Saturday, August 26, 2023

This so cheapens us!

"It is not just the bridge overpasses; it is the trains. Just about every train car has some kind of junk painted on it. And guess what? Somebody owns those train cars. It sure the heck is not the JD who defaced them." 

All summer long, when we are coming home on Hiway 10, we have noticed something disgusting. Some young buttheads have decided to deface overpass abutments. Every week, more is added. Now it looks like crap. And guess what? Those things belong to all of us, especially the taxpayers. What in the world gives these young thugs the right to deface them? Where are the parents? Never mind - I think we all know the answer to that one.

If you ever visit Japan, you don't seen stuff like this. Why? Pride. People, all ages, are proud of where they live. They know to graffiti something, is to cheapen it. To cheapen the entire population. This is not even close to being art. It is garbage. 

It is not just the bridge overpasses; it is the trains. Just about every train car has some kind of junk painted on it. And guess what? Somebody owns those train cars. It sure the heck is not the JD who defaced them. 

We live in a world without consequences. Every day on the news, there are stories about how some young hoodlums beat someone up for no reason, of stole something which did not belong to them. And the DAs in many of our largest cities? They could give two hoots and a holler about all this. As far as they are concerned, it is just kids being kids.

I am sick of crap like this. I hope this next election is a real bellwether. We kick out all the Soros funding ne'er-thee-wells and replace them with real adults. We owe it to our kids and grandkids. Heck, we owe it to ourselves.  

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