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