Saturday, August 5, 2023

China - our friend or foe?

"Finally, remember the Chinese 'weather balloon' which loitered over much of the USA for over a week. For what purpose? To check our weather? To check on the weather over Malstrom Air Force Base. No, these Chinese cannot be trusted. Not by a mile, not by an inch. Wake up, Biden! Your naivety about China is killing us right now!" 

How about a show of hands out there? How many people trust China? How many think China is our friend? Or is China our foe? I will tell you what I think. China plays us for patsies. And Uncle Joe is the biggest patsy of all. That is the kindest thing I can say - that Joe is only being played. Many think of a much darker reality. The Chinese Party owns Joe. With the revelations coming out about Joe Biden via Hunter, we might find out more about this issue before winter arrives.

With all the nefarious things that China has done as of late, have you heard about the latest? They are stealing our seeds right out of the ground. It is agricultural theft. Theft? China? The master of disaster in stealing our IP? Really? Just talk to the good folk in Iowa about China. They think China is not only stealing our seed technology, but they are also buying up our farmland from naive Americans.

How much farmland do the Chi Coms own right now? About one-third of one percent. That does not sound like much, but two things: Thing one - Some farmers think China's end game is controlling our agriculture market. All they need to do is buy enough to make a difference. Thing two - Much of the farmland they have bought is close to our military bases. But every time this issue comes up in front of Congress, the Democrats call it "racism!". Remember when Trump called Covid-19 the "Wuhan Flu"? He was excoriated by the left for "being a racist". Meanwhile, people all over the world were dropping like flies from this China-manipulated virus.

This next thing really makes me sad to report. Two American sailors were recently arrested in Southern California for stealing American secrets and selling them to Chinese agents. This was no accident - these sailors allowed themselves to become traitors. But that is what the Chinese do. Turn Americans into willing or unwilling accomplices. Remember Swalwell's girlfriend Fang Fang? I wonder how much info she got out of good old Eric (Congressman) Swalwell.

Even though we recently sent both Janet Yellen and Lurch over to China to bow and cow-tow to their needs, the beat (and beat down) goes on. Those who think this is just a bunch of histrionic nonsense, consider this - China has made developed some hypersonic anti-ship missiles (DF-26) specifically to take out American carriers. Should war come to Taiwan (and it will), think about just one of those missiles sinking one of our carriers with 5,000 young sailors on board.

Finally, remember the Chinese "weather balloon" which loitered over much of the USA for over a week. For what purpose? To check our weather? To check on the weather over Malstrom Air Force Base. No, these Chinese cannot be trusted. Not by a mile, not by an inch. Wake up, Biden! Your naivety with China is killing us right now! 




  1. "Racist/ism!" is Dems' answer to anything they don't like. They've taken a former (allegedly) potent curse word & vitiated the term through tiresome overuse till it became a bad joke. It deserves nothing but mere mockery.

  2. The Chinese are penultimate racists. They think they, as a race, are better than us, and maybe they are, but we should oppose racism, right?
