Monday, August 28, 2023

Liking him better now

"Will this governor out of a state which few are familiar with become a national candidate? Has that ever happened before? Ever hear of Jimmy Carter?"

Who is this guy that very few people know? That most of the country have not heard of? He is the governor of North Dakota. The state most people have also not heard of (JK). He is the one on the debate stage who got very few minutes to respond to questions. He is the one who was limping, due to rupturing his Achillis tendon earlier in the day. That would have put most people in a bed, resting from this injury. Not Doug Burgum. He (using his words), needed to "cowboy up" and make the debate. 

When Doug Burgum ran for governor of North Dakota, most people in the state did not know who he was. That being said, he came from behind and won. He graduated from a North Dakota college, and then was accepted at Stanford to get his MBA. He used some farmland he inherited as leverage, bought a software company and turned it into a much bigger company, which caught the attention of Microsoft. When his company went public, he sold it to Microsoft for $1.1B. 

At age 67, he still owns two other companies. He is still a governor. But now he also wants to be President. What is he like? First off, he believes in making North Dakota carbon neutral by using fossil fuels and wind power. Unlike Joe Biden and the socialists, he thinks this energy thing is not an either-or proposition - it is all of the above. This is the kind of thinking we need today.

He also is against gender mutilation and has signed many bills prohibiting it in North Dakota. He is also pro-life and has signed laws restricting abortion. In other words, for gender mutilation and abortion, he is the polar opposite of Tim Walz. 

Will this governor out of a state which few are familiar with become a national candidate? Has that ever happened before? Ever hear of Jimmy Carter? However, at 67, this might be the one and only chance for Burgum. His biggest hurdle will be his fame - or lack thereof. He is a likable guy. He has many of the right qualities I like. But he does not have a chance to be elected. That is, unless lightening hits twice in the same spot. First Jimmy Carter, and then Doug Burgum. 

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