Saturday, February 20, 2021

Heard about herd?

"By the way, the numbers started dropping before Donald Trump got out of office. Joe Biden - if we get herd immunity this spring or summer, don't you dare take credit for this! And stop the damn fear mongering! We are so over it."

Herd immunity. Boy have we heard that term in spades this past year. We can get it, we can't get it. The vaccines will give it to us, the variants will take it away. Masks don't help, masks save lives. Wear one mask, wear three. It is enough to make your head explode! But then, all of a sudden, (as Biden tells us), we need to follow the science. And part of the science is the numbers. And the numbers (stats), are coming down unexplainably fast.

Last night and this morning, there were three different (highly credentialed) doctors on the news discussing a new theory - and this one is a whopper. Herd immunity. We are getting it much faster than anyone had imagined. Like how fast? These three docs, from three different locations and practices, are thinking maybe by this April. Huh? You have got to be kidding me! After Fauci scaring the crap out of us? Telling us to wear three masks? Now it gets interesting.

According to the US Center of Disease Control and Prevention, Covid cases have dropped 78% during the past six weeks. Why? Scientists are still working on the exact answer. BUT - some are now thinking a sizable portion of our population might have developed some kind of immunity towards this disease. PLUS - the small, yet growing portion of our population who have been immunized also have immunity. Bottom line? Some are now thinking we might have herd immunity by this April. That is just over a month away!

Now keep in mind, some of the docs still think this type of talk borders on heresy. Plus, some politicians who know nothing (like our Governor), think we need to be masked up for years to come. One doc was asked point blank about masks this summer. He said if this herd immunity comes to fruition in April, we could be mask-less by June. When I heard that, my first thought was crystal clear. OPEN UP ALL OUR BUSINESSES! These people have suffered long enough!

In any event, for whatever the reason, the numbers are dropping. For those anti-vaxxers, the disappointing thing for you is none of the docs said anything bad about the vaccine(s). In fact, the more people who get vaccinated, the sooner we get to herd immunity. And who knows - maybe Dr. Osterholm is right. Maybe one shot instead of two might be enough. All I know is this - our knowledge of this disease and how to treat it is unfolding right before our eyes. And as one doc said - this will help us tremendously when the next virus comes a calling.

By the way, the numbers started dropping before Donald Trump got out of office. Joe Biden - if we get herd immunity this spring or summer, don't you dare take credit for this! And stop the damn fear mongering! We are so over it.



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