Friday, February 5, 2021

The "unity" factor

"What can the Republicans do prior to 2022? Act like a principled conservative party damit! Quit being cowed by the socialists! If we cannot act like the Party of Lincoln, and give our base (and the independents) something to vote FOR - the Democrats will steamroll us in the next election."

Last night, in the United States Senate, we saw how well our new Biden era "unity" works. Or does not work. The Republicans did everything they could to stop or modify this gargantuan "stimulus" bill. But alas and alack, as the saying goes, ELECTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES".

For those disgruntled Republicans, and independents who voted with the Democrats this past election, this is the alternate to the Donald Trump you voted for. Because you hated the man who gave you wonderful results, but had a rough manner, you opted for a feeble puppet who is being manipulated by Susan Rice and the rest of the socialists.

As for Biden, he is so full of crap, his squinty little eyes are brown. Unity my ass! The Democrats have NEVER believed in unity. Never, ever. Some with short memories, seemed to have forgotten that, and voted blue anyhow. The scary thing? That pork filled bill which passed the House and Senate, is the least damaging thing that Biden will sign. The rest of it? Heinous crap is coming our way.

Here is an example of how one way our "unity" is right now. Liz Cheney voted to impeach our President. To this day, she has no regrets. That would NEVER happen on the blue side of the road. Then 11 "Republicans" voted with the Democrats to strip Representative Green from her committee assignments. For nutty things she said BEFORE she ran for Congress. Again, Democrats stick together like glue, no matter how bad a fellow Democrat behaves. 

Here we sit in the post-Trump era, with no leadership on the Republican side. Many who are left, are like scared rabbits. They are willing to re-join the Washington uniparty in a heartbeat. That is unity in the Democrats book. You join us, agree with us, and vote with us, and we might leave you and your family alone. Otherwise, the Democrats will seek to destroy whomever seems to get in their way. Welcome to Biden's America.

What can the Republicans do prior to 2022? Act like a principled conservative party damit! Quit being cowed by the socialists! If we cannot act like the Party of Lincoln, and give our base (and the independents) something to vote FOR - the Democrats will steamroll us in the next election. The more we act like real Republicans, the more the socialists will be revealed for what they are. That is the ONLY way we will get back into power. 

"Miss me yet?" Yes, President Trump, we miss you more than you could ever imagine. Now we are stuck with old squinty, with Commie Harris as his "wing(wo)man".


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