Sunday, February 28, 2021

A very deep bench...

"We have gotten up, dusted ourselves off, and are ready to take back our beloved country. In 2022 as well as 2024, failure is not an option. As we found out this past year, there is no prize for second place." 

Everyone who is commenting on this year's CPAC meeting, is saying basically the same thing. We really needed this! There is no "down in the dumps" looks or talk. Everything is upbeat, and we can't wait to join the battle once again in 2022. Why? We know we have the better message. The better team. The MUCH deeper bench. And today, the BIG GUY is going to address the masses. This will be his first major speech since his unexpected (and very suspect) departure from the White House in January.

One might think that with Donald Trump gone, the socialists would have calmed down a bit. Not so fast. There is a new bogie man in town. Who? Look in the mirror. When conservatives were recently polled as to what the major issues are going into 2022, it was the usual suspects. China, Iran, Russia, globalism, spending and so forth. The socialists however, have one major concern going forward. Us. We are the enemy. Not China. Not Russia. Not Iran. Us. Trump supporters.

But like I said, our bench going forward is deep and wide. Just to name a few possibilities, there is Marco Rubio, John Hawley, Tom Cotton, Dan Crenshaw, Kristi Noem, Ron DeSantis, and Marsha Blackburn. Those are just the ones which immediately came to mind this morning. I don't think that Mike Pence's star is as bright as it once was. I still like him, but I would not put him in the top tier. And Nicki Halley really shot herself in the foot when she threw a bunch of shade on President Trump. She went from being a top tier contender, to a no tier contender.

We have seen what the other side has to offer. We have the best of the worst right now as POTUS and his Veep. As far as I am concerned, the House and Senate are low fruit on the tree for us to pick of in 2022. Should be easy peasy considering the performance Nancy and Chuck have shown so far. And if it is Slo Joe or Commie Harris in 2024, our side harbors the ideas and solutions for MAGA going forward. Donald Trump blazed the trail for us. He brought the working man and woman back into our tent. Now it is up to us to ensure they still believe we are on their side going forward.

For those who may have lost hope, please don't. Like I said the other day, we may have lost Donald Trump and Rush Limbaugh, but their strong messages remain. Just like in football when there is an injury to a star player, the saying is "next man up". For us right now, it is next man or woman up. And truthfully, sometimes I think our conservative woman are more ferocious than our men! 

Onward and upward! The path ahead is clearly marked! The other side is helping us right now by - just being themselves. We have gotten up, dusted ourselves off, and are ready to take back our beloved country. In 2022 as well as 2024, failure is not an option. As we found out this past year, there is no prize for second place. 

Saturday, February 27, 2021

A New Hope - CPAC

"Yes, there is much to talk about this weekend. The frosting on the cake will be President Trump speaking tomorrow. Already on Friday, I heard speakers which really woke (not 'Woke') me up. Fired me up."

I love the CPAC convention. It is red meat for us conservative carnivores. And, oh did we need it this year! Many of us have been walking around like we had PTSD. Some even have that "thousand yard stare". I mean, things were going along so well, with a President so strong (not even Covid could defeat him), and then came the November election. Normally, one would think it impossible to see a man like Donald Trump lose to a failed candidate with dementia. But these are not normal times.

Since January of this year, we have lost Donald Trump and Rush Limbaugh. Talk about two body blows, back to back. That being said, the men may be gone, but their message remains. And I love the message for the CPAC this year. "America uncancelled". Amen to that!

This is the year for us to really grow, and grow up. We have seen all the warts and bruises that exist on the other side. We have seen how dirty they fight. How they cheat. How they demean. How they "cancel". I will admit, they caught many of us a bit flat footed. Mostly because of their brazenness this past year. They reached a new low many of us did not think possible. But we have gotten up, brushed off the dust, and are getting re-fueled down in Florida this weekend. 

Late last night, the House (led by the often tipsy Ms. Nancy), passed the "Covid Relief" bill, valued at $1.9T. This is the bill which has about 10% allocated for Covid, and the other 90% for Democrat pork projects. It is disgusting. It is the Jabba the Hut of crap. Bloated and useless. The House has also passed HR1. That is the first bill of this new House session. This is the one which allows people to be either a man or a woman, depending on how the wind is blowing that day. In reality, it is a gift to pedos, and a killing blow to Title IX sports. Wait - I thought that Democrats favored women's sports. That they should be as important as men's sports. Oh, that was so yesterday!

Yes, there is much to talk about this weekend. The frosting on the cake will be President Trump speaking tomorrow. Already on Friday, I heard speakers which really woke (not "Woke") me up. Fired me up. Reconfirmed by beliefs. BTW - it you get a chance to hear Senator Josh Hawley's speech, it is well worth the time. 

It is time folks. Time to take back our country. And this weekend is the first step. The first step on a journey which will end in November 2022. That is when we take back the House and the Senate. Slo Joe or Commie Harris may still be in the White House, but when we take back Congress, we will mute their faux powers. Ladies and gentlemen - start your engines!


Friday, February 26, 2021

Not lean, and very mean

"If there is not enough money in the bank (and trust me, there is not), that leaves only bankruptcy. That will be our legacy to future generations. Leaving them one hell of a mess."


Pork. We love it. Certain religions in the world abhor it. We produce a lot of pork in this state. Something we should be proud of. However, the amount of pork we produce is paltry, compared to what is stuffed in bills in Washington. Is this a deeply held secret? Heck no! Everyone knows about it! And even with that, and many promises to fix it, in 2021 we still have pork being stuffed into important and necessary bills.

This next stimulus bill is a joke. It is a joke which is not even close to being funny. One of the crown jewels in this non-Covid relief bill, is the $15/hour minimum wage. The Democrat socialists are screaming from the top of their shrill voices how much we need this. Why? As many would say, you can't live on the current minimum wage of $7.25/hour. That part is true. But, you are not suppose to live on that small of a wage. It is suppose to be the first rung on the ladder to higher wages. Higher wages obtained (dare I say it?) - through hard work and results.

Here is where the big lie comes in. The socialists are tell us people need $15/hour to live on. Horse feathers! That is only $30,000 a year. Try taking on a house payment, car payment, food, insurance, escalating gasoline and utilities on that small of an income. No can do. To me, a "livable wage" at the lowest rung today, is $50,000. Even with that, things would be tight. Plus, paying that amount to unskilled workers, would bankrupt many small to medium businesses. By the way, $50,000/year would equal $25/hour - the same amount AOC thinks everyone deserves.

