Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Unwinding the knot

"There is an old saying in government. 'What has been done, can be undone.' We saw that in spades when Biden took over. Everything Trump was overturned or changed. How did that work out? I think we all know the answer to that one."  

Ready, set, here we go! That is what is on the minds of many of us right now. At long last, we have our speed bump back. We have a very slim majority in the House, and - we have the Speaker. Now - down to business. And what is that business?

Oh my, the list is long, and growing. Just when you think the list is long enough to last a lifetime, along comes a new issue. Like the Vice President Biden's illegal storage of classified information. After what happened to former President Trump, this is YUGE! Add that on to the list.

Here is the issue, however. The knot. Unwinding and undoing the knot. What is the knot? All the crapola which was put into place prior to having our new "speed bump". Examples? To start with, we need to first plug up the southern border, and then find the 5 million or so illegals which came into this country during the past two years. And yes Gary, this is a number which I have heard from the CBP.

But with all the things which need to be unwound, I don't know if we can do as much as we want to. We really need the White House back to kick these fixes into high gear. All we can do right now is stop legislation, and defund as much as we can. Plus - we have some big Waterloo items coming up. Like? The debt ceiling. Government shut down. Defense spending. Entitlement spending, including Social Security and Medicare. And - the national debt. What to do with a national debt which is now north of $30T, and expected to reach $40T by 2030.

Here are the issues as I see them. First off, living large. Starting during the pandemic, we threw common sense out of the window. Spent money like drunken sailors. Now that the pandemic is over, the spending party continues. The last tranche was the $1.7T omnibus bill in December. What was in that bill? Everything but the kitchen sink. More earmarks than there are stars in the universe. Is it paid for? Hell, no. Just put it on the tab, please!

Now the House needs to follow the directions listed in Article One of the Constitution. It will be the first time in years if they do. Seems the Freedom Caucus had some hard and fast negotiations with the Speaker elect concerning how to follow the rules, rather than follow tradition. How is that going to work? We will see.

There is an old saying in government. "What has been done, can be undone." We saw that in spades when Biden took over. Everything Trump was overturned or changed. How did that work out? I think we all know the answer to that one. The beat goes on...  

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