Sunday, January 21, 2024

The EV's bump in the road

"Meanwhile, the Biden government, which is loaded with eggheads who have never worked in the business world, will continue to push good money after bad. We have one more year of these buffoons ruining our car industry. It might be a very tough year indeed."   

Our third child was very bright and had a bright future. He was so smart, with so much potential, we decided to have him skip high school and go directly into college. In college, we found out that he was not yet ready for prime time. Many, many problems. So, we pulled him out, and enrolled him in high school. If he was to have a future, he needed to develop the natural and normal way. Pushing him "ahead of his headlights", did not work well. Okay - this is fiction. But I am using it to make a point.

This is going to hurt some of you for me to say this, but it must be said. Both Biden and Kerry are morons. They have been pushing EVs "ahead of their headlights" since 2020. They did not take into consideration the TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) on these things. They did not correctly plan out the charging stations, to ensure 1) they worked in all sorts of weather, and 2) there were enough of them. Oh - one more thing. They did not ensure we had enough electricity in our grid to charge all these EVs during prime charging times. And that is just the start of the issues.

EVs have a host of problems right now, not the least of these being the battery issue. I have said for a long time now, after working with batteries during the final leg of my career, finding the proper battery technology will be the golden fleece to an electric future. Right now, we don't have it. Our current batteries are big, heavy, and expensive. Plus, many elements are sourced from China. We recently found out that in very cold weather (during the recent East Coast cold spell), battery life between charging can go down 30 to 40 percent. And the charging stations (if you can find one), can freeze up. Where does that leave the EV owner? Stuck and cold.

Hertz Rental Car Company recently announced they are getting rid of a big portion of their EV fleet. Why? First off, customers don't want to rent them. Secondly, they are very expensive for Hertz to maintain. And therein lies the rub. It is not only Hertz - it is the entire industry. Until these fixes are done, until new battery technology is developed, EVs are "driving ahead of their headlights". And it is costing the auto industry billions.

Some people might say "so what?", it serves the carmakers right. It serves Biden and Kerry right. But the poor folk who have stock in the car companies, either in the US or Europe, might get a rude surprise shortly. Because of trying to fit a round peg in a square hole with the EV, car companies are bleeding money. There is a news story on this issue on the business channels most every day. 

The Toyota Chairman (Akio Toyoda) who recently stepped down as chairman, is having an "I told you moment" on how the EV is being developed. Toyoda is not averse to having new technologies to replace the ICE, but the EV alone is not the answer. Toyoda is high on hybrids first, and then maybe a fuel cell solution. Will the EV fit into the mix? Probably at some time. But right now, going from ICE to only EV technology - was a bad play.

Meanwhile, the Biden government, who is loaded with eggheads who have never worked in the business world, will continue to push good money after bad. We have one more year of these buffoons ruining our car industry. It might be a very tough year indeed.   


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