In any event, there is all kinds of other crap in this bill which does not belong there. As usual, this bill, which should have been a single subject bill, became an omnibus bill. And in many people's opinions, omnibus bills are the main reason we have a national debt headed towards $30T. 

Where is our leadership right now? The person or persons who can sanely call a spade a spade? Someone who can tell Congress this ends now! Biden? Can he do it? Hardly. He has trouble right now remembering what day it is. And for those who are paying close attention. Dementia Joe is getting worse, not better. Odds are he will not make it to Christmas, before he gets an "Amendment 25" exit out of the White House.

Why do I say this bill is not lean, and very mean? Because it is not lean. And what it will do to our grandkids and those who follow is mean. Very mean. Some day the bills will come do. And just like in a household, you can either pay them or go bankrupt. If there is not enough money in the bank (and trust me, there is not), that leaves only bankruptcy. That will be our legacy to future generations. Leaving them one hell of a mess - living in a bankrupt nation.   

Thursday, February 25, 2021

What a difference a year makes!

"Winter is about over, the country is slowly warming up, and people are walking around with a spring in their step. What was the biggest lesson learned from 2020? Not to take our relationships with friends and family for granted."

Yow! Think of last year at this time. Covid was just starting to show its ugly nature in Seattle. Donald Trump was our President, and we were down in Florida on vacation. The stock market was doing great, and gas prices were cheap. Some places down south, under $2/gal. Little did any of us know that 2020 was going to be a clunker of a year. Covid would rob us of our freedom, our fun, and at the end of the year, our President.

But now it is 2021 and we are looking at a much different landscape. Between natural immunity and vaccinations, we seem to have Covid on the run. Biden is our President, but the cracks are all ready showing in how inept he and his young kid administration is. What is the biggest difference from last year (in my opinion)? Last year at this time, many of us were starting to bunker up, as we did not know what to expect from this new, somewhat scary disease. This year, we are planning. Planning to return to normal and fun.

Everything which was scarce last year is now back in stock. Some of the prices are higher, but you can still get stuff. Restaurants, movie theaters and gyms are not yet fully open, but that is coming. My guess? April. Vacations are back on. If not for Canada doing a flinch, we could have our Alaska and Canada vacations back in 2021. As it stands, they might have to wait until 2022.

Winter is about over, the country is slowly warming up, and people are walking around with a spring in their step. What was the biggest lesson learned from 2020? Not to take our relationships with friends and family for granted. Becoming hermits last year really sucked. I know some of us still socialized as normal, but large chunks of the country did not. Having that go back to normal as a norm - will be great! Never again, will I take our social encounters for granted.

This morning, the local weather guy was about coming out of his socks. He was giddy. Temperatures up, Covid stats down. That is 2021 so far. Let's hope this year is one to remember - in a good way!  

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

The Vaccination Paradigm...

"The bad news is allowing the federal and state (MN) governments into the the job of distributing the vaccines to those who want or need them. That is where Project Warp Speed became Mr. and Mrs. Slowsky instead." 

Okay you anti-vaxxers - settle down for a bit. I will make my position known one more time. I am pro-choice on vaccinations. If someone declines to get one, I am fine with that. If someone does get one, I am cool with that also. In any event, our country has invested zillions of dollars in buying hundreds of millions of doses of Covid vaccines. In other words, we are in the tank for buying at least two types of Covid vaccines for months to come. That is the good news. The bad news is allowing the federal and state (MN) governments into the the job of distributing the vaccines to those who want or need them. That is where Project Warp Speed suddenly became Mr. and Mrs. Slowsky instead. 

First off, hats off once again to President Trump for lighting the fire under Project Warp Speed. If not for that, we would not be having these distribution problems, as there would be nothing to distribute. Israel by the way, also went into getting vaccines ASAP. Only they have a normal government, and know the correct and efficient way of distributing vaccine. Bottom line? Any Israeli citizen who wanted to be vaccinated - is by now. 

How is Minnesota doing under Rocks and Cows? Not nearly as well as the country of Israel. We are stumbling all over ourselves just to get a small percentage of our state vaccinated. How small? Less than 14% of our population have received shot # 1. Plus, we have thousands of vulnerable seniors who want and need vaccinations have not received them. Why? Ask Jan Malcom or Taxing Timmy. Two key players in the Keystone Cops, who are managing this program.

I can't let this go without addressing Slo Joe's messy fingers which are also into the pie. Equity. Underserved. Blah, blah, blah. We can stratify our population into so many levels, that pretty soon, nobody will get anything. Wait a minute Bird! Are you saying only certain people should qualify to get a shot? I am saying EVERYONE who wants one, should have received one by now. If Israel can do it, so can Minnesota.

One more thing as long as I am ranting. Ms. Nancy and Chuckie. The next stimulus bill. The one which so many younger folks who are not making very much money, who have been impacted by government shutdowns, really need right now. Where is it? Tied up in the Senate because of all the CRAP that Nancy and Chuck put in the bill besides Covid relief items. That bill should have been signed into law during Slo Joe's first week. But no - because it is a "porkulus" bill, it might never get signed. 

Things would sure run nicely if government could keep their messy hands off of things. The Covid vaccine program should have been run by an organization like Mayo Clinic. They would have done a much better job. But we are where we are, and Easter is just over a month away. A normal Easter like years past? Or a Zoom holiday like Thanksgiving and Christmas? At this point in time, I vote for Zoom. 


Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Special kind of dip wads...

"My opinion? Biden should be impeached - now. The harm he is doing to this country is real - the perceived harm that Trump did was just that - perceived. And yet, Trump was impeached twice. Go figure."

I'm sorry. I could not take any more without spouting off. Just got my latest Epoch Times, and read only two articles. One about the pain and misery cancelling the Keystone Pipeline caused, and the other by a sheriff in Arizona, describing the "new" invasion of immigrants since Biden took over. "So what?", some might say. We knew this was coming. Biden telegraphed his punches on both of these issues. True - but here is the "so what".

When I was working, one of the things I always had to do while in a negotiation, was try to get into my opponent's head. Figure out what he or she really wanted, why he or she wanted it, and how much he or she wanted it. I have been trying to do the same thing with Biden. Cut through that Delaware fog, and try to figure out ANY logic in hurting this country as bad as he is doing. Before Obama and Biden, I really did think the number one priority of a President was the safety and well being of his or her people. No more. I guess when you are owned as deeply as Joe is, the safety and well being of the American people come in a dead last.

