Friday, January 6, 2023

Our Gaslighter in Chief

"How do we explain behavior like this to our youngins? That gaslighting (or just plain lying), is acceptable?" 

An old expression - "How can you tell when a politician is speaking?" Answer - When his (or her) lips are moving. Yesterday, I accidentally listened to just a bit of our Gaslighter in Chief, talk about his upcoming trip to the border. According to our current POTUS, everything on the border is sunshine and rainbows. The border is secure, and "President Harris" is doing a wonderful job in her "root cause analysis" in fixing any problems. After five minutes, I was ready for someone to gag me with a spoon.

How do we explain behavior like this to our youngins? That gaslighting (or just plain lying), is acceptable? I have covered lying in a recent post, so I won't do into it again. I will say this however - a lesson I tried to teach both of my girls when they were growing up was a simple axiom. When all else fails, tell the truth. Truth tellers are always appreciated and respected. Liars? Not so much.

Back to the Biden presser from yesterday. Our President of all the people, red or blue, could not resist taking a shot or two at Republicans. Seems any problems down at the border are their fault. They have not authorized enough funding to process these wavers for illegals. We need more immigration judges and so forth. Wait - what? The Republicans are not yet in charge of Congress. For the past two years, it has been Ms. Nancy and team who have held the cords of power in the House. How in the world could that be the Republicans fault? 

Plus (and I hate to bring up details), the last pile of goo called the $1.7T Omnibus bill, had only "pocket change" allocated to the southern border. Republicans had NOTHING to do with putting that bill together. Plus, only a handful of Republicans voted for it. So again, Mr. Gaslighter, what are you really trying to say? Remember, when you point a finger at someone, the other fingers in your hand are pointing back at you.

Today will be another day of "drama" on the Hill as Kevin McCarthy tries to get the votes needed to become Speaker. Will he get them? Maybe. Or maybe not. We might end up with a completely different Speaker.

Or, we can just sit back, and let the "sausage factory" continue this laborious process. At the end of the day, sometimes all we have - is the end of the day. 


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