Saturday, January 20, 2024

Times, they are a changing...

The times they are a changing. Car. College. House. Spouse. Kids. Or not. I am not saying that all young folk live with their folks, have no car, eat Cheetos and play video games. But I will say this - the percentage of young folks for have a 'failure to launch' is much, much higher than it was when I was young. My wife and I have seen this over and over again. It mystifies us.

The year - 1967. I graduated from high school and grew up living in a house which was literally feet from the Minneapolis border. What was life like back then? Well, we were in another endless war (Viet Nam), which was a huge roadblock in our life planning. Many young men went in the service right out of high school, thanks in large part to the draft. Some went to Viet Nam, some served in support of the war effort in Viet Nam, and some served in other places. Unfortunately, some never came home, and some came home wounded and different.

With high school over, and the service behind us, what did most young men want? School or training. A CAR! Getting a place to live. Finding a wife. Having kids. Why do all these things? We patterned after our parents - that would be the World War II generation, better known as the "Greatest Generation". It was the right thing to do. 

Life went on for me. Graduated from high school. Went in the Navy. Went to the University once out of the Navy. Found a lovely woman and got married. Got a job. Bought a house. Had kids. What does all that spell? The American dream. Living the dream. Living the adventures which were a part of that dream.

Today, what do young people want? Some want the same things that I did. However - many do not. There was an article on the news recently about how many kids have no interest in driving nor owning a car. WHAT? That was HUGE when I was a teenager. The ultimate freedom - having your own car. 

What is even stranger, is how many young ones could give a hoot about having a job. Making money. Their parent's house has now turned into a generational household. The young person just needs a bedroom to crash in and play his video games. Working? For what? 

The times they are a changing. Car. College. House. Spouse. Kids. Or not. I am not saying that all young folk live with their folks, have no car, eat Cheetos and play video games. But I will say this - the percentage of young folks for have a "failure to launch" is much, much higher than it was when I was young. My wife and I have seen this over and over again. It mystifies us.

I feel badly for young folks who kind of give up on life before it even starts. As the saying goes, the adventure is the journey, not the destination. My generation had the journey - and all the adventures and stories which went with it. Many young folks are doing themselves a disservice today by sitting out the journey. And by the time they realize it, it might just be too late.    

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