I know what happened in Texas was not related to anything Biden has done - yet. But it will be. When he strips us naked from having the aegis of energy independence, he will leave us bare to all kinds of bad things. I get it. His antipathy towards Donald Trump is leading him to reverse everything he did while in office. But to the point of doing harm to the citizenry of this great country? Please explain that Joe - before you put a "cap" on today at 9am.

Right now, we are being governed by idiots. By dip wads. There is not a sane one among them. They are all grifters and users. How so? Did you know there is a bridge in the stimulus bill? Put in by Chuckie Schumer? A bridge which goes from New York into Canada? For what purpose, pray tell? What does that have to do with Covid? The same as a $15 minimum wage. Like I said, users and grifters.

My opinion? Biden should be impeached - now. The harm he is doing to this country is real - the perceived harm that Trump did was just that - perceived. And yet, Trump was impeached twice. Go figure. Time for the citizens to make themselves heard. And no - we are not a bunch of white supremists (whatever that is). We are just red blooded Americans who care deeply about this country. 

Monday, February 22, 2021

A more perfect union, or a more normal year?

"Some things needed to have a more normal year are out of our control. Others are not. We need to focus on what we can control. On what is needed to allow people to work normally, kids to go to school normally, and all of us to once again, recreate normally."

Okay. I would like to have addressed this article as just a "more perfect union", but I could not. Why? First and foremost, we have Slo Joe in office. Enough said there. BUT - what I can do is address things which we can control. Like what? Normalcy. Most people I have talked to and asked what their hopes and dreams are for this new year, give me a similar answer. They just want things to be as normal as possible. Actually, compared to last year, "more normal" should not be that hard.

Meanwhile, we have a $2T stimulus bill which is somewhat bogged down in Congress right now. Why? Too many bells and whistles, which are not Covid related. So here is my thinking for Congress. Keep the stimulus checks, and scrap the rest. Then (get ready for this one), put a trillion dollars in the bill for replacing (finally) our ancient and fragile electric grid. Replace it with with a smart, robust, and reliable grid. A grid which will protect us against natural and un-natural EMP events, cyber attacks, and yes, even weather events.

Right now, if anybody in Texas was reading this, they would be scratching their collective heads. Normal? How can you have "normal" when half of your water pipes are broken, and you have water damage which borders on the extreme? Well, here is a "duh!". What happened in Texas should have never happened. It was a failure to plan. Something unforeseen and catastrophic could happen to the power grid again this summer. Or next month. As said in the military, failure to plan is planning to fail.

Having a more robust electric grid ranks right up there with having Covid under control. How can I conflate these two issues? If we had some kind of a major event which disabled our ancient grid, one which crippled part of the country, it would make last year's Covid disruption look like a walk in the park. If nothing else, what happened to Texas last week should have been a HUGE wake up call. Fixing our grid is a matter of national security. Plus, it would create thousands of jobs. It is all upside. With all the BS that we spend money on, why this important issue always falls off the table, is beyond me.

Some things needed to have a more normal year are out of our control. Others are not. We need to focus on what we can control. On what is needed to allow people to work normally, kids to go to school normally, and all of us to once again, recreate normally.

We need Congress to get off their asses and focus on the main thing. And that main thing is keeping us secure while living lives as normally as possible. That is what 2021 should be about. No more, no less.


Sunday, February 21, 2021

Best of the worst

"Whereas many of us think Reagan and Trump deserve a place on Mount Rushmore, Obama, Biden, and Kerry deserve to be immortalized in the Potomac Swamp. Our great country, which ran like a souped up Ferrari, has been traded in for a Prius with a flat tire."

We seem to have a new honor these days. Our new President has this one nailed. He is the best of the worst. Seeing the collage of oddities who were running for President on the blue team in 2020, somehow Slo Joe distinguished himself enough to be the pick. The winner. And to date, we have seen how he operates. How he "governs". Feel better now? You shouldn't be.

Joe Biden has America on the complete opposite trajectory that Donald Trump had us on. Instead of America first and being the shining city on the hill, we are now America the ordinary, with Joe assuring our Euro allies we can be just as lethargic as they can be. Will NATO start paying their fair share like Trump demanded of them? Who cares? We can shoulder their portion like we always do. We can print more money than anybody. And the day of reckoning when the bills come do? Again - who cares? According to Lurch, we will all be dead in 9 years, from climate abuse.

Speaking of climate abuse, what is up with China? How in the world are they getting a free pass on this issue? Why is it up to us to unilaterally disarm our economy? That dunce of a President already has our energy industry on the skids. How is that working out for us? I don't know - let's ask Texas. Meanwhile, China has been burning coal like nobody's business. How much coal? More than the rest of the world (including us), combined. Because China owns the Biden family, don't look for any pressure to be put on China from Lurch. Meanwhile, some electric customers in Texas have $17,000 electric bills from this last cold snap.

Under Obama, when we went to sleep, I expect the same to happen under Biden. China and Russia are loving this, same with the Iranians. If this were not so sad, it would almost be amusing to watch. Again, Biden has us unilaterally disarming (so to speak). How so?

If China wants to take over the South China Sea - let them. If they want to invade Taiwan - let them. If they want to bully Hong Kong into submission - let them. If they want to harvest organs out of the Uighurs - let them. If they want to keep stealing us blind from patent infringements - let them. This is now the era of Biden, Inc. The best of the worst is allowing our country to be a doormat for China, once again.

Whereas many of us think Reagan and Trump deserve a place on Mount Rushmore, Obama, Biden, and Kerry deserve to be immortalized in the Potomac Swamp. Our great country, which ran like a souped up Ferrari under Trump, has been traded in for a Prius with a flat tire under Biden. Can we make it until 2022, when we vote in a new Congress? We have to. Until then, hold on for dear life.

Saturday, February 20, 2021

Heard about herd?

"By the way, the numbers started dropping before Donald Trump got out of office. Joe Biden - if we get herd immunity this spring or summer, don't you dare take credit for this! And stop the damn fear mongering! We are so over it."

Herd immunity. Boy have we heard that term in spades this past year. We can get it, we can't get it. The vaccines will give it to us, the variants will take it away. Masks don't help, masks save lives. Wear one mask, wear three. It is enough to make your head explode! But then, all of a sudden, (as Biden tells us), we need to follow the science. And part of the science is the numbers. And the numbers (stats), are coming down unexplainably fast.

Last night and this morning, there were three different (highly credentialed) doctors on the news discussing a new theory - and this one is a whopper. Herd immunity. We are getting it much faster than anyone had imagined. Like how fast? These three docs, from three different locations and practices, are thinking maybe by this April. Huh? You have got to be kidding me! After Fauci scaring the crap out of us? Telling us to wear three masks? Now it gets interesting.

