Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Welcome to the neighborhood, Mr. Phillips!

"Donald Trump was able to do that. That is why over 80 million people in this country want him back in power. No more Obamas. No more Bidens. Let's make America great again. Dean Phillips - watch and learn."   

Who would have thunk it? Dean Phillips? Giving it all up to be a non-descript presidential candidate? He made two surprise announcements in his political career. First - that he was running for president, even though HIS party had an endorsed candidate (that would be Uncle Joe). The second (which was smart), was to say he was not running for another term for his congressional seat. Why was that smart? Because after challenging the king of his party, he is now burnt toast in MN.

What do I think of our new pal Dean? I never met him, never talked to him. I do, however, know of his voting record. 100% voting with Biden. So how is Dean different than Biden? Younger, more gregarious. Other than that, Dean and Joe were cut from the same mold. But that does not matter now. Dean is an orphan. Looking for a new party. Like maybe - "No Labels"? The spoiler party which could help sink the Democrats this year?

Have you heard Dean's stump speech? What would he do to heal America? No? Me neither. His stump speech is "Vote for me, because I am not old, and I am not afraid to talk to the other guys." Other than that Dean is an empty suit. But here is some free advice for Dean. Listen to Donald Trump. Trump said the other day to a crowd, "New Hampshire. Did you know you have some of the highest heating bills in the country? When I get back into the White House, I will fix that. How? We will drill baby, drill!" That is it. That is all Trump had to say. And the crowd went wild!

Biden's motto of "Build back better", turned out to be just a sack of fecal matter. There was no "there, there". All Biden has done is spend like crazy, so much so that we have inflation once again, and higher interest rates. He no more knew how to handle our economy than I would know how to fly a rocket ship. Dean would be the same way. A trust fund baby, he has no clue about the bottom line. Trump, however, lives the bottom line. He understands money and how it works. He understands our economy and how to make it grow. Biden, as he has aged, only understands nap time.

What is Dean's future, now that he has laid waste to his path back to the DFL in MN? Well, he now has some national name recognition. Big deal. If he wants to make a splash, he needs to come up with some big shebang of an idea. How to make things better. Not just for Wall Street, but for Main Street also.

Donald Trump was able to do that. That is why over 80 million people in this country want him back in power. No more Obamas. No more Bidens. Let's make America great again. Dean Phillips - watch and learn.   


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