Tuesday, January 2, 2024

What is this "Deep South" thing?

"Where does all this lead? Between the dash to turn ANI into AGI, the neuromorphic supercomputers, and quantum computing, science fiction from just a few years ago has turned into science."

"Away, away, away down South in Dixie" - wait - wrong one? Not that song? Then what the heck is this Deep South thing I keep hearing about? First off, when I am talking south, I really mean south! Like in south to Sydney, Australia. Yes, that island nation, which was founded by criminals (allegedly), now seems to have developed into a techno-center also. They have developed a new type of computer which will be coming online THIS YEAR! And the name of this new computer is - Deep South.

Specifically, this new computer will be called the DeepSouth neuromorphic supercomputer - (now that is a mouthful)! And what makes this new computer so special? The trick is in the name - neuromorphic. It is built to think like a human. As such (now this is a showstopper), it will be able to do 228 trillion synaptic operations per second. It will be able to emulate spiking neurons - like in a human brain. Could this be game changing in how computers process information (think)? 

Meanwhile, back in the good old USA, things are also moving. IBM (my old stomping grounds) made a significant breakthrough in quantum computing last year. And that means 2024 is going to be a big year for Big Blue. The new breakthrough is called the IBM Quantum Eagle. It will demonstrate that quantum computing can do large, entangled states which can simulate the computations of a supercomputer. Soon, the quantum computers will leave today's supercomputers "in the dust". But explaining how quantum computing works? To me, it still sounds like something out of Harry Potter!

Where does all this lead? Between the dash to turn ANI into AGI, the advent of neuromorphic supercomputers, and quantum computing, science fiction from just a few years ago has turned into science. What machines will be able to do by 2030 (six years from now) is anybody's guess. I do know this however - what was the "norm" during the last decade, will soon look like ancient history. 

Tomorrow, I will be back into politics, since the Iowa caucus is coming up soon. But I always have my ear to the tracks on technology. If I hear of something exciting and new, I will publish a snippet about it. 2024 is already taking off like a rocket, and it is only January 2nd!   

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