According to the US Center of Disease Control and Prevention, Covid cases have dropped 78% during the past six weeks. Why? Scientists are still working on the exact answer. BUT - some are now thinking a sizable portion of our population might have developed some kind of immunity towards this disease. PLUS - the small, yet growing portion of our population who have been immunized also have immunity. Bottom line? Some are now thinking we might have herd immunity by this April. That is just over a month away!

Now keep in mind, some of the docs still think this type of talk borders on heresy. Plus, some politicians who know nothing (like our Governor), think we need to be masked up for years to come. One doc was asked point blank about masks this summer. He said if this herd immunity comes to fruition in April, we could be mask-less by June. When I heard that, my first thought was crystal clear. OPEN UP ALL OUR BUSINESSES! These people have suffered long enough!

In any event, for whatever the reason, the numbers are dropping. For those anti-vaxxers, the disappointing thing for you is none of the docs said anything bad about the vaccine(s). In fact, the more people who get vaccinated, the sooner we get to herd immunity. And who knows - maybe Dr. Osterholm is right. Maybe one shot instead of two might be enough. All I know is this - our knowledge of this disease and how to treat it is unfolding right before our eyes. And as one doc said - this will help us tremendously when the next virus comes a calling.

By the way, the numbers started dropping before Donald Trump got out of office. Joe Biden - if we get herd immunity this spring or summer, don't you dare take credit for this! And stop the damn fear mongering! We are so over it.



Friday, February 19, 2021

Idiots on parade

"Keep an eye on this one, folks. It might have legs. Time to talk to our Representatives. Don't bother with contacting our Senators in Minnesota - they are worthless on First and Second Amendment issues. Elections have consequences - and this is a perfect example of one."

Don't look now, but one of the biggest idiots in the House of Representatives is crafting one of the most un-Constitutional bills - ever. Yes, I am talking about Shelia Jackson Lee from Texas, and I am talking about the "Sebika Sheikh Firearm Licensing and Registration Act" (now that is a mouthful!). 

This is a gun control bill all the way. This bill is named after someone from Pakistan who was killed in a school shooting. Why someone from Pakistan? You tell me. In any event, if you get the chance, read this thing over. This nutball from Texas has thrown everything in this bill but the kitchen sink. Besides total registration of ALL firearms, taking a test to see if you are sane, mandatory gun training, there is also a mandatory $800/year liability insurance requirement. 

This is it, folks. This is what President Trump tried to warn us about. Yes, the Democrats are coming for your guns. In spades. And this is just one bill. There is also talk about going after additional liability on the gun manufacturers. Maybe putting a confiscatory tax on ammo. So if someone gets shot by a thug with a Colt .45, that person could go after Colt in a lawsuit. Not the thug - just Colt.

First off, this is only my opinion. This stupid un-Constitutional law will go nowhere. Even if this makes it through the Senate (doubtful), and Slo Joe signs it into law (probable), I don't know of one beating heart who owns at least one gun - who will comply. This "law" will be ignored. And - who is going to enforce it? A Constitutional Sheriff sure will not. Where will that leave us? Law-abiding citizens instantly turned into lawbreakers (technically).

Anybody who studies REAL history (not revisionist common core), knows one of the first things a tyrannical government does, is to take the guns away from the citizens. What Representative Lee is doing right now in crafting this bill plays right into history. Why? She is a moron of the highest degree. We have millions of people who are suffering due to this pandemic right now. Looking for the next stimulus package. And what are tools like Lee working on? Impeachment of a former President, and un-Constitutional laws. SMH.

Keep an eye on this one, folks. It might have legs. Time to talk to our Representatives. Don't bother with contacting our Senators in Minnesota - they are worthless on First and Second Amendment issues. Elections have consequences - and this is a perfect example of one.



Thursday, February 18, 2021

Dark hearts in their darker world...

"Rush Limbaugh was a good man. A smart man. A gifted man. The only hate that Rush had in his heart, was for things which could harm this great country. He love America. He loved Americans. He loved what this country could do - how exceptional it is." 

Rush had barely drawn his last breath, when the haters came out. You know who I am talking about. They never really go away. They are there, at the ready, to spew their venom on whomever just passed away - as long as that person is a conservative. Why would they do that? Every person who passes is either a husband, wife, father, mother, child or grandparent. Where does this hate come from? Stand by - the answer is really very simple.

Listening to a man of God a few years ago, he said something very profound. "Guard your hearts and your souls. You only have one heart and one soul, and you must protect it from turning dark." And how does that happen? By turning from God. The Democrat (now socialist) party, has long ago let God know that He is not welcomed anymore. Once you throw God out of your heart, evil is quick to come in and occupy it. When that happens, the heart turns dark quickly.

Rush Limbaugh was a good man. A smart man. A gifted man. The only hate that Rush had in his heart, was for things which could harm this great country. He love America. He loved Americans. He loved what this country could do - how exceptional it is. In all the years I listened to Rush, I never heard him say he hated anyone. Sure, he hated socialism for what it did to people, but he never hated a person.

Rush protected his heart by having a relationship with Jesus Christ. Yes, it really is that simple. He lived a blessed life, and many times thanked God for those blessings. The left on the other hand, have been posting some things so vile about Rush, they are beyond obscene. To post some very hatful and hurtful things like that, is beyond being un-American. It is almost like being beyond human. 

But all the hatred, vile and invective which is being spewed by the left right now cannot hurt Rush. Rush lives with God in His Holy Kingdom. It can't hurt the people who loved Rush. Why? Hate is a boomerang emotion. Hate always comes back to hurt the hater much more than the hated. That hate will reside and fester in the dark heart of the hater, until that hate becomes self directed. 

It has often been said, that hate is the battery acid of the soul. I could not agree more. All we can do with the secular humanists who spew this type of hatred, is to hope and pray that someday they will accept the Lord's mercy and forgiveness. For without that, their dark hearts will not only lead to darker lives while on Earth, but a much darker life thereafter.  

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Terror in Texas

"Rather than trying to impeach a former President sixteen or seventeen times, this would be a wonderful thing for Congress to work on. To fund. Unlike worldwide abortion, taxpayers would be happy to see our tax dollars go towards making our energy and water systems more robust." 

