Tuesday, August 22, 2023

My hard life...

"This state has lost its bearing, lost its compass, and lost its mind. I know of NOT ONE PERSON who thought this was a good idea. Just one more reason why this state is quickly becoming nothing more than a cold Omaha." 

I don't know how to say this, so I will just blurt it out. I grew up very hardscrabble. As did my children. Yes, things were very hard at times. But somehow, somewhere, we found the way to manage our biggest expense. My folks had this hardship also, when my sister and I were in school. Life was hard even when milk cost a whole penny! I mean, come on man! And the hot lunch tickets. Thirty cents for a lunch? Ouch!

Oh, if we only had kids today! I could be spared those thirty cents (or whatever it is) for lunch. Why? Thanks to Taxing Timmy, Zach what-is-his-name, and the other socialists, lunches are free for everyone! But hold on! It gets better! So are breakfasts also! Instead of my parents being impoverished by spending that penny each day for a bottle of milk, or my wife and I spending thirty cents a day for a hot lunch, we could now get it all for free! And - I am saving the best for last - NO MEANS TESTING! Thank you, Taxing Timmy, for being such a good steward of our money!

Of all the crap I have seen in Minnesota, this is by far and away, the biggest pile of crap. "Oh, we need it for the little darlings. They will all learn better with a fully belly." Give me a break! I have said this before - my folks (who were not rich by any measure), would have given up quite a bit before they allowed my sister and I to go to school without either a hot lunch or a bag lunch. Same goes for my wife's folks. Same goes for my wife and me. 

But today, with the nanny state in full control of everything, everyone's little darlings will be fed by the taxpayers. What is next - everybody's mortgage? Car payment? This is how empires fall. Too much of everything with nobody watching the till. Minnesota is now a classic example of idiots running the asylum. To give every kid in the state a free lunch and free breakfast is insanity. What is next? Free supper?

This state has lost its bearing, lost its compass, and lost its mind. I know of NOT ONE PERSON who thought this was a good idea. Just one more reason why this state is quickly becoming nothing more than a cold Omaha. 

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