Friday, January 12, 2024

Swatting ants

"How will this end up? Will we be sucked into another war? As bad as war is, it looks inevitable that we will need to take care of Iran. And we need to do it before they finish the development of their first nuke. Time is not our friend. Get busy Mr. President. Time to destroy the nest."      

Last night, we finally did it. We let loose with some of our F-18 fire power on the bad guys. The goat herders from Yemen, the Houthis, had gone too far. Like way too far. Besides unleashing drones and crude missiles at our troops stationed in Syria and Iraq, they have been sending more robust missiles at international shipping in the Red Sea. Plus - they have targeted our Navy ships. So, we finally responded.

In true Joe Biden and Tony Blinken fashion, we gave the goat herders plenty of advanced warning that we were coming. So much so, not only could the baddies scatter, but they could also hide and reposition their launchers. With this combined attack, led by the Americans and the British, we only took out five Houthis. The rest will live to fight again. They will no doubt be firing off more missiles before the weekend is over.

Let me explain this to our President, as he seems to have trouble understanding. Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Houthis are all proxies of Iran. Iran, the country Obama and Biden were romancing when Obama was president, is being romanced again by Biden and Blinken. Note to the Biden administration - the leadership of Iran are bad people. The proxies they hire to do their dirty work in Israel, or in the Red Sea - are also bad people. They eschew peace. They want war. They want to drive the United States out of the region. They want Israel destroyed.

And this group of goat herders are playing us like a fiddle right now. They are launching thousands of dollars' worth of drones and missiles at shipping in the Red Sea, and we are knocking down these drones and missiles with millions of dollars' worth of our defensive missiles. If this keeps up, we will either need more ships in the area, all bristling with missiles, or the ships we have on station will run short on missiles. Meanwhile, with all the money Biden has sent to Iran in the past three years, the supply line running from Iran to Yemen is doing just fine. 

There is an old saying, if you poke a hornet's nest, you will get stung. However, if you destroy the nest, the hornet problem will be over. We need to destroy the nest. Can we do it? Easy. There is thinking by many today, that most of our problems in the world today could be taken care of by letting 300 fully trained Marines, go into an area and just be Marines. And that is if we want to do things on the ground. If we want to use air assets, we have more than enough in the area. We have the best fighter jets in the world. F-18 Super Hornets, F-35 Lightnings, F-22 Raptors, and even a B-52 or two. If we wanted to, we could turn Yemen into a sheet of glass. But that is not the way our very timid president operates. Joe the appeaser, would rather swat at ants. The problem is this - the ant hill has an almost endless supply of ants. 

How will this end up? Will we be sucked into another war? As bad as war is, it looks inevitable that we will need to take care of Iran. And we need to do it before they finish the development of their first nuke. Time is not our friend. Get busy Mr. President. Time to destroy the nest.      

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