Monday, November 30, 2020

Wither the Kraken?


"If Biden thinks he will waltz in here on tarnished wings, he can think again. Come on Sydney! Let the Kraken out! We can deal with it."

Every time I start to lose hope in this stolen election, I hear someone on Trump's legal team, or someone who is doing some independent investigating, I see hope once again. Today on the Beck program, I heard someone interviewed who has been digging into the Pennsylvania vote issue. Just as a refresher, Pennsylvania was a state the President "had in the bag". An insurmountable lead of 600,000 votes. Sure, there were some votes left to come in, but the statistics showed the amount of Biden votes would come in far short. A fair media, instead of a bunch of lap dogs, would have been calling this state for Donald Trump.

Well then, looky here! When all these missing votes started coming in, they were about 95% or better, in favor of Joe Biden. Huh? That was not only a statistical improbability, but dang near an impossibility. But who cares? Now Biden had more votes than Trump, and let's call this very important state blue for Biden. The impossible has been made possible, good is now bad, and up is now down. The unbelievable number of 80 million votes for Biden is now starting to look more and more just like that - unbelievable.

Matt Schlapp was on Beck's show towards the end. He is in Nevada going through all kinds of oddities. He said he close now to having enough proof to have a bunch of suspect votes thrown out - enough to turn this state back to Trump. What does all this mean? As Sydney Powell said, the Trump legal team is about ready to "unleash the Kraken". In other words, not just a dribble of proof of fraudulent voting, but a fire hose of treachery. And she and the rest of the team have exactly two weeks to make their case.

But what if by December 14th, and the states certify and electors are chosen for the Electoral College, the Kraken has not yet been released? What if this immutable proof comes to light in February, after Slo Joe is sworn in? When it is obvious that this election was stolen from Donald Trump? Then what? A do over? Let SCOTUS decide the winner after the inauguration? Maybe have a civil war to settle? Where does that leave us as a country, when Presidential elections can be stolen instead of won? Do we even have a country at that time? 

Sydney Powell - if you have enough proof to unleash the Kraken, now would be a great time to do it. We need proof, absolute, immutable proof, that either Biden did get an unbelievable 80 million votes, or Donald Trump was cheated out of his second term. If this issue goes on as an unfinished sentence, a dangling participle, that will not work. There are millions of us out here which will believe our country is now so corrupt, we can't even have a fair election. When that happens, our republic fades, and a banana republic starts to take over.

Release the Kraken! The time is now and the place is here! This icky part of our history needs to be taken care of. Donald Trump is not surprised by this - not at all. This is just part of draining the swamp and exposing the Deep State he committed to do. If Biden thinks he will waltz in here on tarnished wings, he can think again. Come on Sydney! Let the Kraken out! We can deal with it.

1 comment:

  1. This depicted "kraken", of course, is a filmmaker's mistake.