Don't look now, but the great state of Texas just received a huge black eye. Texas, which has long been a magnet to attract liberty loving people, who long for wide open spaces with little to no taxes, all of a sudden looks very vulnerable. What this cold snap did to the energy distribution system in Texas, should be a HUGE wake up call. As it is, besides for the discomfort and misery of not having power or heat when it is just above zero, it also proved fatal for some Texans.

As much as I would like to blame all this misery on those worthless bird killing windmills, I cannot in good conscious do that. What happened to the grid in Texas (along with some other states), was a system wide failure of the energy system. And why has this not happened before? Because a storm like this has not happened in recent memory. 

Unless you are Joe Biden or a member of the "greenies" squad, the lessons to be learned should be obvious. In other words, failure to plan, is planning to fail. Yes, that old adage holds true in this mess. For years, many of us have been voices in the wilderness, sounding the alarm about our grid. About not having enough clean and abundant clean energy, like nuclear. We need to ensure that our water, heat, and electrical sources are robust enough to withstand anything natural or un-natural which is thrown at us. In 2021, we found out the hard way, we are far from prepared.

Rather than trying to impeach a former President sixteen or seventeen times, this would be a wonderful thing for Congress to work on. To fund. Unlike worldwide abortion, taxpayers would be happy to see our tax dollars go towards making our energy and water systems more robust. 

Now a quick word about windmills. They suck. They will never fill the bill we need, and they cannot be recycled. Many which failed, now sit in our landfills. They kill birds of all sizes, bats, and cause people great discomfort, who are unfortunate enough to live close to them. This century, we will find many new sources of cleaner, more abundant energy. For starters, we can put up some of those newer, cleaner nuke plants.

All eyes need to be on Texas right now. We need to see how they recover from this once in a lifetime storm. We need to see if they learned any lessons. Lessons to keep this from happening again. Will Biden learn from this? Nope. Why? Bought and paid for. This could happen every year, and Biden would not change his course. As for the rest of us, remember 2022. Winning back the House and keeping the Senate is our only hope.

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Monday, February 15, 2021

Who will be the next "Swamp Drainer"?

"What we have seen since this faux election, the swamp is deep and wide. Much deeper and wider than we once thought. Time to clean house and take our country back. Step one is taking back the House in 2022." 

Now that the second impeachment (and acquittal) of Donald Trump is over, it is time to move on. To focus on 2022. I know, I know - we also need to fix our broken election system, so the Democrats don't cheat us again.

Lindsey Graham was on a Sunday news show talking about the latest impeachment trial, as well as his recent conversation with President Trump. The good news? Donald Trump is ready to re-engage. Ready to help with 2022. That is bad news for the blue team.

But what about the red team? Where does that leave the Republican Party? The Party of Lincoln? Most of us already know this, but the Republican Party has split into two separate parties. One part of the party is the party of Mitt Romney. The establishment party. Or as some call it, the "uniparty" of Washington. Go along, get along party. No values, no standards, no spine.

The other part of the Republican Party is the party of Donald J. Trump. He has taken the party of Ronald Reagan and raised it up a notch or two. This is the party of the establishment disruptors. The turning over the tables in the temple party. The "swamp drainer" party. The party which looks upon our Constitution the same way the Founders did.

Is it possible that Donald Trump could run for President again? Sure, but I hope not. Not that he was not effective and got tons of stuff done, but the Democrats will burn the town down if he comes back. We need a Trump 2.0 type of person. One who has the passion and vison of Donald Trump, with maybe some smoother edges. One who can woo some of the suburban "Karen's", back to our party once again.

This past impeachment "trial" was two steps beyond farcical. Republicans in the House who voted to impeach, and Republicans in the Senate who voted to convict (throw Mitch in with that group), need to update their resumes and think about what they will do next. For this party to go forward, we need to give people something to vote FOR - not just the "uniparty" of Washington. We need solid, principal centric people, who can clearly articulate the conservative message. They are out there - we just need to bring them forward into the light.

What we have seen since this faux election, the swamp is deep and wide. Much deeper and wider than we once thought. Time to clean house and take our country back. Step one is taking back the House in 2022. Then we can impeach Harris for her real crimes with BLM. 

The old Chinese proverb is that many hands lessen the load. Time to get those hands activated. That is all.  

Saturday, February 13, 2021

Well, something seems to be working!

"Here are the facts. The number of infections, the number of fatalities, the number of hospitalizations, the number of ICU stays - all down." 

I am kind of a numbers guy. Truthfully - it often times drives my wife nuts. But this is the way I am. The way I always have been. With the onset of this most unwelcomed pandemic, I have been glued to the daily stats. Why? Both my wife and myself, as well as many of our friends, are in the target zone. My concern is that we get on top of this disease, rather than letting the disease get on top of us. And as of late, it appears we are starting to turn the tide.

So what does all this jibber jabber mean then Bird? It means, no matter which statistic you are looking at in Minnesota right now, the numbers are dropping. Like, really dropping. That is good news, right? Absolutely. And why are they dropping? That is the $64,000 question. To point to a singular cause invites all kinds of opinionated discussion.

Here are the facts. The number of infections, the number of fatalities, the number of hospitalizations, the number of ICU stays - all down. For a while, it looked like we were going to over stress our hospital resources, as well as our mortuaries. Our Governor even bought a tax payer funded morgue. But right now, we are in a better place (stats wise). Even though we are long from being out of the woods, keeping on this trajectory is a good thing.

Here are the possible reasons for this unexpected improvement in the Covid numbers:

  • Vaccinations - Even though we are lagging from where we should be, about 10% of our population have had at least one shot. With the vaccines being used, studies have shown that we should be realizing a 95% efficacy. It takes about two weeks after the second shot to be about 95% "bulletproof" from this virus.
  • Therapeutics - Let's face it - when this disease first came on the scene, it caught us somewhat flat footed. Some of our older folks got sick, went into the hospital, then into the ICU, some got incubated, and then many died. Last spring, our batting average in saving sick folks was not good. Then we got smarter, real fast. Today however - we have learned a lot on how to treat this thing. Although some still get really sick and maybe die, our batting average in saving folks is much, much better.
  • Personal Care - Many months ago, I heard a doctor on the national news saying the best way to protect yourself was "time and distance". In other words, stay at least 6 feet (10 -12 preferably) from other folks, and limit your exposure to under 15 minutes. That will help protect you from getting a "viral load" from an infected person which could sicken you. Proper handwashing, as well as correctly covering your mouth and nose when you cough and/or sneeze have been a must.
  • Face Masks - I left the sticky one for last. I see people falling into three categories with this one. First - true believers. All masks are good, especially the N95 and N100 ones. Cloth masks, good to a degree with enough layers. Some people are now wearing three masks at once. Good luck breathing! Second - doubters and skeptics. Masks are worthless, especially the cloth ones. Just instruments of control. Do more harm than good. Third - (I think most fall in this one) - go along to get along. Not a true believer nor a skeptic. Just want to be left alone and not hassled.
Whatever the reason for the decline in our numbers, I will take it! Maybe it is bit of all four items listed above. In any event, I just want us to win this thing, so we can go back to being the social and relational people we always have been. Skol?  


