Sunday, January 7, 2024

Africa's martyred Christians

"If you are a praying type, please pray for these people in Africa. They do not deserve this. If you are the letter writing type and would like to write to our government condemning these acts - don't bother. Why? Ever since Obama, our government does not care about these matters."   

Going to church this morning? We are. A nicely remodeled safe to be in church building. Many in this country will have a similar experience. But not so much in Africa. Just like when the Coptic Christians were being hunted down and killed in the Middle East by Muslims, it is so today in Nigeria and other parts of Africa. In fact, a story which is a non-story with our lap dog media is this - over Christmas week, 141 Christians were martyred by Muslims. Churches burned; villages trashed. What is our State Department doing about this? Nada. In fact, they do not blame the Muslims for the butchery. They blame - climate change.

I am reminded of my days working within a large Lutheran Church. One of the youth pastors wanted to take his family to a Muslim country and do some mission work. This was not a safe thing to do, as in that country, should you be found to be proselytizing for Christianity, it could be a death sentence. We had to scrub our church website and intentionally misspell this person's name. Why? Just in case, somebody nefarious was checking up on him or his family when he was deployed. Can you imagine us doing that to any of the Muslims who have taken up residence in south Minneapolis? Threaten them with death for just being Muslims? No - we broadcast their call to prayer five times a day.

To save these poor people in Africa, who are guilty of nothing more than practicing their faith, who can help them? The United Nations? Nope. They have been relegated to climate cops. The United States? Nope. The secularists who run our government don't care. If they do care, they hide it well. The government of Nigeria? Not yet. Maybe never. This is not only a crime against humanity, but also a crime against the Kingdom of God.

And by the way, what is it with Muslims killing Christians and Jews? Whatever happened to our "Coexist" bumper sticker campaign? Where are our peaceniks, who could protest in support of these martyred Christians? Nowhere to be found. 

Some wonder if these travesties are signs of the end times. I wonder if they are signs of the end times. With Muslims butchering Jews on October 7th, or Muslims butchering Christians over Christmas week, all these acts are horrible. Were the Muslims condemned for the massacre in Israel on October 7th? Of course not. Demonstrations were held against the State of Israel. What does this say? We not only ignore the victims of Muslim violence, in Israel's case, we blamed the victim.

If you are a praying type, please pray for these people in Africa. They do not deserve this. If you are the letter writing type and would like to write to our government condemning these acts - don't bother. Why? Ever since Obama, our government does not care about these matters.   


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