Monday, January 22, 2024

What in the world happened to the DHS?

The question asked is, what in the world happened to the DHS? Biden happened to it. Mayorkas happened to it. Generations from now (if we are still here), when the history books are written about the death of this organization, few will believe it. They will not believe WE WERE THAT STUPID!     

I have been thinking about this one for a while now, and today seemed like a good day to pen it. It was the 11th of September in the year 2001. G.W. Bush was still a young president, trying to find his way through the halls of power. We all know what happened that day. The sucker punch from the Muslim extremists. It changed us. It changed everything - forever. 

As we buried our dead and cleaned up the mess from the rubble caused by the collapse of the twin towers, the reality sunk in. We were not ready. We got caught fat, dumb and happy, with our pants down (so to speak). The nation responded with a fix - a solution which could help prevent this from EVER happening again. We created a Department of Homeland Security, with Tom Ridge as our first Secretary of Homeland Security. 

But that was then, and this is now. Twenty years after 9/11, President Joe Biden decided to turn the Department of Homeland Security upside down. Instead of keeping Americans safe, he wanted it to be a "DEI" arm of his fecal government. Biden appointed a squish named Alejandro Mayorkas to ruin (not run) this most important department. 

It seems like it is steeped in irony, maybe comical in a very twisted way, that this department which was started to make sure mutts like the ones who brought down our twin towers, could not sneak into our country again. Yes, that is the way it started. But Biden, due to his visceral hatred of Donald Trump, wanted to be "Mr. Opposite" once again. Biden did not give a tinker's dam that letting in everyone from everywhere coming over our southern border could endanger the country. Nope - Biden bought into the DNC plan to have so many illegals come into the country, we would have no other way out - but to give them amnesty. And once they had amnesty, they would be loyal Democrat voters forever. 

Meanwhile, we now have millions of illegals roaming all over our country. Could some have truculent plans with dire consequences? Absolutely. But Uncle Joe does not care. He is using the one organization which was created to make us safer, to put us all in great danger. Even the junior senator from Pennsylvania (Fetterman) agrees we are now in needless danger. But who cares? The greater good is getting more blue votes. 

The question asked is, what in the world happened to the DHS? Biden happened to it. Mayorkas happened to it. Generations from now (if we are still here), when the history books are written about the death of this organization, few will believe it. They will not believe WE WERE THAT STUPID!     

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