Friday, February 12, 2021

Fight! (so they say)...

"Not violence or storming the Capitol, but there is nothing wrong with pitchfork and torches in the street to remind our government they work for us, and not visa versa."

I guess we all became "woke up" on January 6th. Like - what the hell just happened? I know, I know. The goofballs on the left want the American people to think that Donald J. Trump whipped the crowd into a frenzy, and then sent them over to Capitol Hill to raise cane and cause injury.

In fact, it is reported that Trump even used the word "fight", like the American people need to fight for their God given rights. He told them to go over to the Capitol not to break things and kill people, but to show their representatives they were NOT happy with the election. The outcome? More so, the way the outcome was obtained. 

What are the lessons learned? First and most important, if you are a conservative, you may no longer use the word "fight". For the left on the other hand, it has been part of their lexicon for so long, we will just let it go. Well, that is not exactly true. The new bar has been set by the Democrats. And it is a "how low can you go bar". The odd thing is, the Democrats seem to think they have the upper hand with this second impeachment trial. But it only seems that way. They have no idea what is coming at them once the conservatives are in power again.

First off, I want Biden impeached for what he is doing to our national security. Not even the Russians have done this much harm. Trump was fixing the hole in our southern border, and the village idiot we elected just opened it up again and made it even bigger. I then want him impeached for his unilateral war on our energy industry. To throw thousands out of work for no reason, is treasonous. 

Our government needs to be scrubbed clean. The Deep State has infected all branches, and both parties. It did not start out this way, and our early governments understood what the Founders were doing and why they did it. But corruption set in over the years. People started going to Washington not to serve, but to be served. It took the ultimate outsider to come to Washington to pull back the covers. And now Donald Trump is paying a high price because of it.

By the way, if we don't fight for our country, soon there will be no country left to fight for. That is my "un-woke" of saying to people, wake up and do something. Not violence or storming the Capitol, but there is nothing wrong with pitchfork and torches in the street to remind our government they work for us, and not visa versa.

Time to tell Congress to wake up also. They should look at what happened on January 6th as being a shot across the bow. There ARE people out in the hinterland who are fed up and tired of not being listened to. It is time for Congress to wake up and get control of things, before events like January 6th become common rather than an anomaly.    

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Unfixable, Bought, and "Stoopid"!

"There you have it folks. In a very short period of time, we have gone from MAGA to MAS (Make America 'Stoopid'). Even though many of us believe Biden cheated his way into the White House, there are millions of blue pill takers who voted for this moron."

This morning I was watching an article about a bunch of AGs from various states who just sent a letter to Biden about the foolish (or "stoopid") things he has done in the short time since becoming President. Things which make no sense. Like, stopping construction on the southern border wall. And deactivating much of the power and authority that ICE and the Border Patrol have. This softening of our border security may be paybacks to some of Biden's socialist and goofy supporters, but they are deadly dangerous to our country. Why can't Biden see this? Because he is not only bought and paid for, he is "stoopid".

As President, he is supposed to be looking out for the welfare of HIS people - not folks from all over the globe. For those who have not figured this out as yet, let me help. If immigrants and refugees voted 80% or higher for Republicans once they became US citizens, Biden would make the southern wall 100 feet higher. Like, nobody would get in. But since most immigrants and refugees like the Santa Clause in the Democratic Party, most all vote blue. That is why Biden wants our borders to be soft. If it hurts American citizens - live with it.

One of the other things Biden did which makes zero sense, is cancelling the XL Pipeline. Hey Joe, you moron! The oil is still going to be extracted and moved from Canada into the US. Only now it will have to be moved by riskier and more expensive methods, like rail or truck. All Biden did by cancelling the XL Pipeline, is throw thousands of American and Canadian blue color workers out of a job. But don't worry - Joe said they can go over to China and help build windmill blades. 

Joe and the socialists want our country to be "carbon neutral" by 2050. Because the biggest carbon polluters on the globe will not make that pledge, we will be at a huge economic disadvantage. Now, do I think this country will eventually be carbon neutral. Sure - sometime this century when the technology is there. But not now. To unilaterally give up our fossil fuels, would be like a gunfighter to unilaterally give up his six shooter right before a gun fight. This would be nuts. But as most of us have known for years, Slo Joe ain't too bright.

In is blizzard of over 50 executive actions so far, he has also allowed men to compete as women in woman's sports. Huh? What sense does that make??? Quite a bit for Mr. "Owned by everybody and everything." This will appease the less than 1% TG crowd. Never mind it will probably kill woman's sports. Like I said, Joe is a bit on the "stoopid" side.

There you have it folks. In a very short period of time, we have gone from MAGA to MAS (Make America "Stoopid"). Even though many of us believe Biden cheated his way into the White House, there are millions of blue pill takers who voted for this moron. We traded in Donald Trump, a "fixer" who has a rough and tough manner, for this nitwit. 

Congress - get out of that shame impeachment trial and GO DO YOUR DAMN JOB! You are letting Slo Joe turn this country into a Mao like dictatorship.   

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

The man who should be king

"For those who support this faux impeachment, you need to come back to reality. It will be very hard to get a quality person to run for President again, if this is the kind of treatment they will receive. We will be stuck with professional tools and losers like Slo Joe." 

Who those who are in the anti-vaccination crowd, you might want to skip this one. However, if you are in the pro-Trump crowd, you DON'T want to miss this one. If you are an anti-vaxxer and also pro-Trump, then I don't know what you should do. In any event, I am now going to "let er' rip"! 

What I am going to say now, is something many also realize. Donald J. Trump, in his four years, did many wonderful things for this country. However - the one which will have the most impact for years to come, is Project Warp Speed. If you believe the doctors or not, here is what the majority of them are saying right now. Covid-19 is starting to mutate. Not uncommon for viruses. The only thing which can slow down this mutation, is herd immunity, given to us by millions being vaccinated. 

