Tuesday, February 2, 2021

A new state of confusion?

"Someone told me years ago that the main difference between Republicans and Democrats is that Republicans seek solutions, and Democrats only seek power. Ain't that the truth. Unbridled power is what Democrats would gain with 4 more Senate seats."

We were warned this might happen. In fact, not one new state, the Democrats would like two of them. What is wrong with that, one might ask? "Keep our democracy growing!" (As most of us know, it is only the Democrats who refer to our republic as a democracy.) In any event, with a divided Senate (50/50), getting four more Democrat Senators would fix our mess. The road to serfdom, the road to socialism, would be wide open. 

Wait a minute Bird! Wait just a dog gone minute here! First off, how can a city become a state? Like, what the what? Also (minor detail here), does not our Constitution address this? That our nation's capital is suppose to stand alone? Be a district, not a state? Correct me if I am wrong on this account, but this seems like a whole lot of work to get two more Democrat Senators. Is it really worth it? "Oh yea", said the typical Democrat - "You bet your bippy it is worth it!"

What if this falls flat? Like, those pesky Republicans throwing roadblocks up to keep this from happening? Well - there is always Puerto Rico. I mean, Puerto Rico is already a territory of ours. They could go from having a delegate in the House of Representatives, to full fledged Representatives. Plus (and here is the big one) - two Democrat Senators! The ideal fix would be to have both WDC and Puerto Rico be states. But heck - just to get one would keep those Republicans out of office, maybe forever!

This is the time where the Bird becomes the voice of sanity. To have either of these locations become states, rests in the land of "never happen". We know what is in it for the Democrats - what is in it for the Republicans? Self extinction? The exercise in trying to make this happen, is about as futile as the second impeachment of a President who is no longer serving. Meanwhile, the Covid stimulus bill is going nowhere, and people are suffering.

Someone told me years ago that the main difference between Republicans and Democrats is that Republicans seek solutions, and Democrats only seek power. Ain't that the truth. Unbridled power is what Democrats would gain with 4 more Senate seats. Democrats know that, and Republicans also know that.

Stay tuned on what is happening in Washington these days folks. It is sausage of the wurst kind being made. Many of us on the right, think what will happen during the next two years, is the unraveling of the Democrat Party. The cheating, the shenanigans, the parlor games, will lead to a monstrous red wave in November of 2022. We can only hope the Democrats keep acting the way they have been since November. 



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