Friday, February 12, 2021

Fight! (so they say)...

"Not violence or storming the Capitol, but there is nothing wrong with pitchfork and torches in the street to remind our government they work for us, and not visa versa."

I guess we all became "woke up" on January 6th. Like - what the hell just happened? I know, I know. The goofballs on the left want the American people to think that Donald J. Trump whipped the crowd into a frenzy, and then sent them over to Capitol Hill to raise cane and cause injury.

In fact, it is reported that Trump even used the word "fight", like the American people need to fight for their God given rights. He told them to go over to the Capitol not to break things and kill people, but to show their representatives they were NOT happy with the election. The outcome? More so, the way the outcome was obtained. 

What are the lessons learned? First and most important, if you are a conservative, you may no longer use the word "fight". For the left on the other hand, it has been part of their lexicon for so long, we will just let it go. Well, that is not exactly true. The new bar has been set by the Democrats. And it is a "how low can you go bar". The odd thing is, the Democrats seem to think they have the upper hand with this second impeachment trial. But it only seems that way. They have no idea what is coming at them once the conservatives are in power again.

First off, I want Biden impeached for what he is doing to our national security. Not even the Russians have done this much harm. Trump was fixing the hole in our southern border, and the village idiot we elected just opened it up again and made it even bigger. I then want him impeached for his unilateral war on our energy industry. To throw thousands out of work for no reason, is treasonous. 

Our government needs to be scrubbed clean. The Deep State has infected all branches, and both parties. It did not start out this way, and our early governments understood what the Founders were doing and why they did it. But corruption set in over the years. People started going to Washington not to serve, but to be served. It took the ultimate outsider to come to Washington to pull back the covers. And now Donald Trump is paying a high price because of it.

By the way, if we don't fight for our country, soon there will be no country left to fight for. That is my "un-woke" of saying to people, wake up and do something. Not violence or storming the Capitol, but there is nothing wrong with pitchfork and torches in the street to remind our government they work for us, and not visa versa.

Time to tell Congress to wake up also. They should look at what happened on January 6th as being a shot across the bow. There ARE people out in the hinterland who are fed up and tired of not being listened to. It is time for Congress to wake up and get control of things, before events like January 6th become common rather than an anomaly.    

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