Without Project Warp Speed, we would be in a real jam right now. Even with Warp Speed, it is going to be nip and tuck to see how many folks can have needles in their arms before the UK, Brazilian, or South African variants become huge problems. Many doctors now believe that having as much vaccine available as we do now, will save countless lives. Ameliorate suffering of millions, who might end up in an ICU. When all is said and done, my belief is historians will be very kind to Donald Trump on this issue. It is his crowning achievement.

Now here is the irony, and I mean irony. This morning, the impeachment trial of Donald Trump will begin. Sound and fury based on nothing. Many of the buttheads who are prosecuting this trial, have been given the vaccine, which was brought to all of us compliments of Project Warp Speed. Donald Trump did nothing wrong to deserve this trial - other than telling his supporters to peacefully march over to the Capitol Building and let Congress know what was happening in this election was wrong. 

Here is what should be happening today. Donald Trump should still be President, since he beat Biden by over 10 million votes. Congress should be holding hearings, trying to decide what kind of award they should bestow on this President for his foresight and courage, to push Warp Speed as hard as he did. Instead, this ungrateful bunch of misfits and losers, want to further punish this fine man. SMH. 

For those who support this faux impeachment, you need to come back to reality. It will be very hard to get a quality person to run for President again, if this is the kind of treatment they will receive. We will be stuck with professional tools and losers like Slo Joe. It saddens me to think we get the kind of government we deserve. We sure don't deserve Joe Biden.

Monday, February 8, 2021

Payback might be a Bi(den) itch!

"This is part of your Great Reset. We understand. You are changing everything, including how our government operates. Not our choice to follow suit, but you left us with no choice."

Oh, to go back in time to the Obama Administration. All the BS we let he and Biden get away with. Let's not forget Clinton and Kerry also, when they served as Obama's SOS. And of course, Obama's "wingman", Eric Holder as his AG. Plus Loretta Lynch when Holder left. And Susan Rice at the UN. Oh, to live those days again, with today's "burn it all down" Democratic philosophy.

After Donald Trump, we have seen the last normal Presidency. How the Democrats treated President Trump, is without precedence. A new low was reached. The stage was set for hate and acrimony going far into the future. And now Biden, who is a faux President, is off and running trying to look like Obama 3.0. And the continued disrespect for our 45th President is not going un-noticed. Not by me, and not by tens of millions citizens and patriots.

Our message to Biden? Careful sir - payback might be a bitch. We have learned quite a bit from watching how you guys operate. As is said in Nordeast Minneapolis, if you are going to throw a bag of poop out of the front window, make sure your back window is rolled up. And Biden - you windows are wide open. 

Plus this stunt that your socialists in Congress pulled, by throwing Representative Green off her committee assignments, that is going to come back and bite you a hundred times over. Do we agree with some of the nutty things she said prior to running for Congress? Of course not. But we are the party of free speech. The First and Second Amendments are near and dear to our hearts. But since the bar has now been lowered, when we take back the House in 2022 (and we will), many of your ilk, including your Veep, will be tossed for the same sin. You set the bar that low - we did not. 

Who is going to be the first to get tossed in Congress? Our own Omar, who may have committed more crimes than can be counted. We were ginger on her before - did not want to be called a racist, islamophobe, or whatever. But no more. The bar has been set low by the Democrats. If we find out any in your party even spit on the sidewalk when they were six years old, we are coming after them. Toss them off committees, and then maybe out of the government. 

Meanwhile, the socialists are going full bore with the second impeachment trial of Donald Trump this week. Again, we are paying attention and taking notes. Biden will not allow Trump, a former President, to be privy to any classified briefings (a practice which has gone on for years). Okay. We get it. But once again - you lowered the bar. We did not. Once we get Biden and Harris out of the White House, they will NEVER get another briefing. Why? Don't trust them. Same words Biden said about Trump.

This is part of your Great Reset. We understand. You are changing everything, including how our government operates. Not our choice to follow suit, but you left us with no choice. Once in power, we will not only call your bet, but also raise the ante. Payback? You asked for it. Over and over again. You set the table, now don't bitch about the menu.


Sunday, February 7, 2021

The China/Mexico Connection?

"This week, the misfits in the Senate will conduct another impeachment trial on a President who wanted nothing more than to protect and grow this country. President Trump would have NEVER put this country into the danger that Slo Joe has in just three weeks."

I guess I need to trade in the "My Governor is an Idiot" mask and find another one. One which says, "My Governor may be an idiot, but my faux President is way beyond being an idiot, he is a country wrecker". Too many words? Yes, I thought so also. However the message on the face mask would be very true. Our country is being wrecked, by a feeble old man, manipulated by China and the socialists.

Last night there was an article on the news about the crisis on our southern border. Now that the clueless Slo Joe has signed an order allowing whomever, to come over whenever they want, the world's baddies are also taking advantage of it. I have already addressed the cartels. They are about as happy as drug runners can be right now! The welcome mat is out! Life will be very good for them!

But what about the worst poison of them all - fentanyl. According to the reporting I heard last night, China has just been given cart blanche to ship all kinds of product into Mexico, where it will be further refined, and then sent northward. Meanwhile, as more and more clueless states are now allowing for the legalization of pot as well as other drugs, the poison coming over our wide open southern border just intensified. What are we going to do about it? With Biden - nothing. Remember - he is owned by the open border crowd as well as the ChiComs.

Hello? Congress? Can't you see what is happening here? Are the Republicans that cowed right now, by the Democrat cancel culture, they are hiding like scared rabbits? WE HAVE A HUGE PROBLEM HERE FOLKS! How bad can it get? A recent international survey found out that over 2 BILLION people world wide, would like to come to America - any way possible. With the welcome mat out, get ready for not only scores coming in from Mexica and Central America, but also Asia and Africa. For the same reason that all the passengers on the Titanic could not fit into one life boat, America cannot handle too many unskilled refugees and immigrants. it will sink our ship of state. 

This week, the misfits in the Senate will conduct another impeachment trial on a President who wanted nothing more than to protect and grow this country. President Trump would have NEVER put this country into the danger that Slo Joe has in just three weeks. Meanwhile, our voting system is still highly suspect, and Hunter Biden is living the life of Riley. What is wrong with this picture? Everything. SMH that we have sunk this low, this fast. 

Saturday, February 6, 2021

Our government is here to help (so to speak)

"Well folks, many who voted wanted the kids in charge again. The memories of how hosed up things were under Obama, seemed to have faded fast. Now we have it again."

I had a very bad dream last night. In fact, I woke up in a cold sweat. I dreamed Obama had somehow gotten a third term, and we were living through it right now. Then I woke up and realized it was just a dream - or was it? When I look at the cast of clowns that Slo Joe has surrounded himself with, it is like Obama 3.0 instead of Biden 1.0. And one of the biggest nitwits Obama had on his staff was one of the "Valley Girls" - Jen Psaki. Now she is the spokes person for all the bad things which are happening under Biden 1.0.

Besides making fun of our Armed Forces, Psaki does not know a dit from a duh. I mean, she should be better at this job, since under Obama she was the State Department spokes person. In any event, one of the questions she was asked yesterday was not a softball question (for a change), was very telling. "Since the President has signed an executive order reversing the Trump policy on people crossing our border who are undocumented, how are we handling people who test positive for Covid -19? Is this not the 'catch and release' procedure that the Obama Administration used?" Psaki's answer - crickets.

Then another question was asked which was also not a softball. "The Director of the CDC recently said it was safe to open up our schools, and safe for the teachers to go back to classroom learning. Yet, many states have teacher's unions which refuse to do so. Is the President in agreement with the Director of the CDC?" Psaki's answer - "The Director was speaking for herself and not the administration." Huh? What kind of a non answer was that? The real answer should have been, "Regardless of what the President said about following the science, he is still cowed by unions, especially the teacher's union."

Another question I would have asked the spokes person (with never a good answer) is this one - "The President's science advisors have recently said the distribution of vaccine is so delayed in some parts of the country, it might take until June 1st to vaccinate all the folks over 65. What is the plan to speed that up?" The truthful answer is there is no plan. Slo Joe and his team are in way over their heads right now, and if they don't get all the teachers vaccinated before anyone else, there will be hell to pay - starting with Joe's teacher wife. 

Well folks, many who voted wanted the kids in charge again. The memories of how hosed up things were under Obama, seemed to have faded fast. Now we have it again. The court jester and the village idiots running (or ruining) the joint. Joe likes to call himself a "proud Democrat". No Joe, just a typical Democrat. All talk and no game. With you at the helm, help is not coming. 

Friday, February 5, 2021

The "unity" factor

"What can the Republicans do prior to 2022? Act like a principled conservative party damit! Quit being cowed by the socialists! If we cannot act like the Party of Lincoln, and give our base (and the independents) something to vote FOR - the Democrats will steamroll us in the next election."

Last night, in the United States Senate, we saw how well our new Biden era "unity" works. Or does not work. The Republicans did everything they could to stop or modify this gargantuan "stimulus" bill. But alas and alack, as the saying goes, ELECTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES".

For those disgruntled Republicans, and independents who voted with the Democrats this past election, this is the alternate to the Donald Trump you voted for. Because you hated the man who gave you wonderful results, but had a rough manner, you opted for a feeble puppet who is being manipulated by Susan Rice and the rest of the socialists.

As for Biden, he is so full of crap, his squinty little eyes are brown. Unity my ass! The Democrats have NEVER believed in unity. Never, ever. Some with short memories, seemed to have forgotten that, and voted blue anyhow. The scary thing? That pork filled bill which passed the House and Senate, is the least damaging thing that Biden will sign. The rest of it? Heinous crap is coming our way.

Here is an example of how one way our "unity" is right now. Liz Cheney voted to impeach our President. To this day, she has no regrets. That would NEVER happen on the blue side of the road. Then 11 "Republicans" voted with the Democrats to strip Representative Green from her committee assignments. For nutty things she said BEFORE she ran for Congress. Again, Democrats stick together like glue, no matter how bad a fellow Democrat behaves. 

Here we sit in the post-Trump era, with no leadership on the Republican side. Many who are left, are like scared rabbits. They are willing to re-join the Washington uniparty in a heartbeat. That is unity in the Democrats book. You join us, agree with us, and vote with us, and we might leave you and your family alone. Otherwise, the Democrats will seek to destroy whomever seems to get in their way. Welcome to Biden's America.

What can the Republicans do prior to 2022? Act like a principled conservative party damit! Quit being cowed by the socialists! If we cannot act like the Party of Lincoln, and give our base (and the independents) something to vote FOR - the Democrats will steamroll us in the next election. The more we act like real Republicans, the more the socialists will be revealed for what they are. That is the ONLY way we will get back into power. 

"Miss me yet?" Yes, President Trump, we miss you more than you could ever imagine. Now we are stuck with old squinty, with Commie Harris as his "wing(wo)man".


Thursday, February 4, 2021

Our Southern Border (Redux)

"If he can stay awake long enough, Slo Joe should see Lara Logan's show. He could learn something about real life. This is reality Joe - now do something! And start building the damn wall (again)!" 

If you have not yet seen it, I strongly encourage you to watch something vitally important. It is Lara Logan's "Lara Logan has no Agenda" series. The one I watched last night, was about her return to our southern border. Current, like since Biden has been sworn in current. She wanted to update her report on the southern border she put together last year. The only word I can used to describe this show is - "chilling".

She and one of the border agents, were by the banks of the Rio Grande, in the dark, at 4am in the morning. They were looking across the border into a small town in Mexico. It was a war zone. Small arms fire, heavy arms fire, grenades, everything you would expect to see and hear during a fire fight, in a war zone. But this is not a war zone. It is a border town, less than a mile from one of our Texas border towns. 

Just an aside for a minute. A few years ago when were on vacation in Columbia, I asked one of the locals if Columbia was still concerned by the violent drug trade which plagued that country for decades. "Oh, no. We got rid of all the drugs and dealers." I looked at him with a surprised expression. "Really? Were did they go? That was a huge industry." He shrugged his shoulders and said, "Mexico. They all went to Mexico".

Back to this small border town on the Rio Grande. It was being torn apart by two rival cartels. Both were armed to the teeth. Both cartels have members (according to reporting), in 35 of our 50 states. One of the cartels had taken pictures of its troops. Some masked, some not. They looked like a cross between a well regulated militia and ISIS. And America is right in their bulls eye. Drugs, trafficking, sex, murder - you name it. It is all headed north.

What a great time for a clueless President, who is owned by everyone except the citizens and taxpayers, to abolish any border control. Everything, and everyone bad, is invited to hide within the flood of immigrants, who will soon be among us, thanks to the Obama era "catch and release" program. Congress better get off their dead asses and do something soon, or our southern states will start looking like northern Mexico. 

If he can stay awake long enough, Slo Joe should see Lara Logan's show. He could learn something about real life. This is reality Joe - now do something! And start building the damn wall (again)!